This where I talk about non wetback (messycan, central – with the exception of Belize, Panama and Costa Rica cause they majority black – and south americans) latins!

Black Panther Wakanda Forever Attempts To Divide Black And Brown People

Black Panther Wakanda Forever Attempts To Divide Black And Brown People

….And alter the narrative by making blacks out to be colonialist, using the ignorant (because we all know how Afrikans and other non American Blacks are quick to deny their blackness) Afrikan (Alkebulanian) actors to carry this narrative out in Black Panther: Wakanda Forever: That being said, here is your colonizer right here 👉🏻⬜ That was actually taken from a WWE skit from back in the day but look at how bold the racism – and venemous hatred – was. That said, see, crakkkas are and rightfully so dying out. That said, crakkkas have been desperately grasping at straws in

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White Hispanic Sent By Yahweh Attacks Me

White Hispanic Sent By Yahweh Attacks Me

Now this part here saddens me and hurt my heart – he gave his last dollar at the end – cause I don’t let shit die down – and was regretful, apologising in a way. Folks who come at me to take from me be it in the form of energy, blessings, don’t do that so I have to respect him for it! Why You Never Sacrifice Another Person For Material Wealth Especially If The Person Has A Soul That honestly had me crying at the end! I can’t stand an energy thief, especially one with misogynist, rapist, racist ass

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Astral Vision Shows Kidnapping Plot By Big Pharma To Bring Me Underground And Use Me As An Experiment Test Mule For Drugs

Astral Vision Shows Kidnapping Plot By Big Pharma To Bring Me Underground And Use Me As An Experiment Test Mule For Drugs

Damn this the 3rd time the white halo on my crown chakra has appeared in pics….. Note it don’t appear in the other pics, as if the background just deliberately got dark to show me that (note I am in the SAME position in all of em)…… I think it explains an incident that happened last night with a nigger mayate and half bred put up by a wetback as seen thru my third eye….. They are using black people against me now…. Bedwench Turns On Me After I Try To Protect Her From Her Slavemaster Husband Let me explain

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The Great Reset and Agenda 21 Is Meant To Stop A Future War Over Overpopulation That Will Wipe Out The Black And Asian Races

The Great Reset and Agenda 21 Is Meant To Stop A Future War Over Overpopulation That Will Wipe Out The Black And Asian Races

Crakkkas like this one from reddit HATE being told the truth….. That’s why they lying, deflecting, projecting conquering asses are getting wiped out in THIS timeline ?? His white supremacist ass WANTS us wiped out! They also conquered the Jews and forced them to christianise….. Agenda 21 and Bill Gate’s depopulation agenda is designed to avert this white supremacists’ wet dream dystopia: Thank you Bill Gates ?? The funny (awesome ??) thing is now, quite the opposite is happening….. – That is why I myself contributed by killing my half crakkka ass keeds – including with using my third eye

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Now Wetbacks Are Trying To Copy Me

Now Wetbacks Are Trying To Copy Me

LOL!   That Saturn and Jupiter alignment (both are living EVIL beings in the astral) brought so much weird energy…… Heard this dude YELLING. LOUD. At a prostitute (thought it was at the naked girl)!   Right after seeing her I felt influenced to do my own dumb shit….     Ole girl up there ain’t the first LatinX (lol sounds like a space program) I saw doing this….. Back in 2012 I caught a hispanic running NAKED in MacArthur Park: Woman Runs Around Naked In MacArthur Park In Westlake Los Angeles LAPD Called To me I grew up in

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I Really Like These Signs

I Really Like These Signs

My fav of all…. Well, keep they asses out to protect the women since we all know what rapists and pedophiles and perverts they ALLL are…. – This is what those open borders assholes wanna let into this country: just your typical hardworking migrants who feel entitled to rape and commit crimes cause they done worked hard at lowering the wages of this country and taking jobs from many TRULY HARDWORKING AND LAW ABIDING AMERICANS! I don’t (the love part) but the rest, yes ?? Should put everybody but wetbucks, including dogs cause dogs are cute and cuddly. Why include

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LAPD Demon Seed of Quetzalcoatl Arrested For Stealing Truck From Car Dealership Lot

LAPD Demon Seed of Quetzalcoatl Arrested For Stealing Truck From Car Dealership Lot

….Annnnddd (in an attempt to be whyte) this creature demon seeds straight from the abyss of hell got nerve to talk about blacks…. Bunch of (rapist) race of degenerates, pedophiles – again, peep these things EXCEL at raping ayeeeee – thieves… their degeneracy knows no bounds…. – Just one look at that face PROVES he did it for me loool…… – Lol even the police union didn’t wanna represent him looool! This nigga here look like he should be in Danny Trejo pictures. If that ain’t a hardened face I dunno what is…. He brought the Quetzalcoatl out on his

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More Proof That I Am The Antichrist

More Proof That I Am The Antichrist

I notice it’s dead as a mofo around me….. That’s that Abaddon energy. Again, Abaddon is said to be an angel of destruction and it is believed that SHE is in some way the Antichrist which, when you put it all together, it all makes sense….. Alright, I notice that dinosaurs have been protecting me in the spirit realm…. Now, in the past I would see them via my third eye trying to eat my baby brother who transitioned to the other side…. Now with that said, last night I was in the aastral and I was in a

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I’ve Seen The Oversoul For The Wetbuck And It IS The Devil

I’ve Seen The Oversoul For The Wetbuck And It IS The Devil

Imma say this right here….. If I catch ANY wetbuck male desiring me, I am killing you with the death ‘woke! Considering all I have been thru at those mofos hands…. I hate them! I don’t like em! And Imma make that clear…. The Difference In How Mexicans Treat A Hostile White Lady Vs A Black Lady Illegal Wetback Impersonates Cop To TRY To Take Advantage of Me Wetbacks Attack Black Bus Driver As She Is Working Mexican Attacks Black Woman Wetback Male Tries To Put Hands on Black Female Just Now You will NOT be getting any sort of

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