The Attack By The Nigger Reveals The Psychotic JEALOUSY Men Have Towards Me

The Attack By The Nigger Reveals The Psychotic JEALOUSY Men Have Towards Me

I have healed significantly. I’m not letting people take me back to a dark place again. But I will take YOU to a dark place by ‘wokeing.

Imma explain what my ‘woke does to people as I have seen via personal experience. Death is better ?

That said, one of my favourite films from the 90s was this film here called “Once Were Warriors”:

The mother in there reminds me alot of my mother: an intellectual who, because she is a womban – like me – feels she has to lessen her intelligence to accomodate the piss poor egos of men!

It would manifest in her saying, “Look down” when some sexual predators were staring at us one night as we walked away from a Delchamps in New Orleans East instead of acting on intuition and calling they asses OUT.

The mother in “Once Were Warriors” negotiated her intelligence away, compromising herself by staying with a man who tried to beat her true warrior spirit and Divine Feminine essence down by physically beating her but, as can be seen at the end – she leaves him to his own chaos by letting him fight what are really extensions of his own inner demons symbolically – hear me out ? those are HIS demons – as she walks away from his own world of chaos, destruction, and decay.

I have never been in a relationship with a man – or anybody. I know who I am and as I go deep into this spiritual healing of trying to put myself back together, reconstitute myself, my Soul – I can’t help but to notice a mainstay, an emotion that I draw from mofos: jealousy!

The Energy of Envy and How It Has Always Sabotaged Me And Why I Think It Exists

Envy is a mofo. It has always been the emotion that gets to me more than anything else when folks do shit to me out of it. In this case it has manifested as a rabid male hatred that I seem to arbitraily – and unjustifiably get – from male cause I don’t conform to the patriarchal attitudes that defines womben in a way that shuts down our power by having us shut down our individual spirits and makes us conform to a 1 dimensional piece of plastic that is only here to serve the male libido and nothing more:

This is why womben are shamefully looking like plastic nowadays….

They even training the lil girls…..

I mean this is fucking shameful that womben are allowing the weak ass male ego to let them objectify us!

This is sickening!

That said, as I explain here:

There is some sick, fucked up, warped desire by males to see me “fall” when a dude attacks me because, as my friend broke down last night – they want me to be “feminine” and thus controlled by the patriarchy. These weak ego having ass males can’t take seeing a woman who shows her breasts – but on her own fucking terms – who is unapologetic about her thoughts and ideas, who ain’t trying to cater to the male ego most importantly cause I am too busy catering to my fucking own!

I want you to look at these comments left by some wetbacks (I don’t call these creatures the demon seeds of Quetzalcoatl after all):

There is a reason why I say what I say about wetbacks and why I strongly feel these wetbacks should be taken off the planet: peep how this one praises a black man for beating on a black woman like as is the case here where a female Chicago police officer gets beaten by a lil nigger she was taking care of (it’s shameful what I saw in the video):

Meanwhile this wetback here has a white woman putting hands on him but he don’t shit!

There is a reason WHY I say “no black and brown unity”:

The Difference In How Mexicans Treat A Hostile White Lady Vs A Black Lady

There is something wrong with their blood and like the rabid (demon) dogs they are they need to be taken OUT!

As I have explained here numerous times…..

Why Mexicans and Latinos Are The Children of The Reptilians

Why I Say That Mexicans Are The Children of The Devil aka Reptilians

STRAIGHT Demon Seed L.A. County Beaches and Parks ILLEGAL Employee Inserts Evil Entity Into My Sacral Chakra After Staring

– This one confirms in real time what they ALL are!

I Am REALLY FUCKING CONVINCED That Wetbucks and South and Central Americans Are Some Evil Demonic Reptilian Spawns

This here….

I’ve Seen The Oversoul For The Wetbuck And It IS The Devil

There is a reason why playing 4000, 6000 hz frequencies repels em as confirmed here:

I’ve Seen The Oversoul For The Wetbuck And It IS The Devil

….As it is known for being able to repel all demonic, evil entities…..

There is a reason why I keep my foot on the wetback’s neck and I am glad my words are catching on…..

That’s just a few…..

That said ALL wetbacks are demonic and I am confident enough to say all cause of what I explain here about organic portals (they comprise the vast majority of individual races) and their connection to a bloodline and thus oversoul, which, as explained here, in the case of the wetback is demonic hence their evilness:

I’ve Seen The Oversoul For The Wetbuck And It IS The Devil

Here is one wetback in action, eating a man’s heart like their demon reptilian daddy, Quetzalcoatl:

A guy who saw the video even commented that they do in fact have some bad blood which is why I know something needs to be done about them:

I believe that my experiences with the wetback is designed to allow me to be able to connect to their hivemind so I can in turn expose to others who they are and be able to deal with them when the time comes:

Breaking Free of The Contract To Be The Antichrist

Not a white man or a black man, not an asian said these cruel things. It is sadistic wetback – armed with a lack of empathy and respect for blacks esp. – who said these things designed to get under my skin so as to return me to the darkness that I fought to get out of last week.

Wetbacks like these wetback bikers here who thought it “cute” to harass me and tell me, an American, to leave off my own soil:

I expect wetbacks to side with rapists abd women beaters like that nigger cause it is in them to do things. The nigger was the exception in my race, the way he is is the rule in his as stated by a Latinx:

Lordt I cringed reading that!

And folks act as if I am telling lies when I talk about em.

That is one of their own telling you how they all are.

Sick ass cult-ure!

I would never lower my bloodline to be with those things.

That said, as pointed in the articles above – wetbacks are the emissaries for demonic, evil entities – natural vessels for dark and evil things.

So thus they will be the ones to relay messages from the spirit world from evil entities.

This is why I innatelyΒ do not like them!

Cause of them being harbourers for demons it is in them to practise everything that goes against the light – it is in them to be women beaters, rapist, pedophiles and overall predators.

Even when I joke with them and laugh in their face I innately know what I say to be true – hence why I can be congenial with them upfront but still know what I know without letting them into me and harm my inner world by injecting their demonic energy into mine!

The name of the game is inner peace and when you are pissed it hurts you! Have your knowledge, know what they are and deal with em as appropriate and, thru your knowledge, they can not pierce your emotional world cause you know!

A good example would be how someone hates someone so much they can’t interact with em cause they are so full of hate that burns you ? When you know what you know, you develop an emotional overstanding that leads to an emotional innerstanding so nothing people do or say affects your inner world. You don’t have to act out cause you know and you are confident in your inner knowledge so there is a brick spiritual wall of protection that is designed to ward off external energies from coming into your inner world!

They attempted to pierce my inner world – those bikers and other wetbacks harassing me that day – but instead got ‘woked!

Let me tell you how my ‘wokes work!

It is worse then a car accident. You can always get your car fixed. It is worse then death. Your Soul is who you are and when you transition back to the astral realm from whence your Soul came you can have ancestors grab you, help you, guide you, etc.

What I do to people I am now realising is far worse.

I put things into people that is designed to eat their Soul overtime and cause those Soul bits devoured by the entities I unleashed into them to be trapped inside of them, permanently, forever to where even a powerful shaman or god can’t get you out!

A good example of this is what you see here where The Wishmaster entraps people in a hellish torture chamber in a ruby:

This is what I do: I send people to hell. Not just any hell…..

It’s worse then hell.

As one of the assholes who decided to fuck with me who got ‘woked experienced:

I send people to the shadow realms. It is a place that is worse then hell where even powerful shamans nor even powerful gods would go to soul rescue somebody.

A powerful spiritualist told me that when she saw my brother he was being stabbed at, grabbed and tormented by entities that are blacker than black (he has since been taken out and is protected by me). This is where I send you, a black realm with evil beings that are blacker than black.

This is why males fear womben, esp. womben like me!


Look! I can fuck you up without even touching you. I can fuck up your afterlife.

This is a power that men know we have and they fear it but simultaneously want it hence why they wanna mate with us (to use our vaginas as portals to draw out that energy).

That is why I don’t fuck with niggas, I run them the fuck away from me then I ‘woke them for making sexual advances cause you ain’t getting my power but you will get my ‘woke!

Esp. wetbacks you will get ‘woked you sexually come up to me!

That’s why like here I laugh at your lil punches – even as I bleed – cause I know I will get you in the end!

The fuck I need a man for cause you mofos are parasites just like fetuses.

I got the power cause after all I can feed your Soul to my legion of demons:

Offered A Seal of Solomon Like Symbol To Have Demons Under My Control

That’s true fucking power, not no lil two step one step punch. The shit I do to you is forever!

That being said these mofos are doing this to me cause I am like a “conquest” to em (you ain’t playing that shit with me). I remember that rapist nigger saying, “You out here with your titties out and I heard you fucked a dude for beer” ??

I’m starting to think – actually been knew I am some type of dark god/angel who sends mofos who do bad shit to those shadow realms, permanently, forever where they will live there in eternal torment:

And I love doing it!

This makes sense:

Raven Masterson Named Abaddon In A Dream

Spiritual Confirmation That I Am Abaddon

Perfect sense!

Men are some dumbass mofos… Ion understand how womben can tolerate em!

I mean, these dumbasses think this is the only strenght:

Naw potner this strenght ?????♀️:

LOL at the caption!

This strenght ?????♀️

I never could understand how our vaginas which are so vulgarly referred to as “pussies” – same things they come out of – as an insult meant to denote lack of strenght!

My mother used to say let a man carry a bowling bowl for nine months in his stomach and let’s see how he feels when he gotta birth that bowling ball through his dick.

Gloria Steinem once said that if men could get pregnant abortion would be a sacrament.

Did you know that childbirth is one of the worst pains that anyone can endure, with fire being second:

We should start using “balls” as the insult to refer to a weak person cause, after all, that is what you kick to get away from a rapist cause that is the weakest body part on a male ??

Men envy us.

Men – as shown here – are fucking predators:

– He got the fuck up the street when he saw me pulling out those weights huh….

Means I was a force to be reckoned with, physically, in his eyes hence why he backed down!

That said, dudes are predators and they are envious of us – absolutely envious of us!

That’s why I don’t give em no power, that’s why I don’t date. They getting ‘woked (for asking me out) and that’s it!

That’s all they getting from me. Like with the wetbacks – there is no negotiation. I know what ALL males are (well really the wetback can be held in absolute to this), what they are all about, why they are here and what they intend to do to us.

I know what they are and that’s it!

That being said, as said before, they are predators designed to keep womben from using their full spiritual potential while culling our power for themselves….

I know the deal.

Baba Bobby Hemmitt talked of how in ancient times men envied women so much to where they made it so we would have to physically copulate (have sex) with them whereas before we could use our own astral Divine Feminine abilities to manifest kids – because they envy and want our power.

Look up tetrachromacy which is the ability to see colors beyond our light spectrum. That is why cats and dogs can see spirits cause they can see beyond the light spectrum that we are only bound to and tetrachromacy is exclusive to only womben:

This is a VERY fascinating condition given what she can see in her world. She don’t need a third eye like I do (and have open) to see it!

You take this and combine it with us having period blood which I explain how it increases psychic abilities here:

How Drinking Period Blood IS Drinking Adrenochrome

I just drunk some….

– I may just get one with a womban so I can have a steady supply! I love drinking period blood!

Womben ARE GODS with connections to the fucking Divine and males know this and they don’t want us to innerstand this cause the minute we do means we are breaking free from the reigns of their false control over us!

This why these mofos wanna beat us when we are assertive because they fear us and want us to fear them!

I am like the epitomie of what they hate:

Like from what I heard when I first came out here – these dumbasses thought that my having my breasts aka mammary glands out (which you use to feed kids) – is for them! These dumbasses legit thought that I was some oversexual rasta nymph maniac (you know they just gotta put the jezebel stereotype on black women’s bodies) who they could take advantage of me.

They got pissed when they got proven wrong:

Love this one cause I’m picking…..

This the end game when you “chase” aka sexually harass me: I ‘woke you!

Don’t play that stupid shit.

I’ll will turn your world upside down and fuck it up and laugh at you as I do so don’t project your perverted fantasies on me.

I am too powerful for that shit! I consider myself to be above men and superior to men to where I know I am not accessible to you!

I make it clear in my writing in which I don’t try to explain myself to be understood – like most women do – but I explain the facts, my observations, I put my research together and put it out there and it is what it is. You ain’t changing my mind. I know what it is and that’s that for me!

No negotiations.

It seems these predators want us all to be nurturers cause, like in the cruel predatory world they created (after all woman attacker James Brown said “This is a man’s world” hence why it’s so fucked up – we need a matriarchy to rule), to be a nurturer is to be seen as being weak and, just as narcissists view empaths as natural prey this is how males view nurturers as: things to take advantafe of hence why they falsely call us “the weaker sex” cause their predatory asses see our “help out a village”, communal, nurturing good nature as something to take advantage of!

See where I am going here….

This why in many films esp. in the past it was put on film that the women who were rescued owe the guy sex for merely just doing what should be a fucking selfless act – like we fucking objects!

Watch any 80s film and they push this shit!

Also the new mentality of, “Well if she wanna be independant she deserves to take an asswhooping!” See, this shit pisses me off and it’s the type of shit that got me not wanting to deal with the world and all these organic portals cause – I mean the insinuation is and is no different then how sex workers and other womben and girls operating outside the bounds of male morals imposed on em were thought to deserve mistreatment or death.

There were fucking fools here saying I owed a black dude sex and other bullshit, basically projecting their mindstate – and dicks – into the situation – when the brother tried to defend me from, again, a sexually predatory ass wetback:

And this mofo, like the cowardly ass wetback, like the cowardly ass male he is…. did this:

Mexican Attacks Black Woman

These mofos really be expecting that Imma cow tow to em and war-ship em and call em daddy…..

BTW I later on went back and chased that wetback OUT!

Heard he beat on his girlfriends!

When the shit don’t work, it pisses em off when my spirit is in tact and I still tell they asses off, like the brave woman in “Once Were Warriors.”

That’s true power – to keep keeping on tho a coward who wants to assert dominance over someone who he feels is weaker and should be weaker than them still stands up to em ✊?

It pisses em off and shows em the bullying, truly weaker cowards they are.

Men are innate bullies who are intimidated by womben cause of the great spiritual potential we got – and how they can’t share in it – and so they use physical brawn to bully us into giving them what they want but the key is to fight back and most of all use your spiritual gifts to send them to hell ??

I love torturing mofos that way! I truly do.

That said, we gotta stop enabling them by giving false numbers when they ask us for our number out of fear of (unjustified) retribution cause we all know that if we weren’t attractive to them and we asked them they’d run us up the street – so why protect their ego when you know damn well they won’t care about yours…..

It’s disrespectful to you!

And this whole “putting us into boxes” shit need to stop and then wanting us to conform to these lil frilly boxes males put us so they will be less intimidated.

For instance I was talking with some weak willed males (who are slaves to their addictions, unlike I) who – when I was calling someone out after they were bashing me to feel good (but I understood cause the mofo wasn’t in his right mind due to doing certain things and being mad up ?? for days) about themselves these low self esteem mofos couldn’t take it when I threw the shit back (people are ALWAYS using me as a fucking mirror to project on I swear) and started throwing out gender norm shit like, “See, she posing like a man” like wtf kinda insecurity you got going on within you to wanna knock someone who is feeling free and is confident in themselves so you can build yourself up? At one point the same dude who helped me when that asshole was attacking was telling me before all this happened that an Alpha female like myself needs an alpha male! After the fight cause he did substantially help he kinda conjured the attack up as an instance of “why I need a man.” I had a wetback tell me the saaame thing loooong ago.

This is the innate mentality of males.

The reverse psychology that is going on is…. they need us but they wanna beat it into us that we need them. They use shit like this orchestrated by other males as proof. I am a loner. Help will arrive when it was supposed to as he did! I still have my personal constitution, inner Self intact and if I don’t want my world being intruded on – my world will not be intruded on!

This dude named Sean who kinda, sleazy, be on some dude shit like I know he is envious – this shit follows me so much – that I can go topless and he feels bound that he can’t do the same.

I wanna say before I forgot – I’m that fucking nigger’s karma for raping that white girl (she didn’t get any justice and he got let off). He got off on that but they won’t let him get off on this ?? They gonna eat that soul!

It’s a shame I draw that energy from people which is why I stay away from mofos cause I will not bash and beat myself to get on their level.

When something bad happens to me he’ll low key laugh cause people like that who lack a strong self of sense wanna beat that out of you.

That’s just toxic people but I also sense it provides insight into the male brain and how ferociously envious dudes are!

That said, as I say on my blog – own your power. Stop letting dudes define who you are for their (usual) sexual avarice.

I recall a while back some kneegrows repainting my pictures of me with makeup cause that shows a yielding to their “male dominance” in their eyes….

Exposing the Sexual Predators and Possible Closet Case Homophobes Who Work At The Barbershop On 684 La Brea Blvd Los Angeles CA 90036

I’ve cleared out whole fucking places with my ‘wokeing….

The fuck I need a man (or anybody) for!

Speaking of my ‘wokeing skills – like this wetback about to find out (he was mocking my attack by making a noise that folks make when punched)…..


… ‘wokes zombiefies the person and makes them a slave to me – which is why many of those folks will come back later on offering me gifts, etc like here:



Dude brought me libations after….


– I love being a God!

That said Imma show you another person who is under my ‘woke and how he acts and how out of character and no longer in control of his own self he is!

It’s something to do with some spiritual fungal parasite within me that takes the person over, possesses them and forces them to be under my control. I explained it here:

Astral Vision Showing That Etheric Fungal Hivemind Parasite Took Control of The Right Side of My Body

That said I gotta go. I got men to ‘woke – and wetbacks to ‘woke – and peace ✌???

If you have any comments, anything personal you wanna share, send me an email here: [email protected] Also, feel free to donate here: you like the content.

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