Why I Say That Mexicans Are The Children of The Devil aka Reptilians

Why I Say That Mexicans Are The Children of The Devil aka Reptilians

  Wetbacks are pure evil, just like they daddy, Quetzalcoatl: Pure fucking evil. Ever since the days after their draco reptilian parents created them, they been murdering, torturing, cutting up folks since…. It is in their dna. I do not come with sentimentality, emotion (the ways in which enemies try to attack you to attack what you know to be the truth) but pure empirical observation corroborated by extensive research, and evidence which they so happily provide…. That said, let me show what I know….. ALLL throughout my healing period, I have been getting interrupted by these creatures often when

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How The Ego Keeps You From Healing And Attracts Bad Shit To You

How The Ego Keeps You From Healing And Attracts Bad Shit To You

….like a fallen jar of jam, if left spilled, will attract roaches, rats, and other vermin….. Looka the natural alignment of those rocks…. Those mean that I myself am coming into natural alignmemt….. With that said, early this morning…. I had a dream. I entered into a troublesome Jurassic Park like entrance that was filled with giant T- Rex’s. I was guided by a sandy blonde haired white man. As I was being guided to avoid the danger of being gulped up by these creatures I witnessed what I knew in my heart chakra to be two enemies: one who

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This Is Why You Shouldn’t Have A Kitchen Witch Mentality When Approaching The Spirit Realm

This Is Why You Shouldn’t Have A Kitchen Witch Mentality When Approaching The Spirit Realm

This a SPOOKY ass image…. Look cool huh!? I was listening to her account of what happened to her at the hands of the police and – I mean – that shit MIRRORS what just happened to me yesterday…. Just like me, she was targeted based on a particular program that affects her heart chakra – in her case attacking black males programming and, in mine, forcing womben to bow down to men’s sexual needs and egos programming. In both cases, A MEXICAN SERGEANT WAS CALLED! What are the chances of that happening….. yesterday! Listen to the end which is

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I RealEYES That The Black Snake Right Eyed Entity Attachment Is Designed To Keep Us Enslaved To The Matrix

I RealEYES That The Black Snake Right Eyed Entity Attachment Is Designed To Keep Us Enslaved To The Matrix

Shit might be responsible for the reptilian shapeshifts…. This brilliant article here breaks it down: https://www.openhandweb.org/5d-shift-unwinding-black-snake-energy-deep-field Ya’ll gotta read it. It is a must read ??? It breaks down what I been dealing with….. I Think That I Am Under Vril Attack There Definitely IS A Parasitic Etheric Snake In My Right Eye   Here I am describing the various emotional changes and major spiritual alterations you feel as you remove bad soul pieces, energy blocks, and really, entity blocks!   That right eyed entity is fucking HARD to remove. That mofo creates synchronicities that create fucked up “coincidences” that

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