Astral Projection CONFIRMS That Heaven Is Hell Which Is Ran By The Archons The Reptilians

Astral Projection CONFIRMS That Heaven Is Hell Which Is Ran By The Archons The Reptilians

I wanna say for the record that when you look at the thing that is holding the child in the vat in the Matrix…. Don’t that look like a bird-reptilian, the same things that David Icke – based on knowledge from Credo Mutwa – states is running our planet ? I ain’t never wrong…. read this to see what I mean…. Even before writing this I feel a sharp tightening on my throat chakra and crown and I saw thru my third eye early this morning a fucking reptilian putting that shit there. I’ve said it and talked about

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Malibu Asshole Resident In Luxury Car Attempts To Run Me Over

Malibu Asshole Resident In Luxury Car Attempts To Run Me Over

…..But my powerfull spirit stopped. THE SHIT outta his ass….   [purchase_link id=”37278″ text=”Download” style=”button” color=”blue”] I think he got something to do with those folks involved in Mitrice Richardson’s rape and murder (who are apparently holding another lady captive) here: Third Eye Shows Me Red Haired Dude Involved In Mitrice Richardson’s Death Holding Woman Hostage In Basement In An Old Mansion In Malibu I walked across the meridian cause I overheard these lil NIGGERS (one of whom looked like 40’s caricatures of black people like you would see in racist cartoons) and a, I dunno what you call it,

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Why I HATE Black Bitches With A PASSION

Why I HATE Black Bitches With A PASSION

….Fucking black bitch!   This video hurt me to do…. The more I undergo healing the more I realise how much NIGGER BITCHES have fucked up my life out of fucking envy and out of spite cause black bitches are just some spiteful, evil e-vile cruel mofos who love to hurt and have no rhymne or reason behind their sadism. Tommy Sotomayor (check out his channel here: says NO FUCKING LIES ABOUT THOSE NIGGER BITCHES: None. I threw my cards recently…. And as one brother said, as I long sensed, A NIGGER BITCH BY THE NAME Artemis Wayne aka

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