You Malibu Nuts Esp. At Levinaia STAY THE FUCK OFF MY SOCIAL MEDIA

You Malibu Nuts Esp. At Levinaia STAY THE FUCK OFF MY SOCIAL MEDIA

I don’t like you mofos. I put fyre ‘woke on you hoes. Malibu Is Gonna Get Another Fire ‘Woke AND I Feel I Am Revenge For What Ya’ll Did To Mitrice Richardson Stay the fuck off my shit. I know how you thingz operate – I saw in the astral last night ya’ll were gonna pull some shit like this. As I ascend, become more Power-FULL, ya’ll ain’t creating no etheric chords with me. I don’t wanna be a part of your satanic, demonic possessed, reptilian possessed baby eating organic portal ass clique! I know them assholes at Levinaia followed

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How To Protect Yourself From Organic Portals

How To Protect Yourself From Organic Portals

I know I haven’t written in a while cause I been fasting and working on my healing but I wanna still drop a vid on something that needs to be talked about….. That said, I wanna say that when you see a mofo doing this, the “they crazy” finger twirl….. They doing it to do witchcraft on you by opening a chakra. See, in your fingers you have chakras and when you go clockwise you open it and when you go counterclockwise you close it. It is not goodt to have that chakra open unless you got the crown esp.

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