Praise Goes To These Brothers and A SiSTAR For Handling A Wetback

Praise Goes To These Brothers and A SiSTAR For Handling A Wetback

I bet they been listening to me….

I put a spell of protection on em so if a wetback touches em they or one of their familia will end up in the underworld….

I also put ‘woke on my social media platforms to keep they asses off….

More of us are getting it….

All I gotta say is Ase ✊?

That being said, LET ME SHOW you how much they, those reptilian demonic organic portal vessel thangz hate us –

Peep how they don’t attack this white man as he attacks one of their bitches or shall I say la puta ?


Now, note that as they steal rap from us, PEEP how they are claiming we are mocking their cult-ure by YG doing a video that was Mexican ode to them meanwhile not addressing Post Malone who lit mocked them:


I talked about this difference in how they treat us vs whites before….

Wetbucks Treat White Crackhead Like Gold While Treating Black Crackhead Like Shit

AND, to corroborate how they – the so called “men” – are QUICK to attack black women both verbally AND physically as pointed out in this article….

Wetbacks Attack Black Bus Driver As She Is Working

LOOK AT THE THREATENING comments they leave for me for exposing their true nature…..

One even owns guns….

They wouldn’t that shit if I were a white woman….

This is why I hate them.

Years ago I got attacked by one who called me a nigger and a mayate = meaning they see us as lower than dirt:

Mexican Attacks Black Woman

Back then, I never hated any group! But it was that incident that opened my eyes to the true nature of how demonic they are….

I got attacked by one in NYC: never by a Puerto Rican, a Dominican or a Cuban (I get along with them perfectly) but a wetback….

Those incident shaped my eyes as to what I was truly dealing with and up against!

I peeped that they have an abnormal way about them: a greater propensity for sadism, low vibratory acts like excessive drinking and obsessions with sex and then as I researched more on reptilians, using my spiritual eyes – I put two and two together:

Why Mexicans and Latinos Are The Children of The Reptilians

They are not human. They are organic vessels for demonic things known as reptilians who use them to operate in the 3D frequency….

You can read more on organic vessels here:

Organic Portals – Soulless Humans

When you read their comments, responses to what I say peep the reptilian nature showing thru….

As I pointed in that article on them being the organic portal vessels for reptilians NOTE astutely the superficial child like glibness in their responses to me – no deep thoughts, no consideration for the facts I bring up showing their evident disdain and campaign of genocide against blacks = no empathy or compassion which are sociopathic traits, just this whole “we are the world and all is beautiful beautiful” while being dismissive of my concerns and observations. This is indicative of the nature of a sociopath:

These are the traits of the reptilian wetback!

This is how they feel towards black women…. read the comments:


Speaking of which I thought I sighted the mofo who ran over my foot last night:


That’s that PTSD incoming….

That being said, this is why I devote myself, at least a good amount of time educating people on these demon wetbacks.

We are not like them. They are of a different bloodline then the rest of the human species, a demonic one. It is about time we stop projecting human attributes on these reptilian vessels and seeing them for what they are.

If you have any comments, anything personal you wanna share, send me an email here: [email protected] Also, feel free to donate here: you like the content.

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