Reptilian Entities Have Been Attaching To Old Ugly Sexually Predatory Men To Get Sexual Energy Out of Me

Reptilian Entities Have Been Attaching To Old Ugly Sexually Predatory Men To Get Sexual Energy Out of Me

****Just found out his shit got towed and – despite – all the money he boasted of having, he ain’t even TRIED to get it back lol****

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Also a dude dressed as the devil passed by me right after!



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I take it as a spiritual sign ??

– I recall once while drinking vodka a hispanic dude in a red and white mustang – LIKE MINE – passed by giving me the devil’s sign.

That’s a sign!

– That was some heavy witchcraft I put. That being said, I encountered him and found this out after stalking a dude I suspected to be the dude who stabbed me:

– Cause I saw the dude I suspected sitting down yesterday:

– Here are pics of the dude who did the stabbing:

– The dude who did it got light hair and appears “white” like a white mexican mix. His lightness and “white boy” looks stood out to me that night. The other guy also had a similar voice but could change it like the other dude – tho in honesty it is a generic voice.

Here is the other guy’s truck I saw yesterday in case he did it.

License plate #6V76225 (I saw via tarot that they mighta dumped the old car and got a new vehicle and this may belong to a relative).

– It was weird how he was all covered up yesterday!

Anyways, even after that mofo kept circling me, passing by my car yesterday like a crazed madman, saying shit like “Are you gone leave your car” and “I will post up by you”:



He did post up as I saw early this morning.


– I finally did something to make his ass leave.

I first talked – rather EXPOSED – his ass here:

It’s funny early this morning I had a reptilian manipulated astral vision about him, trying to make me feel sorry for him AND when I used my third eye to see how to finally get rid of him, it, I was shown having sex with IT was the way. I felt that shit was manipulated by reptilian forces too, but I finally got him out early this morning.

It scares me to think they can fuck with your third eye too (one time I saw what appeared like a mouth with fangs appear at the opening hole where you see your third eye visions at).

His aggressiveness and obsessiveness reminds me of this mofo here from Creepshow, “Thanks for the ride, lady!”

Reptilians and reptilian manipulation and possession are something else!

This ain’t the first time they done pulled this shit!

They influenced a dude named Allen who is a CONFIRMED sexual predator to come fuck with me! I actually got ran out of San Diego for rape AND tried to rape a local homeless woman here in Malibu.

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I recall when I first encountered him, I COULD FEEL THE ENERGY of predatory-ness, entitlement (to women’s bodies) and disdain that was INTENSE and how he approached me – putting me down while still standing there feeling ENTITLED to me and mainly my energy – exuded this! You can watch the video up above.

That being said, afterwards, something – around me – got into him, took him over and possessed him and, in the same vein of the other dude, made him this childish, happy go lucky, carefree dude – with an obsession for me that was an inauthentic combination of romantic love, lust and sincere affection as you would have towards a family member. I knew it was inauthentic and he wasn’t being himself!

That being said, you can watch these tapes during that time period.


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– He came at me with some punk ass band (that never went anywhere) named blowfish or something (same assholes harassing me when I was a sex worker).




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Funny an image of a black womban with afro hair appeared in the mountains behind me:

One thing I will never forget is he said to me: “I don’t know why I love you but I do.”

– No matter what I did to him, threw shit at him, hit him – he had this strong devotion to me – but I knew it was not of his own making. Something was influencing him. Same thing with the RejuvOhm lady (her real name Sarah Bodine black witches) – same experience – couldn’t get rid of her:


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She had kept circling me ALLL day!


– She tried to give me something one night and I did NOT accept it from her cause I am already battling shit and don’t want the shit on her rubbing off on me.

– Imma say something right now too: I know that’s HER jealous ass that be talking shit on me and got folks harassing me as is happening all of a sudden. I recall one time seeing her punk ass yelling at the ocean, talking to it, saying “How can I get rid of her.”


I remeber when I told her deceptive ass I found her youtube channel – next thing you know, I can’t find it!

That’s why I don’t like that deceptive white bitch. I see right past her!

Based on my spiritual experience, what do all these people have in common: reptilian attachments! I’ve told that lady (since she the more spiritual) she need to exorcize that shit! I’ve encountered this numerous times. There was a lady in jail, hispanic lady with natural auburn hair, who was nice to me (and beat the living shit out of – to near death – her boyfriend) who tried to befriend me but, like the others – I did not like her. I have heard from numerous tarot readers that when folks attack me – they are under reptilian influence. The dude from yesterday – when I threw cards to see if he did it – this popped out:

– THAT FUCKING KING OF PENTACLES KEEPS POPPING OUT! That is my reptilian card for the reptilian adversary who has been apprarently fucking up things for me ever since it was sent my way by a dude (as explained to me by Jamila the High Priestess tarot).

Even thru my third eye – when I ask it to show me WHO is influencing these people to obsessively attach themselves to me – Eye ? see a reptilian in em everytime!

It reminds me of “They Live”

Even better, this reddit story here by redditor Carlb1961 that is damn good (ALL his series and even short stories are GREAT ??) called “People Think I’m A Serial Killer. It’s Far Worse Than That. Part 1” which is a DAMN good series and ya’ll gotta read it (this guy must be a real life successfully published novelist or something I long suspected):

Christians talk about demonic possession. Reptilian possession is real as a mofo too and it is pervasive out in L.A.

– Remind me of Dulce underground base and Area 51.

That being said, as that story on reddit by carlb1961 kinda alludes to – human vessels of weakened souls are taken and are converted into “hideaways” for the reptilians to conceal themselves in. This is usually created by trauma initiated early on in a person’s life caused by soul loss

Allen for instance has a blog, ambiguously something – I don’t recall where he basically recounts how he at a young age was raised by a mom and dad who both worked for the government in fairly high capacities who sadistically tortured him, didn’t show him love, treated him like shit, mainly emotionally neglected him. He told me he was given a choice to become some type of super killer for the government.

I knew he was mk ultra

– This documentary is the BEST and most mainstream documentation of mk ulyra super soldiers yet.

– You all need to watch it! ??

That being said, the RejuvOhm lady was raped at around 2 by a Mexican stepdad with alot of connections in the “deep state” or as some would call the shadow government. Texas, like Nebraska with regard to the Johnny Gosch case is another place that is the epicenter of mk ultra training of mind controlled organic “robots” with Lee Harvey Oswald being one, who was used in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy:

– You can see he ain’t there like that James Holmes dude who did the Dark Knight Shooting:

– Alotta mk ultra victims have that “thousand yard stare” due to mk ultra “programming” which causes one to disassociate and create multiple personalities:

The meds they put em on facilitates this.
Also, I didn’t know Lee Harvey Oswald was from New Orleans, like me!

Even to this day, mystery surrounds the assassination such as the appearance of an umbrella dude (handler) who was possibly a second (or the real shooter):

The first school shooter was Charles Whitman, who was also in the military – a major hub for mk ultra training:

– This article TELLS YOU the traits of mk ultra victims who are used as patsies later on….

Returning back to the RejuvOhm lady, early childhood trauma will of course fuck your mind up – esp. if folks ignore you when you speak out on shit. It happened to her.

So the reptilians came and with her auric walls looking like swiss cheese, took up residence in her auric field and use her body as an agent to get what they want and feed off of folks energies – hence why she tries to attach to me!

On her body she has the tattoo of Quetzalcoatl who was a reptilian demon, much like Belial:

Would shapeshift into a white man and demand human sacrifices – which is why mexicans and south americans war-ship whites and are some ruthless mofos (they are under that reptilian influence/control as well which I will expound on later).

Also of importance, the big thing with her is she seems to be some illuminati recruiter cause she kept trying to convince me almost as if in a verbal attempt to bash me upside the head that I should want material wealth. She also told me the things folks say about the illuminati sacrificing kids and shit are lies created by wealthy folks to keep poir folks away. She also associated with this redneck who I will later talk about who I saw in visions got ties to Oprah Winfrey and kidnaps folks for wealthy folks in Malibu and all over to sacrifice (he even told me he a transporter) then gets homes via Oprah’s money to bury the dead sacrificed people on (he got a mansion in malibu as he and the RejuvOhm chick told me):

– That bitch mk ultra alll the way!

As for the Formosa drunken dude, I don’t know his whole story. He ain’t spiritual in any sense unlike the other two. That is why as you can see in the first video in this post when I tried to break down and explain to him what is really going on – well, I thought of it and my cards and my intuition told me he wouldn’t acknowledge it cause he is extremely worldly and is only focused on the material plane so any attempts to get thru by explaining the spiritual, reptilian ramifications of his obsession with me will be met with childish doubt, hauranging, taunting and disbelief.

On a more down to Earth level, he seems to disdain that anyways, drowning himself in alcohol (he is an excessive alcoholic who drinks every minute and has a strong disdain it seems for himself and anyone with that spark in em, that connection to something bigger ie the spiritual source. I even saw a brown entity attachment on him one time – a roach (giant one) – and brown as a spiritual colour represents obsessive, compulsive behaviors and addiction (stay away from folks with those colors unless they sincerely want help!). He is OBSESSED with sex which I saw on his screen one night:


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To tell ya the truth – awhile back, when I brought a purple flourite to see into the “next world” better I saw a man dressed in a tarzan-esque showl on his dick who was in a jungle with a 9 year old girl lying on a bamboo, tarp style canopy. He was gonna have sex with her. It looked just like him:

That’s why when I first saw him I kept thinking, “He raped a 9 year old girl.” It makes since. He abandoned his daughter to a mother on drugs. Why would he lose custody of his child to a drug addict unless he did some real reprehensible shit to her? The more I write this shit out and ponder, the more it makes sense. Wow, I was right. I was truly right!

He also would show his real side by getting violent towards men. That’s why I have no sympathy for him. I believe he saw em as competition like, for instance, one night when he came to park next to me he yelled at this innocent looking kid with glasses to “move” and when a friend told him to be careful on the road he yelled at him to “Mind his own business.” I would even hear him call me ugly or denigrate me even while on good terms due to him not being able to attach himself to me which lets me know his Real Self is e-vile! I even heard him play a tape of a woman telling him “No” and him trying to cooo her into sex while not listening to hef objections.

I talked about that, and more here:

Yeah, he is a sick fuck.

Now, why are these people obsessed with me.

I got reptilians around me too.

I won’t lie!

– You can REALLY see it here

– There ain’t no denying that shit.

You can see them change to reptilian slits. They have also changed to blue (reptilians are known to do this):

– Here a more recent one:

I have to be honest with myself. Either I am some reptilian hybrid or else a reptilian is dwelling within me.

When I was into satanism which is a part of the reptilian-archon-programming matrix, I called up the reptilian Melfore (a giant red snake who dwells in a lake of fire which I used to inadvertently sacrifice people to) the thing parading as satan (I once even heard a reptilian hiss “Sssshe worshipssss satan” as if I am doing what they want me to do by entering one of their archonic anti spiritual programs – I asked for it to return the soul piece I lost after my teacher in high school told me to drop the English accent (I was having a kundalini awakening at the time and I will explain the significance of this later) – I wonder if it put something else rather than that soul piece back in?

I will say after that ritual, I felt alot of energy on the right side of my body. Folks have told me that they see my soul sticking out on the right side. I wonder of this represents it:

– See, this picture is normal

I thought that was my baby brother but it might be something else now that I think of it!

Anyways, the right side rules impulses, compulsive behavior, near lack of inhibitions. This has fueled the alcohol urges, impulsive buying habits since that area is the subconscious. If I fought the alcohol urges I would get food urges which would fuck up my pocketbook and possibly even body since most were junk I did not need (seems an attachment at the lower right side of my jaw causes this I think). For the longest time I even felt something was controlling the right side of my crown chakra (when I put away my crystals and stones that shit went away cause they may have absorbed the other negative energies fucking with shit).

I now realise that my chakras were out of whack.

Cause of the scar caused by what that teacher said, my consciousness mainly took up the right side of me, causing impulsive behavior, etc. – shit reptilians love!

That’s why when I would fight those alcohol urges – esp. while living in the heart of the city, it was hell on Earth and nothing outside the spiritual (cause it was a spiritual issue) could help.

Let me break it down: when your chakras are out of whack – reptilian entities can come in and attach to you and manipulate your subconscious mind. I would wake up feeling something attached to my neck chakra, esp. the crown and it was a fight to get that shit off. In his comments, 2circles – who speaks on reptilian issues – talks on this:

I have felt shit (etheric snakes) squrim at the crown and even via third eye a friend saw a purple cloaked reptilian attached at the crown right after I did successful energy work to clear it.

I wonder how many other folks got bad attachments like that?

With the moldavite – in an astral vision I was shown a chinese dragon floating around (which I sense was attached to my sacral chakra which exudes sexual energy) with reptilians manipulating my sacral which caused men to misconstrue my topless thing for something sexual).

I won’t even lie; via my own third eye – thrice – I saw a dragon or serpent like reptilian in me! Thru my third eye I think I banished it, but I sense it’s energy signature is still there.

Even before the satanism, something was in me as evidenced by my eyes here in a pic taken in 2015 (a month before the satanism phase):

– You can even see a dove in there.

Peep like right here it is the right side of my eye:

Even once as can be seen here I saw something “come across” my face and try to possess:

This my eyes at normal (they look darker, like solid black tho).

Looka how my eyes changed:

– Here a close up!

This shit is real. “They Live” is real and I am fighting it!

I was told that a man sent it my way. Because I had gotten into satanism when I was younger – during the time period I was told to drop the English accent which caused the soul loss (hell, looking back I believe THAT event was influenced by the reps/satan because that chemistry teacher, Ms. Preston – was a satanist – I mean she even encouraged students to slash boyfriends’ tires for dumping em) I was fucking with it. I saw in an astral vision that that teacher might have freemason ties and I was told I could never take it off which is bull cause I have been improving alot.

Fast forward to the adult satanic phase – I would have terrible urges for alcohol – every three days – and it had to be jack daniels!

As I expound here, Belial – a reptilian – liked that:

Now, why the folks with reptilians try to attach to me.

Cause of the reptilian shit that is already around me – I’ll never forget the RejuvOhm lady said to me that we are “sisters” like a distorted reptilian version of “We are sisters in Christ” – these attachments are designed, I guess but I am not wholly sure, to keep you in a negative state which the reptilians feed off of as explained here:

– Ya’ll gotta read this shit! It even breaks down how the Egyptian scarab beetle is a symbol of negative influence:

That being said, as the two blog article links on Ascension Glossary point out ?? reptilians FEED off of negative energy. By influencing folks to aggravate you, to have – to add insult to injury – ooglay nastay ole tired fat funly dirtay nastay pieces of shit ile uglay sexual predators pursue you (and you do dumb shit with em while under reptilian influence is down due to alcohol use – which breaks your etheric walls and thus protection), it creates an energy matrix via which for them to feed on, esp. the regret that comes from letting your guard down and letting these mofos in when – when you are in your right state of mind – you know better – makes you blame then hate yourself!

Just know it ain’t your fault! That there are powerful entities that are influencing you to do that dumb shit, that are tormenting you. But there are ways to stop them.

  • Soul retrieval

If you have endured some type of trauma – more than likely soul loss has occurred!

As this blog explains:

When trauma happens, you lose a piece of your soul which leaves just like when folks drink alcohol cause it can not take the damage caused by the incident at hand. To keep your aura and spiritual strenght in tact – you need to get that soul piece, pronto!

When I used to do copwatching on Fig and Western back ‘n da day – many of the sex workers working the hoe strolls I saw could not do their jobs without some form of chemical/liquid courage dependency and that was due to the immense soul loss they suffered early on (and repeatedly in the capacities of their jobs due to the type of tricks – not clients – they came upon!).

I talked about this before but this is why so many of prettyhoe304 clients FED on her – her power-FULL energy (which is why she was treated special and was able to do alot of great things before she got locked up for 15 years):

Very recently a gentleman I had seen in the past – very beautiful looking man (I mean fucking perfect), jewish – who had seen me had a HUGE jug of vodka by an off name brand.

Many of the clients/tricks got entity attachments, too – causing their obsessions.

Also as I learned via my adult satanism phase the entity(s) that is/are around you can influence folks to attach themselves to you, worship you as I explain here:

Now, I saw this with the satanic phase when I felt influenced to buy statue of a a dragon for my altar and every dude who came in to see me for prostitution had a symbol of or a connection to dragons some way.

It seems like the dragon likes to feast on sexual energy and has put a road block on me where I can’t do anything else outside of prostitution. Once when I rejected any attempts to fall back into sex work, my money REALLY started running low, had bad luck, severe roadblocks etc. It is very painfull to my self esteem and that hurt – along with sacral chakra sexual energy – is what that pos feasts on!

Now, another thing to work on is this:

*Cleanse your underworld

Another thing this blog talks about here:

Another thing I found that helped me which the shaman who wrote the blog initially helped me with is underworld cleansings. Your underworld is a place – as she says – where your power animals (like on a totem pole) exists. When you do black magic or black magic is afflicted on you, it can affect your underworld which can direct affect your Earthly 3D life.

She found that cause of all the black magic I was doing, I was conjuring other broken, now demonic beings from the lower astral underworld to come up and wreak havoc in my personal underworld and she had to destroy the entities there – including a skeleton (who I have seen as a shapeshifter that fucks with me then tries to manipulate me into thinking it is an ally) that was holding a key for protection there.

*Open and use your Third Eye

I can not tell you HOW POWER-FULL the third eye is:

Imma say something right now: when you first open it, you may get entities fucking with you left and right as what happened to this young lady:


And as what happened to me!

When I was in the satanic phase and saw all the awful, evil shit that I invited that was coming my way – including curses that would manifest as anthromorphic animals as a Cuban shaman said to me – I was nearly running back to crakkka christ aka cesare borgia aka jesus christ to escape that shit:

That being said – it merely shows you the shit that is around you and, as Cecilia McGough, the young lady needs to learn –

– no amount of pill popping (and lying to yourself) is gonna save your ass on the other side when those entities get ahold of you, just as whay happened to my baby brother, who was hearing voices (due to medication) here:

She need a shaman!

That being said, here is how you use your third eye to vanquish that shit:

The astral plane – esp. the higher you get – is less material meaning your body won’t be as dense or as solid as it is here. That being said, the third eye kinda introduces you to the mental aspect of things there. Everything is thought and visualization and emotion. You can project shit, make your own worlds – change whole landscapes. That world is your oyster.

That is why new agers – though not as honest – say to keep your thoughts pure.

Now, taking the know-ledge I just taught – close your eyes. If your third eye is open, you will see images, even if very vague (I find that the more concrete the images are the harder it is to manipulate and actually see as I can’t control em as much when they are concrete but I am learning). I use emotion and thought to project what I want. Astral projection is kinda like this too since we all astral project when we dream but you wanna be more conscious when doing it (one time I saw a reptilian as a black man in a locale who did not like my being woke and didn’t want others in the dreamstate as well to awake). Before you begin, ask you third eye to show you the scene or just what yoi want. You will then see images unfold.

From there, like I did and have been doing – you can cleanse your own underworld, defeat spiritual enemies (the more concrete your vision is the less of a possibility of them leaving an energy signature to use to come back is likely).

I have defeated enemies like TH which was some samurai (in the astral he would look a lil like Bill Murray) like demon who – the shaman told me was associated with the water element, liked to take the souls of spiritually powerfull women and entrap em in the astral (he plans to do this to Aarona), numerous other lessor entities like the witch, the jester and a dark amorphous like entity that looks similar to the tall kkk hat wearing one in the middle:

– They are my “three of pentacles” in my tarot deck

….But cloudlike, vaporous and the final one is this ugly fucking big ass reptilian that from what I have seen got red eyes and looks sorta like this:

– It seems an insectoid mix!

Or like this:

This the mofo I saw taking over my face when I used my third eye to see.

They can, like anyone/thing else – change in the astral!

That being said, some more advice:

*Work with spiritual allies

I peep my most powerfull ally around me is a dragon:

– But not the same reptilian dragon I spoke about before named Melfore I runs a lake of fire in the astral and whom I was inadvertently sacrificing folks to.

Dragons are very powerful allies!

As the hmong shaman explains here:

They are associated with Gods and Goddesses (I’m one so that’s whh I got one).

I don’t know this one’s name and I’d never reveal it, but he is a powerfull mofo and will fuck up anybody fucking with me!

See, people think that cause I am black the orishas, loas of sataneria – santeria – and voodoo are supposed to resonate cause they are black religions!

– Those mofos are some energy vampires which is why Hat-E is poor and why the places with those re-ligions/spiritual systems are shitty and poor asa fuck!

That said, not all blacks came from a regular human empire. Some of us derived from reptilian empires as evidenced here by this 2012 pic that shows Nefertiti – an Egyptian Queen – taking the place of my shadow:

– Mind you, that pic was taken WAYYYY before any satanism, no excessive alcohol, no drugs, nan of that and was at the start of my spiritual awakening and was the same year my brother died!

Now, the Egyptian empire was part of the reptilian empire, hence why Ra (a part of the carians aka bird people who begot the reptilians) birthed – and ran it!

Funny cause – as a Cuban shaman relayed to me – I got the face of a bird which points to your totem animal, which in my case is an eagle:

– And my name is Raven too.

It’s funny, Wayward (or Renegade) Witches, when talking about the singer Azaliea Banks, spoke of how santeria and voodoo wasn’t for all blacks and how some of us were more reptilian:

With that being said, I have had entities approach me in the astral, wanting to work with me but due to my gnostic way of seeing things – that all gods, goddesses, entities in the matrix are agents of the demiurge – I refused.

It’s funny now that I think of it when I would call on my ancestors – as many blacks like to say – I would get bad luck but I do recall my grandmother – who always loved me – trying to help me out!

Folks gotta be careful on just blanketly calling on their ancestors cause you don’t know what type of people they were while physically here, how they are over there. One lady had a bad heroin habit (not of her own doing) due to an ancestor who was still around who was still addicted to that shit and it took her exorcizing it to get rid of it.

Hell, ESP. if you are an empath like me, watch for the shit around you cause just their spiritual presence around you alone (due to the spiritual energy they put on you) can fuck you up!

That being said, Thor came around. The only god to visit my unsolicited. I had a vision of a ticker taper parade where he said he don’t want white supremacists war-shipping.

He wanted to use me to find new energy sources to war-ship! Now it all makes sense why many tarot readers said that there was a man around me trying to control then punish me to boast his ego.

You can read and hear more on that struggle here:

After I refused, I saw that he had my brother in hell, wanting to turn him into a creature. At one point, a wolf which this cloud showed after such an astral vision:

– You can see the vid in that article I showed!

That sign, that is the sign of a bad spirit!

Thor is a bad entity who is arrogant, a white supremacist and full of white entitlement!

He fucked with the wrong one thinking he could use me.

Bad spirits will want to control you, use you and not respect your space!

For instance, the dragon I do work with – when his energy become intense to where it overwhelmed my right side, I asked him to step back and he did.

When the energy of Lilith – or something else – came from either within (it felt like something influenced the crown then the right side of my energy body) – it attached to me where nothing could break it off and it blocked my chakras.

I recall a young lady during the time Ra was around said he was lit all over me, on top = he was deliberately blocking my chakras!

Be careful who you chose to work with. Not everything has our best intent. Spiritual discernment is key and when you know how to identify true spiritual allies – like my dragon – everything will become better in due time.

Don’t treat them like shit or slaves and don’t let anything treat you that way as well.

Imma end this by saying….

The true power lies within you, The Source! When many of these entities start to come looking for you when you become spiritual, the seek out that Source which is what they really want (a piece of) and to pursue.

You got the power thru will power to break free and fight this shit if you want. When you become powerfull you are gonna get attacked as I break down here – with examples:

The best example on this! That’s a reptilian on his/ her ass!

Also, the more powerful your energy, the more whatever energy you put out there will be amplified by x10. I can’t touch folks’s shit without putting energy on it or even my own and as I talk about here:

I can’t give shit to folks without my energy being attached to it nor can accept shit from folks without having their energy meld into mines, mainly the right side of me (also whatever shit I got helping/attacking me will go to that person when they take shit from me and visa versa when I accept shit from them.

That being said, Imma get this shit off of me. A Mexican brujera taught me to wait 30 days and don’t do ANYTHING LOW VIBRATORY – no alcohol, black magic – to remove it! Most importantly DO NOT GO TO ANYBODY like that RejuvOhm chick (her real name Sarah Bodine black witches) who got reptilian/negative entity attachments or is possessed by em cause whatever they got will pass on to you! I personally won’t do shit until I got my spiritual shit strait. I wouldn’t see that bitch anyways cause she always talking about wanting to be with that Tesla dude, Elon Musk, and a wealthy yet she – as pretty as she is I will admit – live in an suv which she don’t want to at the age of 40 something!

Step ya mk ultra game up!

Also, to Mexicans/hispanics:

As I said before, you all come from the Quetzalcoatl reptilian empire! Like me, ya’ll got some powerfull energy but they try to keep you down by getting you to subconsciously focus on low vibe activities like sex, alcohol IN EXCESS (and disdain for women), as was done to me! You got the spiritual power to break free of that shit, more so than others!

Also, as a final word – when mofos possessed/influenced by those entities come at you – OVERSTAND what is going on by looking at things on a macro and not micro level. Still, if they fuck with ya, like zombies, beat they ass, put black magic (with protection), do what you gotta do to neutralise the threat.

Maybe even cleanse of that shit which I tried to do with old fool!

When fighting that shit, know what the enemy is looking for then do counter to it! ??

If you have any comments, anything personal you wanna share, send me an email here: [email protected] Also, feel free to donate here: @ CashApp @ $RavenWilliams2222$ or at my Zelle at 310-359-5199 if you like the content.

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