Keep Fucking With Raven The Bull And You Will Get These Horns

Keep Fucking With Raven The Bull And You Will Get These Horns

Imma May baby.

I was born on May 14, 1983 in New Orleans, LA.

The bull, Taurus, is my astrological sign:

– You know, I don’t ordinarily pay attention to the norp, organic portal version of spirituality cause I – unlike most people, have a better understanding of other factors coming into play like genetics, natal chart, NAME – plus, taking all dat into account, not everyone can have the same traits on the same day, plus the Chinese calendar, which is older, has my whole entire YEAR pegged as being born under the pig ?

…..but this ?? dead fucking accurate, DEAD ON ?? of my fucking personality traits. Dead ☠

It’s dead accurate like as what was evidenced yesterday….

Fuck I Got Pyrokinesis: Malibu Gets Fyre Fest ‘Woke After I Thought It

Hear ????? me chronicling the fire ‘woke from yesterday:


That said, I heard some WETBACKS in a truck who I cursed out earlier while they were driving down Topanga yelling, “tiddays” – I had a bad feeling about it cause that shit was twice in a row – who passed by my car last night, yelling, “I’m crazy.”

Hear my response I did:


Mofo from the other day – like all of em they dismiss me and dehumanize me by calling me a “crackhead” – that’s why I get violent with em and I sadistically like getting under theur skin cause I sense they see me like that, unfairly judging me – stopped that wolf whistling shit when I turnt UP on him (saw him yesterday and he LEARNT not to pull that):


That said, you don’t play that shit with me. You go play that shit with your own womben!

Like crakkkas, they wanna leer at and sexually LEECH off of black womben (cause they think they honkkkies). Let me make it clear. I don’t like you mofos. I have no illusions about what you are:

Why Mexicans and Latinos Are The Children of The Reptilians

I Am REALLY FUCKING CONVINCED That Wetbucks and South and Central Americans Are Some Evil Demonic Reptilian Spawns

What I’m fucking dealing with:

The Difference In How Mexicans Treat A Hostile White Lady Vs A Black Lady

Stay in your fucking lane if you know what’s good for ya. Stick with your own fucking kind.

I can hear their asses as I was putting ‘woke on they ass in the ether talking about, “We gonna beat her up”, “We gonna rape her”, “She just a whore” – THAT’S WHY I BE GETTING PISSED CAUSE I KNOW CAUSE I CAN SENSE THOSE MOFOS DON’T SEE ME AS HUMAN, hence why I ‘woke em – I can’t get over how they want our power and want to beat us down for it – keep your fucking distance. This a word of warning. I don’t tolerate disrespect.

As a matter of fact, I can hear them getting da ‘woke:

They were UP – the same time I was ‘wokeing they ass – in the middle of the night, complaining – as I heard in the ether – how they can’t sleep, one saying, “Man, I can’t believe she ‘woked us” (you expect me to let you walk unscathed – “That bitch” and all sorts of shit. I been saying mofos fear my power – why make a lemming of yourself and walk into my ‘woke. You deserve it ✊? The nightmares I send are the ones you can physically die in if you die in the so called “dream” too.

Don’t fuck with me.

As I said numerous times on my blog I can be an evil, sadistic plotting mofo when it comes to my enemies. I’m very vindictive and like a Taurus, I never forget nor forgive…..

Imma lot like the animal of my astrological sign:

People act as if they are entitled to fuck with me – I got wind of this when I first came out to Malibu and the same assholes trying to run me out were telling me not to be “vindictive” ie use my power for self defense and get aka FIGHT THEY ASS:

Malibu Is Gonna Get Another Fire ‘Woke AND I Feel I Am Revenge For What Ya’ll Did To Mitrice Richardson

I’m so proud of how I trained they asses, just like I trained the wetbacks in the black truck.

Like my sign, people throw spears but then get pissed when I fight back ???

It’s a fucking shame how they kill these bulls for fighting back.

I have dealt with that TERRIBLE, TERRIBLE predatory bullying energy my entire life. I don’t put up with shit. I know what the fuck is going on witch ??‍♀️ is why I just charge like the bull:

Get em! ✊?

I think this shit, this attitude runs in tandem with the strong black woman stereotype:

People Got To STOP Putting Black Women Into The Category Of The Super Strong Black Woman Terminatrix

There was a peckerwood fucking with me and making fun of em calling it out when I put that article out but HAD THE AUDACITY to take issue when I put out there the reality that crakkkas created misogyny due to fear of white genetic annhilation due to their teeny tiny white dicks who nobody wants (unless they paying for it like they had to do me back in the day – energy too precious, I can’t fuck with prostitution) due to their lack of testosterone, which I wrote about hea:

It’s a fucking crakkka. You can tell by the playlist:

This why I couldn’t deal with people. You gotta be a straight soulless mofo to be able to lack the emotions to deal with this shit!

THE GULL to have NERVE to wanna get upset when someone tells the biological truth about ya aka “insult” you after you make a sarcastic remark about them!

That’s why as a Taurus, fuck as ME, a person with a soul – I can’t work with pee-pole aka these soulless organic robotoids!

– Here the article I wrote exposing they weak recessive genetic defective asses…..

The REAL Reason Why Other Races Hate Blacks But Want To Be Around Us

That’s why I ate them fucking punches they threw at me here, lol:

Hippie Crakkka Who Claims He Likes Black Women Fights Me Like I’m A Man

I Got Into A Fight With A White Dude Who Is In The Entertainment Industry

Talking about, “I don’t wanna hurt you” to save face! Bitch, you were throwing punches – THAT’S THE BEST you can do! Fuck outta here!

Mexicans actually fucking hit:

Mexican Attacks Black Woman

They had to run over my foot, cause I still kept getting back up (while drunk) lol…..

Wetback Gangmembers Attempt To Run Over A Black Woman

Let me not go down this self efficacing rabbit hole of abuse. I didn’t deserve that, none of it. No one should get harmed! I just threw dark humour cause of the issue.

That being said….. this why I KNOW that new (c)age peace and love and light show shit is bull (pun intended ?). I don’t explain shit. As I go into hermit mode, get rid of entities that are within me (just got rid of one today and I can feel the difference)…. don’t fuck with me….. or any other time!

I’m out here so I can have peace and quiet…. some nasty mofos tried to bring that pervert energy out chea and I ran em ??‍♂️??‍♂️


– One of em from a distance looked like Logan Paul…..

When I saw em up close they the SAME ones who I overheard one day talking shit on my being topless yet want to see it.

I hate hypocrites and I hate liars.

That said, I want, I need peace! I don’t need nor want your nasty ass dick – esp. a WETBACK dick ?????✏? I am not a materialistic, “way of the world” person. I am a deeply spiritual – but not in the re-ligious sense – person, I am also very anti social mofo. If I fuck with people they will be on my level of consciousness and don’t bullshit me cause I am extremely “sensitive” and will see your bull (pun intended) shit coming from a mile away. I don’t like to be fooled, I don’t like to be fucked with. I don’t need your approval (which pisses many energy vampires off).

Leave. Me. The. Fuck. Alone.

I know ya’ll read this shit so ?? follow it!

I look like the fucking devil here, huh!

Keep fucking with me, fucking idiots!

If you have any comments, anything personal you wanna share, send me an email here: [email protected] Also, feel free to donate here: you like the content.

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