I just wanna preface by saying that I am looking SOOOO forward to getting my two ICE shirts……
I just made the order and they have been promptly sent!
I plan to place the name of my website: Toplessinla.org in hotpink so more mofos can see who they are dealing with in me….
That said if you all see this built like a beaner bag beaner walking around…. illegally……
WHYYY all these mofos look like the fucking rock monster from Neverending Story…..
Last week it was this wetback here who called the police on me cause I wouldn’t say hi to IT’S illegal wetback ass (hope IT can say hi to I.C.E.)……
….We need a wall ????? to keep these nasty filthy degenerate rapist pedophile wetbacks from harassing black women….
Anyways, if you see this thing…..
Please call the C.D.C. oops I mean….. I.C.E. at 1-866-347-2423. I know I will!
Same if you see IT’S demon seed family members walking about as well…..
That said……
Here what these non human demon seeds think of us…..
That wetback is complaining cause Tariq has EXPOSED them murdering blacks as I have done here time and time again – ad nauseum (just look up “wetback”, “wetbuck”, demon seed or any variation of to see what I mean)….
I need you all to REALLY read these…..
Wetbucks Treat White Crackhead Like Gold While Treating Black Crackhead Like Shit
The Difference In How Mexicans Treat A Hostile White Lady Vs A Black Lady
– I stay warning you all to stop pandering to these low vibratory wretched non human demon seeds thinking that cause they skin brown it will automatically ingratiate them towards us…..
I have been WARNING you all about these creatures…..
TIME (this is how you repel em ???)……
CONFIRMED Playing 6000 Hz Frequency Runs Wetbacks Away Like Holy Water On A Demon
And time again……
I first got my first encounter with how they are here……
And then this happened cause IT could not steal MY energy….
This is why I give em ‘woke…..
Drag Me To Hell Is REAL And These WETBACKS Are About To Find Out
That being said…. I have warned black people about this poc (people of color) bull-trap you all seem to fall into…..
Black People Need To Watch This POC Ally Bullshit: Introducing Racist Richard Bowie of Vegnews
As one lady on Stormfront.org once said, folks of color DO NOT GET ALONG ON THEIR OWN!
Take whites out the equation and you will have the caste system as they do in India where the most Afrikan and darkest colored get placed at the bottom…..
With the wetback tho it’s different (I’m LITERALLY beating a dead horse – or shall I say dead dinosaur ?? at this point)…..
HEY! ? I got a great phrase for these wetbacks!
That said – in them you are dealing with a reptilian spawned, created race designed to subvert the entire human race spiritually just by their low vibratory energy alone…..
The Reptilian Seeds of Quetzalcoatl Are Meant To Keep Us In A Low Vibratory State
Low Vibratory Wetback Comes To Perv And White Man Saves The Day
Wetbacks Following Me Around For Energy After Reptilian Tells Me It Wants To Suck My Lifeforce
– See how them things gangstalk me? It’s cause I am telling the truth about they asses hisssssssss ??
That said, black people gotta stop just focusing on a collective group’s skin color to determine whether they are good enough to ally with us, creating cohesion based on skin color.
You all gotta look at mofos spiritually and esp. their bloodline to determine if they are good enough…..
– Ya’ll wanna ally with that ??
Black folks need to learn to be like the jews and pick your self esteem up off the floor and start having self respect by keeping mofos OUT!
Due to my strong Jewish genes thanks to a great great ashkenazi Jewish grandmother on my dad’s side (hence why I was able to file my own lawsuit for the topless rights thing a while back which you can read here and here) I have an antisocial bent that keeps mofos locked out and away from me. I am very protective of my energy and space and will go to any lenghts to protect it.
That is ESP. including from the wetback…..
How The Wetback Siphons Energy From Humanity And What I Am Doing And What You Can Do To Stop Them
That said these mofos are rapist, pedophiles, drunks – just overall low vibratory creatures whose function for existing is to try to steal energy. I starve em (and if I am feeling extra naughty ‘woke em)…..
Looka how I treated these two big fat oompa loompas who were coming over here to view the “topless lady” at night (how fucking stupid) expecting me to be all gregarious and jovial and a “fun time gal” – these mofos are stupid…..
Totally snubbed em (shoulda seen their reaction when I was nice to a homeless whitw man who was passing since they wanna think they white and I KNOW IT TOTALLY HURT THEIR EGO – exactly what I was looking to do – by embracing him and snubbing them ??)!
I enjoy doing that to idiots who project their traits unto me. I totally and sadistically revel in wiping the smiles off their faces and being the polar opposite of what they anticipated.
Esp. them!
Wetbacks ALWAYS focus on sex (it’s that low vibratory preoccupation coming from their reptilian bloodline) and wonder why everyone knows that what President Trump said about them being rapists and pedophiles is true…..
I have a saying: if rape were an olympic sport, wetbacks would win the gold ??????everytime ??
Fucking race of degenerates and pedophiles. They sicken me!
They need to be wiped out!
Looka here! This demon seeds tries to pull the “people of colour” card after I praised a Nubian siStâr. That demon seed quickly learned IT got the wrong one…..
Looka how the dudes on their second page look lol…..
…..Like their leering at her, looking all goofy lol…..
I just noticed IT changed IT’S name after I threatened to go after IT, lol:
That said, peep how I blocked them! Gave them no energy outside of the threat of wreaking ‘woke havoc â?? in their lives…. I let them know how I feel about them. That I don’t like them. It is not subject to negotiation and to run or else…..
Drag Me To Hell Is REAL And These WETBACKS Are About To Find Out
….get deported back to hell where they come from, where they belong.
See, my mind is set! Once I know what you are, my mind is set. There is no negotiation. Again, this means I can laugh and talk with you (which I don’t do with them due to my understanding of their energy hence why I don’t interact with em outside the bounds of doing what I gotta do like going to the grocery to get help and act polite) but just know in the back of my mind (really, front) I know what you are and you are not changing my mind!
Call me a racist (really, truther)…. I don’t care cause I know I’m telling the truth abd that is all that matters.
I don’t care to nor thrive on being accepted by people. My personality is built to tell the truth and here is the truth to black folks about the wetback:
Calling Out Self Hating Kneegroes Who Defend Wetbacks Who Attack Other Blacks
You are dealing with an innate and inherently evil, demonic, cruel, sadistic, demonic, pedophiliac, raping demon seed race that were created by reptilians to inspire and sire hell on Earth!
They have no real identity due to them not having a true inner life as with the case with psychopaths…. hence why these demons wanna steal OUR identity, use lil tricks to ingratiate themselves to us (funny cause I’ll see a green aura on my border patrol shirt and sky blue aura on my MAGA hat indicating spiritual protection of my energy from them things)…..
They envy us cause we get things done and as shown here they only wanna befriend us to steal our knowledge to do the same – so their illegal ass wetback beaner bag basturds can run around OUR COUNTRY ??? like the cucarachas they are and wreak havoc….
That is why I call them John Carpenter’s (the true) Thing:
Like John Carpenter’s The Thing they TRY to mold themselves into something that the population that they wanna make themselves amenable to (to get something from) will accept them and, over time, their demonic and parasitic energy starts to come out and you see these thing’s true faces for what they are…..
Read the comments and tell me I am lying…..
Looka here how even on a Trump post featuring their own caping for Trump looka how we are on their minds…..
Do I lie!
That said they are THE most entitled, narcisstic mofos… I mean how dare these creatures compare our rightful struggle to their attempting to illegally invade our country then complain cause the conditions they being held in aren’t right……
If it was up to me those things would be in concentration camps…..
Black people, Imma end this by saying stop leaking your energy to others. Build your self esteem. See for me my path has always been drawn by being a mean controlling mofo who keeps people out, who is rude as a defense mechanism cause it is all about training people! You never get anywhere by being liked. People step over that! Cause we are the first humans (Anunnaki) we have a humanistic tendency to wanna invite everyone in.
After all the phrase “it takes a village to raise a child” started in Africa.
Be mean, be self inclusive! When you let everyone in and try to be liked by everyone it inevitably creates a situation where those same folks you help will take you for granted then = take advantage of you.
I roll the way I roll for a reason: it commands respect thru fear (â? ‘woke) and that’s all I care about…..