Liberal White Bitch With Black Lives Matter Written On Back of The Truck Calls The Police On Black Lady For Being Topless

Liberal White Bitch With Black Lives Matter Written On Back of The Truck Calls The Police On Black Lady For Being Topless

Oh the fucking liberal irony…

This bitch got a fucking protest message complaining about a black man – who pistol whipped a pregnant woman and robbed homes for crack money – getting “murdered” by the police while calling the police on a black woman who ain’t doing shit other than looking fine ass hell ?

She must be one of these white heauxs who love the black cock ?? and hate black women cause she see us aa competition for it.

This bitch look like my old friend, Allen:

Look, I ain’t trying to push shit – I have no issues with the cops, sheriffs around here ⭐ but….. this the same jurisdiction where a young black womam ned Mitrice Richardson got released from a sheriffs station and went missing and turned up dead a year later, which I talk about here:

What Happened to Mitrice Richardson

Lost Hills Malibu Sheriffs Tried To Set Up Itinerant Homeless Man for Mitrice Richardson’s MURDER

That’s what she wanted to have happen to me, ole jealous ass wide bitch! It ain’t gonna happen. Sheriff’s ain’t gonna do shit to me (but wetbacks will)!

So Imma have to put rape ‘woke on ha

“Kurt Kurt Kurt” (the line was taken from The Accused)! Imma try to get a spic and cspan to do diss since they lurve wide bishes….

Cue Juicy J

Before I get into her, let me say this why I HATE these degenerate ass wetback demon seeds of Quetzalcoatl like this mofo right here:

Look like he wearing the shirt of that motherfucking WETBACK who ran over my foot that time:

Wetback Gangmembers Attempt To Run Over A Black Woman

If he wearing his shirt, unless they boyfriends (or kissing cousins), folks will wear the garb of a dead person to honour which would mean my ‘woke got his ass ??

I even think I heard the fat wetback bitch encouraging that wetback that night to run me over the other night, while I was hunkered in the forest – trying to get somebody to fuck with me. I think this her ass here:


I was told by a bystander it was a green Ford Explorer.

Well, you fat taco tico eat ass spick and cspan spack BITCH, YOU GOT NEXT ??⚰

That said, this wetback drew my fucking ire by talking shit, calling me a nigger, saying he can’t stand me, and spitting (from a distance) in my direction. I could also hear him saying, “Yeah, glad she covered up” – BITCH, I AM AN AMERICAN! YOU ARE NOT! You need to take your ass and get the fuck out of MY country ??? That’s why I’m voting for Trump: America for Americans FIRST!

I know he watch my social media cause next thing I know this post on my ig got taken down:

….All cause I looked in his direction (You see how these fucking illegals are? They act like it’s supposed to be fucking segregation and their ILLEGAL spic and cspan ass think they white and we supposed to…. treat em like they “white” – I hate them with a passion!).

That being said, I happened to look in his direction cause he was playing a song that came out when I was a kid (it actually wasn’t but sounded like that song that was HEAVILY played all throughout Christmas of ’96):

– This bring back so many memories of an innocent time for me and makes me wanna cry.

….Playing our fucking music.

After I tried to assauage his ass to calm him down and chill which you can hear here:


I could hear his wetback ass plotting to take my fucking phone and fight me, like…. I didn’t do shit to your demonfied e-vil demon seed of Quetzalcoatl ass. What horrible ass motherfucker got it in their mind to wanna fight a womban at that who ain’t doing shit to you and was even nice to you.

I know why? Cause they hate black people and think they are better than us!

I recall the other night some wetbacks indignantly getting pissed after I fought back against they asses after they were picking on me (I think they might be having a rough time of night terrors and more cause of my ‘woke):


That is why I am gonna get back (get it, get back? WETBACK!) to writing articles EXPOSING these taco tico eating demonfied basturd seeds of Quetzalcoatl! As demonstrated in Chicago when they stopped killing, murdering our black elderly and pregnant black women ONLY when we fought back – you gotta keep your feet on the heads of their snake asses cause, after all, that is where they come from:

You can’t be nice or civil with those thangz. That’s why I wrote here:

Why Mexicans and Latinos Are The Children of The Reptilians

Wetbacks Attack Black Bus Driver As She Is Working

Even when we look white, they hate us cause we are human and they are not….

Wetbucks Treat White Crackhead Like Gold While Treating Black Crackhead Like Shit

This mofo is EXACTLY why I killed my half crakkka keeds: this the type of shit black folks go thru when you have these confused ass biracial chern:

But he won’t talk about the continued racial genocide against my people in Compton and South Central:

It’s a fucking war and them wetbacks HATED that I was exposing their asses, which I will continue to do so ??????

Ase ✊??? And Imma get back to the business of exposing they asses….

Ase ✊?

Goot! ✊? Kill and wipe out more of em as they have been doing to us.

BTW I may come off as a goofy fool but remember, a god has sides, aspects to em! When you get on my bad side, I’m nothing to play with. I know my power and I’ve sent people to hell so don’t pigeon cause that’ll be the death of you.

That said, I put a blessing of protection on these folks here:

Praise Goes To These Brothers and A SiSTAR For Handling A Wetback

If a wetback so much as looks at them ? (the irony), you will get ‘woked!

As for that wetback last night, I saw thru my third eye the sleep paralysis demon nearly got your soul. You gonna join your brother (or boyfriend) soon if that wetback gangmember who ran over my foot was someone you know.

Now, let’s talk about this white bitch.


I hate a white bitch. Not all cause they are not innately cruel and evil like the wetback but I notice that they have a tendency to be jealous of black women and other women of other races as well but esp. us cause we age better in general, look better, got nicer bodies (and don’t turn into refridgerators after having 17, 18 keeds like wetbucks do!) which goes back to the days of slavery where those jealous wide heauxs actually got PISSED cause the slavemaster would rape us and she took that, in her perverted mind, to mean that he liked us better and that we were “competition”. Sick!

That being said, this is why I stopped giving a fuck and started doing whatever with this topless (now bottomless) thang, lol:


– If this ain’t the textbook definition of I don’t give a fuck I don’t know what is, lol!

I saw this coming years ago…..

They were/are going to give a white bitch credit for starting the topless thing!

I don’t stand for that!

I know my fucking power: this why I fuck with black magic – you ain’t steal credit for something I started and give credit to a white mug much like they did with wide ass Tom Zebra aka Daniel J Saulmon witch ??‍♀️ (I ‘woked his ass) I talk about here:

If Prettyhoe304 and I Were White We’d Be Stars By Now

I am too powerfull, spiritually, to be putting up with that shit which is why I will kill a mofo with black magick ‘woke if they try. It is why I started my blog in 2014 (here the oldest article here):

My Experience being Female and Topless in L.A.

I saw the writing on the wall going back to 2015:

Black Woman Starts Topless Movement in L.A. And White Woman Gets Credit

I saw it that day when that lil white girl came out here to be topless (some creepy ass dudes ran that poor chile out lol after she was talking about “being hard” etc lol):


Crakkkas, niggers (them fake ass type of mofos which IS WHY I HAVE NO ALLEGIANCE TO NOTHING BUT ME ??) spick and cspans acted veeery different towards her. I saw it!

That’s why you can see me tongue kissing cholos and crakkkas but then talk shit about em (and not fuck niggers, period): I’ve been treated like shit out of fear and jealousy (cause of my abilities) BY ALLLL people all throughout my life (honest hispanics are the only ones who listen and that is why, aside from their spiritual abilities, I respect em low key ✊?) so that’s why I don’t give a fuck; I do whatever suits my agenda and makes me feel good! I don’t give a fuck about doing shit for the sake of humankind:

This spick and cspan was trying to pick me up yesterday, lol:


That being said, that’s why I do for me. Fuck humanity. Fuck altruism. Fuck “the nigger”, oops, I mean “bigger” picture. I’ve gone thru alot in my fucking life not to be naive and self sacrificing.

I remember years ago a HISPANIC dude said as a comment on one of my previous youtube channels….. “I (myself) can find the cure for cancer and folks will still hate me.”

I nevar forgot that quote cause it is true! ?

That’s why I quit and no longer care about trying to be understood, accepted…. not when I can ‘woke your ass and take your mama out like I did his ma here:

TOPLESS IN LA EXCLUSIVE: I Killed A Man’s Ma Cause He Refused To Give Me A Jump

Or send you to the mental home, have you seeing shit, destroying your life like I did these people:

The Museum of Da ‘Woke

The fuck I need your acceptance for when I got the upper hand via black magic!

This hispanic lady said not a lie when she said magic, and not a gun, is the great equalizer!

….And I wield my wand like the Queen Motherfucker I am, tearing down anyone -crakkkas, niggers, spic and cspans, cops, firemen – ANYONE who gets in my way and hurts me!

Also, don’t patronise me by playing on “Well, you a scared lil girl whose been wounded” mindfuck tactic: I’ll ‘woke your ass just to make an example.

Don’t play with me!

That said, now you know why in part I be running around topless and bottomless on the PCH! I’ll never get the recognition for starting this shit cause of society’s issues with race and skin colour but I will show you the extent of my spiritual powers by showing the shit I can do, in the same vein of Trailanga, who did whatever in the fawk he wanted to, too, cause he can ‘woke a mofo in a NY sec.

Good day!

If you have any comments, anything personal you wanna share, send me an email here: [email protected] Also, feel free to donate here: you like the content.

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