This tripped me the fuck out. I don’t know how long it has been placed but I peep it is directly. over. my car! In a spot I usually park. I wonder if it is deliberate?
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While en route to bust that old mofo’s ass who I talked about here:
And here:
With a friend (by the way that old mofo who was stalking me got an illegal, unregistered gun in his car)….
I came across diss:
I have been seeing this weird “star” for a coupla years now. He said it is a satellite for T-mobile designed to look like a star – as if done with 5G towers – but when I have meditated on it I see look like Admiral Ackbar from Star Wars:
Which, if it is just a regular satellite and not an orb as I thought previously:
– One time I even saw it flanked by a red orb for awhile, like they are friends lol!
I peep it follows me!