Why I HATE Black Bitches With A PASSION

Why I HATE Black Bitches With A PASSION

….Fucking black bitch!


This video hurt me to do….

The more I undergo healing the more I realise how much NIGGER BITCHES have fucked up my life out of fucking envy and out of spite cause black bitches are just some spiteful, evil e-vile cruel mofos who love to hurt and have no rhymne or reason behind their sadism.

Tommy Sotomayor (check out his channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPg8hUOnnXkmLG0FeUAcYdw) says NO FUCKING LIES ABOUT THOSE NIGGER BITCHES: None.

I threw my cards recently….

And as one brother said, as I long sensed, A NIGGER BITCH BY THE NAME Artemis Wayne aka (now she goes by) “Veritas Maat Sees Thru The Veil”, an ole white hating, in denial bitch (here her channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeXLG4fQ1pjuWqz1osqTbqw – heard she lost her job too when word got back to her employer that she hates whites, ha ha Chris Case curse ha haaa) has put a curse on me….

She got an ugly fucking nose and ya’ll see how fucking black her eyes are….

I want you all to look at something…. Notice how her skin looks a mess, like the shit is LIT fucking peeling off recently (and her view count DOWN):

– Talking about New Orleans is cursed. Naw, bitch your black mayate ass is cursed hissss ? Now take your ass and go back to Guyana aka Jonestown hisssss

Vs how she looked two years ago (she still looked drained but not as bad as now, as if a zombie been fucking her up)….

– Talking about shout out to witch patrol. That’s that bobble headed POSSESSED bitch on youtube always talking about hispanics and shit….

– I wanna say something right now, anyone who feels the need to call


a real spiritualist or this or that aren’t who they say they are and that’s petty nigger shit that niggers have a penchant of doing to raise their self esteem, kinda analogous to them saying they founded EVERY civilization – witch ??‍♀️ I find to be true (I am feeling drained and my chakras are tightening just WRITING on this bitch so I can’t imagine how bad shit would be if I met her in person)…. Anyways, this black ass weird ass mayate bitch:

Weird bitch!

Yeah, you a fucking slag (what a subliminal – I heard she was a sex worker aka a hoe aka a prostitute)!

As conveyed to me by certain sources this slag-zombie-weird bitch mighta cursed me to keep me from being able to fix my car! I figured out what might be the problem – the passenger wheel is missing a particular part but nobody – Autozone, Pep Boys, O’Reillys seem to have the part.

Here is where it should go (it should be a cannister evap solenoid:

On an online forum it said it should look like this:

This where it should go….

But nobody and I mean NOBODY has that part….

Anyways this black skank SLAG more than likely put a curse on me simply cause I triggered the insane bitch who was obsessed with race and hating white people (heard a white chick BEAT HER ASS at the gym she was at for that shit ✊? Ase) by saying that a supposedly racist incident in the military (they more than likely RIGHTFULLY accused her of stealing a pack of gum and wanted to court martial her for it) is what got her fucked up and obsessed on race (I got tired of her complaining about whites when I knew her black ass liked white men and racism was not innately her spirit’s style.

Her were some of our text exchanges (this was three years ago) going back and forth cause a hit dog will holler….

Here is proof Veritas (now Ma’at nigger nigger something) is a fucking heaux with some of her tricks – her lone viewers now – praising her (another REAL spiritualist saw that bitch a fucking nasty stank ass zombified heaux, selling that dried King Tut puss puss):

Here she is stealing my shit….

– These nigger ass spiritualists are fucking Stooooopid (never go to one). In an effort to be the best kitchen witch they gotta portray their LIES (aka “lives”) as perfect! As I know from personal experience (shortcomings), as Aarona found out the hard way – you see a black cat, that’s the sign of a CURSE coming your way! Just like when I see fucking bumble bees (saw one in a weird place at Pep Boys today WHILE INSIDE THE FUCKING STORE)!

Now, you look at the other shit where she claim I’m stalking her etc….

– Yeah, I like wide bois and I can not lie ??❤??‍♂️ #CrakkkaLova

She calling me crazy and claiming I “stalk” her by giving her money so she can chill and see I meant no harm when I triggered her but looka her subbing to me…

Here her messy ass talking shit on Badass Witches who actually fucking talented (and whose words and intentions I kinda misconstrued back in 2018)….

Welp, cue Juicy J ??….

I ‘woked the bitch!

Here ??? she is complaining about a fucking psycho European dude who chased her ass and hounded her ass and I guess attempted to kill her ass (good)!

Here this weirdo talking about something attacking her ass on Halloween (wow, how interesting):

I ‘woked that black bitch ?



This me here talking about the bitch being in denial….

That being said (damn 888 appearing as the word count meaning karma ?) – factor in her increasing zombified appearance and low view count (she boasting about getting a fucking house but a mortgage payment in New Orlean- where I’m from – is the same as rent here in LA) – I ‘woked da bitch! I didn’t even have to do shit ????✊???‍♀️??

Let me continue on with my gallery of black bitches who fucked with me who I later ‘woked….

Let me introduce to you all a silverback named Angeline Alexis:

Whoa, I just found something interesting…. look like this heaux was in (and lost ?) a lawsuit lol

This bitch hates whites (here’s her facebook: – Seem like she done gone dark off the internet so I’ll find it) but this bitch, this bitch got ‘woked for stalking me all cause I saw past her ass (I used to attract those types up until I started ‘wokeing people) and saw she was one of those self hating, low self esteem sabotaging types who wanted to get close to me cause she hated me….

Stalked By A Silverback Ape Named Angeline Alexis

Here the gallery of her stalking THE LIVING FUCKING SHIT OUT OF ME, COMPLETE WITH PROJECTION AND DEFLECTION (I wanted to kill this fucking bitch but my reptilian ancestors – thank ya’ll and fuck them nigger apes – got her and got her GOODT)!

This her trying to be like me (and steal my fucking teachings by talking about archons)….

You can SEE the obsession but ya’ll ain’t seen SHIT yet:

Here she is trying to inmitate me by doing vlogs in her fucking car – like I did:

Looking like fucking Aunt Jemima

Here she is, stalking another bish/victim, begging her to take her money (this one got a stroke after trying to send bad shit my way plus lost relatives – as some of my other ‘woke-examples had happen to them):

Fucking weirdo.

I can’t believe I put up with that shit for so long….

Here she is claiming I fucking stalked her….


Meanwhile she happens to be in the store at the same time I was….


– Making weird fucking sounds and shit….

Here I am, fucking fed up with it….




I’m glad I came into my ‘wokeing skillz

Cue Juicy J (cause I ‘woked the black bitch) ??

I ‘woked diss bitch ? hissss

My reptilian friends paid her a visit….

Here she is talking about “farewell to youtube” after my giant lizard friends ran her black ass off….


This her talking about reptilians running (ruining her) now….


This me showing how I ‘woked the bitch (she had two near fatal car wrecks and visits from my reptilian friends who fucked with her electronics and then some LOL!):


This why alot of mofos feared my coming into my ‘wokeing powers cause they feared shit like this happening (even now they tell me to tame it out of fear).

Naw bitch Imma killer cause you made me….

Now get this ‘woke (cue Christopher Case witch’s curse laugh ha ha haaa haaa).

Imma vindictive mofo. You do something wrong to me once and I’ll get your ass back even at a later date ♉

Now here more fucked up ass comments and shit that I got in the past from black ass bitches (who I later ‘woked):

I remember this fucking era VERY WELL:

This black ass bitch straight was possessed and had something on her so I didn’t need to do shit….

I remember this bitch “Divine” Queen….

Lemme tell ya about this bitch….

She talked shit on me, right:

Here the text….

She got ‘woked. Here’s what happened: sister nearly lost her life ?

That said. I don’t play.

I went thru a very hard time – living in a shelter after an attack by black bitches – you guessed it – caping for a Peruvian (but I got em ALLL black ⚔?) which I chronicle here:

LAPD Are REALLY Out To Get Me: The Artist Loft Incident

I got fucked over by the INjustice system as well, which I got THAT particular LAPD station back – which I chronicle here (along with black bitches, crakkkas and wetbacks oh my ??? hisss hisssss):

The Museum of Da ‘Woke

I went thru a horrible fucking time and as you can see up there those motherfuckers beat me down while I was already down and out, living in a shelter….

You can see more of the bullshit black bitches said and put me thru here:


As I’ve always said, and noted at an early age – I need to be a motherfucker to make it in this world cause as someone else said, if I found the cure for cancer motherfuckers would still hate on my ass….

That’s why I started merc’ing mofos (and boasting about it) when I started coming into my true Source Power….

For instance killing mofos’ mamas for not giving me a battery jump (this my fav ??):

TOPLESS IN LA EXCLUSIVE: I Killed A Man’s Ma Cause He Refused To Give Me A Jump

I can’t tell ya how many times I draw cards mugs and see mofos dead, missing, bad shit happening, terrible fucking things – it brings a tear to my eye….

Like a Crip

That being said: I love the power that I wield – mofos fearing my ass, asking me permission to park next to me out of fear of my ‘wokeing! I feel like the fucking head of the mafia with the fucking reptilians (and other more evil ass spirits) as my hitmen, hit-reptiles whatever.

I love ‘wokeing people for the power it gives me and the souls that I gain.

Here some half bred heauxs who dared fuck with me. My reps don’t play. They got that ‘woke reeeal quick:


This bug eyed bitch named Genia Michelle pictured here:

….is a weird, bug eyed ole crackhead bitch who had at least three of kids taken away by CPS, which she mentions here while smoking (crack?):


Here her fuckboi troll accounts:



This bitch, again, fucked with me out of envy, attacking how I live, saying I don’t know every fucking thing (a sure sign of jealousy):

It’s like she hates I got my knowledge but yet wishes she had it = envy. Well, I ‘woked the bitch awhile back (my third eye showed me she a pill popping xanny head who still can’t learn shit) when my reptilians came around and said that they were gonna get her for me.

Cue Juicy J ??? [[“Deep down south in the hood niggas slingingggggg…..”]]

Them reptilians had her thinking someone was gonna kill her ass LOL!

It didn’t seem to phase her so I am contemplating taking the only child she got in custody to teach her a lesson whom she seems to love….

– This a WEIRD fucking bitch! She got three other kids yet if you look at some posts of hers – like Tommy Sotomayor says black women do, she sees this 5 year old low key as her “man”….

And people call Tommy Sotomayor a fucking liar.

– She gonna need something more than a fat ass Samoan on spam to fight the shit I’ll send her way if I decide to go after her chile…..

And fuck kids. I ‘woked two of my own via abortion. They ain’t sacred to me.

It’s funny, I also wanna mention the jealousy of black women towards a young man named Eligio Natureboy, as can be shown here:

Here he is!

They to a degree low key want him!

– She wicked, cruel evil bitch: The definition of a black bitch!

Now she REPRESENTS what I say here about black men to THE FULLEST! She cavorts with ole messy ass spiritree and once told a young black man to suppress his talents….

Reminds me of how black ass nigga bitch teachers stood me before a class and embarassed me for being smart.

Conversely, nigger bitches are quick to cape for their black sons (or any male) over their daughters who they see as competition, hence why poor Rhianna, when she got attacked, had nigger heauxs galore caping for her attacker – Chris Brown – who went on to reproduce with non black women and even keep one as a kept heaux:

All the while talking shit about black women in his songs….


Funny still how the black community (I know this shits be psyops tho) wanna uphold mugs who beat and assault pregnant women like George Mudmonster Floyd did to a wetback a while back…..

Awww she sooo cuteeee, using a “tragedy” for clout!

Fucking black lives aka nigger lives (don’t) matter. We need to support more Blue Lives Matter so that more cops can beat the shit out of nigger bitches and wetbacks who fuck with me:

I hate black bitches!

– Damn he curbed stomped him like ya boi from American History X.

Blue Lives Matter ✊? Asé

That being said, I really hate black women. Even down to my “ancestors” they never supported me (except my brother and my grandmother who don’t even look black). Shit I had some light skinned bitch tried to fuck with me and my dad who was related to me in the astral and *using my power* I totally fucked her. That’s when I laugh when mofos talk all that ancestor shit. The only ancestors to ever appear to me (and help me) were fucking reptilians….

– Just showing ya’ll my relation to em with evidence ??

I don’t have any resonnace with those nigger ape so called “ancestors”, don’t care to. That’s why I sent the majority of their asses to the underworld:

Sending My Ancestors To The Underworld

Cause all they did was siphon off my energy like niggers on welfare.

Just like that ape Erykah Badu tried to put a curse on me….

Series of Astral Visions Reveal That The Migos Have Been Stealing My Blessings

And the Migos and Patti LaBelle been trying to steal my blessings….

Series of Astral Visions Reveal That The Migos Have Been Stealing My Blessings

I will also say white folks are some smart mofos….

To this….

They did spirituality RIGHT by creating an egregore (falsifying the image of Yashuah Ben Pendira popularly known as “jesus” aka HEY-Zeus christ from black) into an image that looks like them aka (white) and using it to collect people’s energies thru war-ship so it can go into their collective spiritual race based “account.”

Here is the story of where the story of crakkka christ derives….


You ain’t supposed to war-ship anything outside of you!

Or her…

I hate to say but the way those voodoo loas and santeria orishas treat they people…. there is a reason WHY Afrikans are turning to christianity and away from Palo Mayombe, which voodoo and santeria comes from:

That being said, I can’t emphasize this enough: worship yourself.

I am a gnostic. Your soul comes from the Source. You are God! No need to worship anything outside of you. When you do, you sell your energy to the matrix architects who designed this soul prison farm which I expound on here:

Are The Gods and Goddesses of Every Religion and Spiritual System Energy Harvesters For The Archons

I don’t war-ship no crakkka christ aka cesare borgia, no Baron Samedi, no Yemaya.

I’ve whipped Baron’s ass when he tried to attach himself to me or my family in the astral cause I know what time it is. He is attached to a girl who has strong alcohol issues but great spiritual gifts who has a predilection for whiskey – same shit with me! Guess what she wanted: Jack Daniels, just like I did. That shit comes around to keep you down, which is why I don’t even want the reptilians around me cause they generally comprise the archons and I don’t trust and they’ve given me reasons not too.

I think it’s a control thing to monitor me and keeping me and folks like myself from coming into our true Power = Source power which, if all humans came into it, ubiquitiously, we would have a great society where everybody would be forced to get along cause all our chakras would be open and so thus abilities like telekinesis, telepathy cause, I mean, if everyone can know what you’re thinking via telepathy, how the fuck can you commit a crime?

This reminds me of how some folks tried to pull me down with that bullshit by getting me on board with fucking voodoo like here:


– This guy was nice, I think a voodoo priest, maybe this guy here:

But I didn’t wanna hear (cause I was too drunk) plus I know it wasn’t, isn’t my path!

I’m better than that and all us humans are better than that and we deserve better.

I even ran Thor’s ass up the street (he tried fucking with my baby brother after) cause I refused to be a vessel or valkyrie for his crakkka ass!

I’ve been thru alot of shit and pulled myself out of shit. I don’t need shit and I don’t need anyone. That’s why I refuse to let anyone take my life, my image and use it to perp their own agenda/narrative. You don’t do that shit with me witch ??‍♀️ is why I’m speaking out on black bitches and for others who have suffered at their hands. It starts young and you see the pics up there esp. with that sick bug eyed mofo! Alot of bullshit going on which is why I speak and ‘woke nigga bitches or anyone who crosses me cause I got the power. I know it and I will fuck you up with it you step out of line.

Praise to me!

Don’t fuck with me.

If you have any comments, anything personal you wanna share, send me an email here: [email protected] Also, feel free to donate here: paypal.me/RWilliams387 you like the content.

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