The corona pLandemic is a hoax and don’t take those vaccines cause they’ll kill ya as show in the main portal theme pic

Destroy The Astral Books To Get Rid of Hard To Defeat Entities And Spirits

Destroy The Astral Books To Get Rid of Hard To Defeat Entities And Spirits

– You can straight up see a ghost face coming from out that motherfucker….. It’s how I FINALLY got that squidward/Thanh Nguyen entity to detach from me as he had chords connected to me….. The Name of The Reptilian Demon Following Me Is A Past Life Ancestor Named Thanh Nguyen I Finally Rescued My Brother From The Demon Reptilian Holding Him Hostage Twin Flames Are Archon Saboteurs Meant To Keep Soulled People Down And How To Break Free of Them Archons Attack Soulled People Materially So We Are Forced To Rely Upon Low Vibratory People Who Don’t Help Our Divine

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How Soul Healing Keeps Entity Attachments Away And Why EVERYONE NEED TO DO IT

How Soul Healing Keeps Entity Attachments Away And Why EVERYONE NEED TO DO IT

I did something last night that finally removed what I thought was an entity attachment but turned out to be an energy block at the base of my spine aka kundalini….. I still got some work to do with the back of my neck where the entryway for your Soul lies (I think it’s past life shit causing it)…… In light of this everyone with deeply embedded traumas that causes blackouts aka energy blocks in your Soul….. Mofos Gotta Stop Letting Spirits Control Their Asses Before They Get FUCKED UP It’s like with roaches and wetbacks who I use raid

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If You Got The Corona Virus VACCINE Drink Vodka To Get Rid Of It

If You Got The Corona Virus VACCINE Drink Vodka To Get Rid Of It

Because these mofos here laced my ice cream with that shit (I know it)….. I learned to remove the death vax ☠ Don’t Take That Covid Shot: Man DIES After Taking Covid 19 Flu Shot Fool Colton Wood’s Pro Vaccine Video ONLY CONFIRMS The Covid 19 Vaccine Produces Corona Virus Symptoms IN PEOPLE ….And They Just Keeping Lining Up For That Death Shot North Carolina Revokes Covid 19 Vaccine Shots Due To Folks Getting Seriously Ill By drinking vodka since it affects your RNA as does the death vax: Russians are some smart mofos. Since vodka is

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When A Person Talks Shit On Ya Behind Your Back CUT EM OFF

When A Person Talks Shit On Ya Behind Your Back CUT EM OFF

How…. why….. why is it that a strong womban like myself attract these misogynistic, self loathing sociopaths who feel like they got the right to gas light me but I am not supposed to say shit to their overt – and I mean overt gaslighting….. I cut these mofo….. This is a faggot. You can’t tell me any differently. This mofo got gay tendencies, bitch tendencies to be more accurate (like most all latin males)….. mad effeminate but, I mean…. it’s like how do I attract this, like fucking how….. This is an insult to me. It ain’t cause the

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I Now Know Why I Have Been Attracting Hating Ass Deceitful People My Entire Life

I Now Know Why I Have Been Attracting Hating Ass Deceitful People My Entire Life

Note how happy I look to the left while to the right – conformed, I look unhappy. Addiction is often a sign of what you gotta work on within. I didn’t love my true self: I’m wild! My true nature is wild! I didn’t love myself. Instead I tried to embrace a fake restrained version of myself that was created by fake familial and societal bullshit systemhead ass expectations. The minute this ephiphany hit me, I felt two knots in my sacral finally get free. Cause I am now me and am giving myself permission to finally be me. Hopefully

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Medical Malefeasance and Abuse At The National Healthcare Foundation On Pico Blvd

Medical Malefeasance and Abuse At The National Healthcare Foundation On Pico Blvd

There is a reason why I carry a camera with me everywhere….. The first sign of trouble was when I could hear some of the staff joking about the hat man – an entity I commonly talk about on my site – and then I noticed that when I woke up in the middle of the night the bathroom was shut as you can see in the video above! This asshole here (Imma keep banging on him and blasting him out) made it worse by calling those people and telling them about my blog: Spiritual Warfare Against Dog Killing Witchcraft

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Colton Wood Is Losing His Mind After Getting Covid Vaccine

Colton Wood Is Losing His Mind After Getting Covid Vaccine

His eyes look psycho in that thumbnail shit huh….. They letting ya’ll know years earlier…. I told his stupidass…… Here he is, thinking a fucking honking horn is harassing him (sounds very much like the gangstalking he likes to deny) and then – he ain’t ever done this – steals from the fucking store. Here he is thinking a hard working person gardening is harassing him….. All these are the results of him getting that covid shot, which right here even the doctor administering it admits it ain’t good for ya! Dumb fuck. Don’t Take That Covid Shot: Man DIES

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