Wetback Gangmembers Attempt To Run Over A Black Woman

Wetback Gangmembers Attempt To Run Over A Black Woman


CA license plate #6APL755

I heard from folks that it was a sepia green Ford Explorer with a grill like a jeep at the front and a sort of slant at the back which is what I saw!

You can see here:

I Found The Wetbacks Who Ran Over My Foot


Fucking wetback ass so called “male” wants to fight me….

….And they ran over my foot while COLLECTIVELY throwing shit at me!

Fucking cowards!


I was drunk ass hell last night and I thought the black car you see was the car that shot an arrow at me awhile back which I talked about here:

Three Black Serial Killers Who Attack The Homeless Shoot An Arrow At My Car

Being that I was drunk and not in my right state of mind, I don’t recall what happened and how shit started but I might of got offended by something they said before the cameras started rolling and that’s why I said the dumb shit I said. But later on a fucking cowardly ass dude started throwing shit at me and then, in an attempt to kill me, ran over my foot, which is now heeling (get it, heal?).

I don’t know WHAT THE FUCK possessed my stupid ass to say some dumb shit but I feel that shit was straight a curse sent by – from what I saw – some black bitch in Missouri.

The interesting thing is after the attack a hispanic couple came to my aid – total sweetheart and good people.

I just wish my luck wasn’t so fucking bad – when you drunk you don’t think straight – or feel shit – but this shit here, and a tarot reader WARNED something like this was to come.

I think I got evil shit attacking me as I heal so I profoundly believe that is the deal of what’s going on.

I forgot to mention that the couple who helped me saw that they were messing with someone else and told them to leave when they rolled up. I recall the dude who did this shit was yelling, “Put on a shirt” and calling me a “nigger.”

I’m not perfect but I prey some terrible fucked up shit happens to them.

I want to mention that when I ‘woke up ✊? earlay diss mornin’ I saw broken glass in my car and I don’t understand how the fuck that came in given my windows were rolled up!

Here is the indentation casted from me backing up to avoid them hitting me….

I got to apologise for the shit that I was saying esp. to the nice couple that helped me.

Man I gotta…. Lordt!

If you have any comments, anything personal you wanna share, send me an email here: [email protected] Also, feel free to donate here: paypal.me/RWilliams387 you like the content.

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