To Soulled Women Burn The Astral Book That Makes Men Want To Breed With You To Free Yourself From Sexual Harassment And Rape

To Soulled Women Burn The Astral Book That Makes Men Want To Breed With You To Free Yourself From Sexual Harassment And Rape

Look at the two grey tiles at the top….. Yaldabaoth and them REALLY did not want me getting this message out….. I don’t make a secret on my blog that I hate men. Outside of my family and one dude who is gay, I don’t fuck with men. I viciously attack and deliberately any man who approaches even romantically and especially lustfully. On the heels of this article here: How To Burn The Astral Books Connecting You To Organic Portals Yaldabaoth G The Illuminati And Archons I think I figured out a way to get them out of our lives

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The Real Reason Why The Patriarchy Exists

The Real Reason Why The Patriarchy Exists

As this transcript called “tricked by the light” states the demiurge wants the world to be composed of 60% negativity and 30% positivity so he, his archons, and organic portals can feed….. You can read the transcript here….. Who else is better to wrought that but men…… All this, wrought by men….. And, yet, they wanna force womben into having their babies through that “pro life” charade which is really a cover up for their wanting to use our bodies to carry out their legacies, otherwise known as “having their seeds”….. Why I’m Thinking of ‘Wokeing Pro Lifers

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How To Use Your Third Eye To Spiritually Induce An Abortion

How To Use Your Third Eye To Spiritually Induce An Abortion

!!!!Update!!!!   ….I was pregnant…. I knew something was wrong when my pussy stank…. When I was getting fatter, I couldn’t shit cause my womb was filling out (even tho. I had to go!)! I had a dream (better yet nightmare) in which I was in a church and I saw a priest who was the priest for my old middle school there with another man telling me to save the “child” aka PARASITE that was growing in me. But the old hag aka baba yaga wasn’t having it! Though she couldn’t take it out</strong> I awoke and used the

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The Attack By The Nigger Reveals The Psychotic JEALOUSY Men Have Towards Me

The Attack By The Nigger Reveals The Psychotic JEALOUSY Men Have Towards Me

I have healed significantly. I’m not letting people take me back to a dark place again. But I will take YOU to a dark place by ‘wokeing. Imma explain what my ‘woke does to people as I have seen via personal experience. Death is better ? That said, one of my favourite films from the 90s was this film here called “Once Were Warriors”: The mother in there reminds me alot of my mother: an intellectual who, because she is a womban – like me – feels she has to lessen her intelligence to accomodate the piss poor egos of

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Why It’s Mostly Men Who Wanna Fight Me Over The Topless Thing I Do

Why It’s Mostly Men Who Wanna Fight Me Over The Topless Thing I Do

Just today I heard this ole cowardly ass Australian crakkkaroach on a bike shout some shit about, “I wish you would leave” while I was feeling HIGH which I discuss here: How Binural Past Life Regressions Got Rid of My Alcohol Addiction UPDATE: I FOUND THE IDENTITY OF HIS ASS AND DISCUSS IT HERE: Identity of Australian Asshole Who Shouted To Me To Get Out REVEALED – Anyways, bitch, I wish you would! I’ll take your ass down under, bitch… into a grave you cowardly ass faggot kangaroo fucking hoe! – Imma stick that rusty ass dumbbell up your ass

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Just Because I Go Topless Does Not Mean I Want Sex

Just Because I Go Topless Does Not Mean I Want Sex

IMMA START BITING DICKS OFF, SERIOUSLY!!!  Make a human hot dog: ….turn the dick into a hotdog, the DELICIOUS BLOOD into the “ketchup” and the balls into the buns… WE ALL KNOW I LOVE TO DRINK MY OWN PERIOD BLOOD:  – this here kinda reminds me of a hanging dick being dipped in blood, mmmmm ? * Protip: WE ALL know what’s in here… … – Maybe biting dicks off will be a great way to get blood in between periods since I do have an addiction for it: Do not be like these fucking idiots here… –

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Dude Tries To Attack Me For Being Topless THEN Calms Down

Dude Tries To Attack Me For Being Topless THEN Calms Down

Just looking at this guy’s profile (he was one of the ones involved), he looks like a fucking demon SHOWING WHAT SPIRIT IS IN HIM: Imma say this… I kinda wonder if somebody put some shit on me cause ever since I went toe to toe with another witch it’s just been bad shit happening out the ordinary… I’m protected, mind you (esp. in terms of what you will hear about what happened from yesterday which was ASTOUNDING – HAD TO BE AN ANGEL!) but that said a couple of weeks ago, interestingly AFTER my online skirmish with the three

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Why The Illuminati Is Trying To Kill The Divine Feminine

Why The Illuminati Is Trying To Kill The Divine Feminine

Alright, I want you all to look at this: – Btw I don’t have a problem with queers, gender fluids, horses, raddishes and everything in between (but seriously, I don’t! Given my experience with the topless thing which I will discuss and my innate strong tendency towards white men in terms of romantic/sexual attraction – here come transracial, well, the racial equivalent of gay as I was born this way BUT I DO NOT IDENTIFY AS A WHITE WOMAN!!! – Anyways, people shouldn’t fuck with these people!). BUT NOTICE HOW even throughout history women in western societies mostly have to

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Why White People TRULY Hate Black People

Why White People TRULY Hate Black People

As I said here, a looong time ago… White people are organic robotoids (your conventional “white”, really, creole jews – which I will explain later – are excluded from this), hence why they want OUR WOMBS (REFUSE THEM AND KILL THEM IF THEY ASK) BY REPRODUCING WITH US – THE SO CALLED “INFERIOR RACE” – SO THEIR TRULY INFERIOR ASSES CAN LIVE ON AND ASCEND WHEN WE PASS INTO THE 4D, 5D, 6D Dimension since their lower chakra asses DO NOT have the capability to ascend because they were created SPECFICALLY by the reptilians to suppress the SPIRITUAL talents

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The Illuminati’s War Is AGAINST The Divine Feminine

The Illuminati’s War Is AGAINST The Divine Feminine

I’ve been noticing this for years given the church’s stance against women as evidenced in the Salem Witch Trials: And as evidenced in modern day society with the still continued assault upon women: – Shit don’t exist for nothing… I believe alot of the hatred towards females started with the reptilians since they are very anti-female and as archons are afraid of humans opening up their chakras – the key to self empowerment AND freeing ourselves from this prison planet! That said, let me tell you the REAL reason behind the church, organized religion (Islam, HYPOchristianity)’s desire to suppress the

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