This Is How Gangstalking Works

This Is How Gangstalking Works

The other day, right after this happened: Hippie Crakkka Who Claims He Likes Black Women Fights Me Like I’m A Man THIS happened…..   I turn around and notice mofo is ABRASIVELY, IN MY FACE AS A FORM OF DISRESPECT taking pics….. Damn right I ran up on his ass and ran him and his gucamole ass eating wife (who looked like she ain’t never missed a meal) up the skreets…. Now, let me break it down…. WHAT are the chances of TWO HIPPIE LOOKING ASS MOFOS – in dude’s case from yesterday he a “white” wetbuck – antagonise me

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I Don’t Fuck With The Lamestream….Don’t Fuck With Me

I Don’t Fuck With The Lamestream….Don’t Fuck With Me

I don’t fuck with ya’ll…… This got sent not too long before this shit happened….. Hippie Crakkka Who Claims He Likes Black Women Fights Me Like I’m A Man And RIGHT AFTER I posted this….. I Got Into A Fight With A White Dude Who Is In The Entertainment Industry People say folks like myself are crazy about calling out these synchronocities but nan we not! That said I REMEMBER when I first started my topless thing they tried to “white wash” it in terms of who they gave it credit: Black Woman Starts Topless Movement in L.A. And White

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