Nigger Stalker LOSES IT When I Say I Like White Men And Why Soulled People Need To Stick Together

Nigger Stalker LOSES IT When I Say I Like White Men And Why Soulled People Need To Stick Together

…..No organic portals 🀚🏻 I don’t fuck with white males who are organic portals and you know WHAT the fuck you are…..

Organic Portals – Soulless Humans

Like this nigger here…..

I’m about to lose it my damn self!

That said, how dare this nigger who said I was ugly and old when I confronted him about something else as well as the gangstalking not even more than a week ago…..

LOSE IT when I say that my core attraction is white men…..

It is how I was born……


I remember his vehicle broke down (‘woke ✊🏻 lol) and him getting rides from friends.

I DO remember him wearing like a loud white shirt with a blue jeans/long blue pants ensemble.

I DO remember him distinctively walking back up the pch with a gasoline thing in his hand. I remember it was him.

I DO remember him grabbing me in, and sticking a finger in me, molesting me, as I was walking drunk.

That’s the catharsis for why I am pissed at him. Cops can’t do anything cause there’s no proof. I got an ankle monitor so I gotta be careful. I don’t know what to do.

– my lil cat friend was throwing cards too lol. I love her 😘🐱

On top of it, to top it off, to make matters worse….. he’s a gangstalker. He is an amorous, volatile dangerous regular stalker who, as he is, hopefully was doing to me, stalks women he lusts after/find attractive that’s been hired as a flunkie by these Malibu, satanic, witchcraft, organic portal powerless (at least against me) mofos to watch me……

I have seen this thing on a couple of occassions looking into my van, slowly driving past it as he leaves in the direction where I’m at.

I don’t like this mofo.

I am getting strong, egregiously strong ass volatile stalker reminiscient of the pos who murdered that young lady, Miya Marcano, in Florida……

I don’t like this lil nigger as my dad would say…..

These fusion centres that higher these gangstalkers get low lives, criminals like him to go around, spy on certain folks they target to run em out.

Like with pedophile face you can see this mofo ain’t right cause these cameras, that got quartz crystals in em and look like scrying mirrors witches use to communicate with spirits, can capture spirits, your essence, your Soul

In case shit happens here how his jeep look and the license plate….. I don’t trust or like this dude…..

CA license plate number 5ELT826.

You know something ain’t right about him cause he got bandaids to keep his front bumper together πŸ˜‚πŸ€£ I’m sorry….

Imma tell you what I see thru my third eye about him…… Yep, I knew it!

I saw some political looking people at some “celebration” and it seems that a giant sacrificial head – an archon entity – owns em! It’s a meeting.

He also has a woman in that jeep, a latina female spirit and I saw and heard her on a coupla of occassions when I was inebriated.

I see them handing out money – and then sending folks out in vehicles to stalk the homeless – mainly folks in RVs and me.

You can get shit past a witch. I’m always right regarding my intuition and I what I sense, even when drunk.

These organic portals think that because he is not “aggressive” and he’s black – these mofos are really dumb like their archon/reptilian masters – I should be cool with him.


No gangstalking is cool.

When you watch that video above, watch as I am walking, doing a video on something totally different, a bitch rolls up right where I’m at then parks on the other side of the street.

I notice this and when I mention gangstalking – the nigger turns on his lights.

Because of what he said in the past prompted by this, I say what I like, which is true because I do like white men (not organic portals 🀚🏻) and this nigger loses it πŸ˜‚πŸ€£ His head hit the FUCKING ceiling of his jeep when I said my preference.

That’s when he goes off……

At one point, you can see this nigger-thing revving up his engine, like he wanted to run me over all cause I said my preference.

Note here:

– That night he had parked behind me and what you see above ensued…..

And here:

– I thought he had did something to me while I was drunk that’s why I was aggressive here πŸ‘†πŸ»

– Also, interestingly, that very day after this was taken I had a run in with a gangstalker in a white suv at Vons after this happened….

Even when I was a lil more aggressive towards him – he didn’t get violent.

He was ready to throw down last night cause I said I like white men!

That said, in those videos, you can hear dehumanise me as the crakkkas and the wetbacks do: calling me a “crackhead”, “crazy” and “weirdo.”

It is because he is an organic portal. He is not like me. He is not of my Soul tribe. He does not have a Soul.

This Is Why My Soul Could Never Fit In With Any Group or Anybody

– I could hear him in the ether last night going, “She called the police”, SHOCKED thinking cause he black I wouldn’t do that πŸ€£πŸ˜‚

– Right before he left, I also heard in the ether a woman, wonder if she dispatch, telling him to just leave the area…..

Like I said I am never wrong about people.

I’m gonna say this right now: I wanna say that I won’t let these organic portals, who are inferior to me and who can only go by physical descriptors such as race, gender, creed to judge anyone control me or how I live my life anymore.

I was once on the “pro black” as a defence mechanism because of how these racist crakkkas out here would animalistically and dehumanisingly come up to me.

They don’t do that shit anymore cause in large part I healed, got rid of MAJOR negative entity attachments in my energy field. Also black magick helped πŸ§™πŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸͺ„πŸ‰πŸ‘ΉπŸ‘€πŸ‘₯ so I gotta give it up to my demons, reps (reptilians) and shadow people (they REALLY fuck people up hence why I love working with them – and reptilians)……

TOPLESS IN LA EXCLUSIVE: I Killed A Man’s Ma Cause He Refused To Give Me A Jump

The Museum of Da ‘Woke

They’ve πŸ‰πŸ‘ΉπŸ‘€πŸ‘₯ given me the ability to be able to go within and resolve inner issues so I won’t be bothered as much.

Thanks to them I am in the process of a rebirth, like a butterfly and am finally able to free me – and my family – of negative curses, shit holding us back.

As I told a young Soulled Vietnamese who was throwing straight ROCKS πŸͺ¨ being sexually gangstalked due to his sacral chakra leaking due to having been raped, you gotta heal.

I enjoyed my last stay in jail – the peace and solitude cause it was there I learned about inner frequencies and how to change them to keep these inferior organic portals who I don’t respect or even see as human (they ARE a blight to the planet cause they are archons) away from me and out my energy zone – just as I have done with particularly low vibrational entities that meant to do me harm who were in my energy space, literally inviting these lowly ass energy vampire organic portal mofos towards me.

How To Raise Your INNER Frequency Using Your Third Eye To Stop Addiction

Change Your Inner Frequency To 6000 Hz Frequency To Repel Organic Portals

Change Your Inner Frequency To 7777 Hz Frequency So That Organic Portals Can’t Even See You

– You want 7777hz because the number 7 resonates with the spiritual realm and it puts you wayyyy out of their zone of influence and thus keeps them from being able to access you energetically.

Another thing I learned while in jail was….. stop the black black “pro black” shit.

It’s about those of us who are Soulled vs the Soulless. As a REAL white brother said to me, it is about finding your Soul tribe.

The shit runs deeper than your physical aesthetic, then your perceived race.

This Is Why My Soul Could Never Fit In With Any Group or Anybody

Black Woman’s Past Life As A Rich Little Blonde White Girl Who Ran Away From Home With An Old White Man

Astral Vision Shows That I Was A Female Nazi Concentration Camp Commander Named Irma Grese

In most of my past lives – at least the most recent – I was white. Probably my first time having my Soul in a black body.

Unlike these organic portals who can only go by dna activation of their current bloodline, I got a star heritage as well as a Soul heritage to recall from for protection.

I’ve seen em – the mormon – take care of my brother on the other side.

While in jail I saw some black skanks who offered me up as a sacrifice so they can get money and fame…..

This a nigga πŸ‘‡πŸ»

– One claims to be pro black…..

Here their instagrams:

No Sesso:



I saw them working with Erykah Badu who has participated in their projects, putting curses on me……

Astral Vision Shows Erykah Badu Destroyed Lauryn Hill’s Career and Tried To Undermine My Blessings

Azealia Banks career went down not to long after working with No Sesso…..

I remember when she was fucking with magic and shit…..

That’s why I can’t be on that “sista gyal” shit because – looka how these niggers treated me…..

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Do Not Send Your Kid To St. Katherine Drexel High School AKA Xavier Prep

– These so called “pro black” mofos caped for a wetback against their own…..

The wetback here who attacked me did so RIGHT BEFORE – THE DAY BEFORE – that No Sesso clothing line took off…..

Mexican Attacks Black Woman

– Crazy because a biracial tarot reader was talking about a bitch trying to mimic my energy, how I am but can’t cause they lack my energy, a Soul…..

– Down to the underarm hair……

Look, I’m gonna be honest: no one has hurt me more than niggers. Not even the deepest of knives driven into me by wetbacks, the darkest of attacks by crakkkas can compare to even the slighest of hurts faced by niggers.

See, blacks are a highly tribal, conformist group. Organic portal hivemind shit. THAT goes against my very Soul. They are NOT my tribe cause of the color of my skin, my perceived race.

Blacks get EXTREMELY hostile – the organic portal ones – when you don’t claim solely black identity, even if you are biracial.

Very fucking conformist and controlling of your identity if they perceive you as one of them.

I see this mainly with Black Americans and it is mainly to do with the trauma of slavery and shit like the Willie Lynch papers which divided and gave “favour” to light skinned slaves so blacks to this day due to that trauma being in their dna see it as you “trying to be better than them” and “closer to” and “wanting to be white if you claim an identity other than black – probably why they are hostile to lgbtq folks – or in esp. poorer communities where you get lambasted for “speaking white” if you speak proper English so just imagine the confusion these infinitesimal, small minded, Soulless ass organic portals get when they come across someone like me who not only has a Soul, but whose Soul expresses itself as different from how my exterior looks: white.

But, as I go on this journey of true self discovery, I’m not gonna let them or any other organic portals define me based on limiting physical factors all cause I got a Soul and they don’t. I’m not gonna claim that black identity. I’m not gonna pull that pro black.

If you are not of my SOUL tribe, you are not my people!

It is not who my Soul = my True Divine Self is……

Coming Out As Transracial aka Trans White

This Is Why My Soul Could Never Fit In With Any Group or Anybody

If you wanna get technical, cause my Soul expresses as white, I could claim white.

I think this explains homosexuality, transgenderism…..

Is Transracial Just As Legit As Transgender

It is about the Soul and folks like myself, starseeds are not only meant to raise the vibrational frequency – and run all these organic portals and archons – off Mother Earth but also to remind other Soulled people that it is their Soul that matters and not to fall into the organic portal draconian hivemind trap of defining themselves based on physical descriptors like gender, race.

I am now figuring that the trauma of having these organic portal ass blacks determine my identity for me, esp. in high school, while beating me down for truly being me based on who my Soul really is is the catalyst, the reaso. why entities be affixing themselves to my right side, possessing there……

Battling Possession On The Right Side And Healing The Throat Chakra

The Eye of Ra aka The All Seeing Eye Is A Separate Entity That Lives In Your Right Eye And Controls You

Evil Entity Physically Places Implant On The Right Side of My Face

Finally Removing Reptilian Entity From A Bottomless Pit That Has Long Been Trying To Possess Me On My Right Side

You know what! It goes deeper than that…..

Ever since I was a kid – I was always aware of organic portals but did not quite know the term for them. I notice that folks liked to rape me of my energy while telling me to “tone it down” (in New Orleans I heard niggers say that which is why I can’t be on the pro black shit). They would get ominously threatening if I did not open up to them and give them my energy in the form of speaking to em, time, etc.

This energy is on my right hand side, the right side of my body.

I am not realizing that even if not overt, I been living my life for others. I may not be a people pleaser – though I once was by dumbing myself down or being self deprecating so these organic portals aren’t as intimidated by and won’t attack me for my energy – but this is a form of self abuse where you let others kinda define you for you so you can navigate the world.

I should NEVER lower myself to trying to be understood by organic portals. Never.

That is the mistake I made for years, fearing their attacks cause they innately knew I was different but got the power. Making concessions – and so thus compromises to me, my being, who I am – to acclimate in a way for the sake of self protection.

The pro black schtick was just that – a schtick cause of attacks by crakkka organic portals.

There was a time where I would try to be understood by them organic portals. Now that I know WHAT they are, not anymore.

I curse em out (and maybe even curse em) even if they are polite cause I am militant about protecting my energy from those creatures. Politeness is just another way of organic portals wanting you to lay down your swords so they can “get in” and siphon energy off of you.

Like the guys in “They Live” I see them for what they are so I have no problems taking em out!

They are things to me. They are not people!

They are not capable of feeling love, empathy, hell they can’t feel shit except to mirror what you throw out so why the fuck treat em with deference when they are nothing but feeling-less. emotionless things to destroy because they are out to drain me, us Soulled people…..

Organic Portals – Soulless Humans

Nigger, crakkka, gook, wetback – an organic portal is an organic portal in my eyes regardless of race and those things should be eliminated so our world can finally ascend and we as SOULLED HUMANS can return to the Golden Age where it was us, evolving, playing in the multidimensionals and not being used as energy stock by these organic portals and their creators: the archons and demiurge!

If you have any comments, anything personal you wanna share, send me an email here: [email protected] Also, feel free to donate here: @ CashApp @ $RavenWilliams2222$ or at my Zelle at 310-359-5199 if you like the content.

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