The North Korea Regime Is Designed To Send Souls To The Hell Kim Jong-il Got Set Up

The North Korea Regime Is Designed To Send Souls To The Hell Kim Jong-il Got Set Up

With that image I felt something peak in my sacral chakra just now which is telling me is an accurate depiction of what is happening to the souls he collected in his concentration camps on the other side…. BEFORE I BEGIN I WANT YOU ALL TO SEE HOW REAL THE SPIRITUAL BATTLE I FACE IS WHEN I LET THIS STUFF OUT:   Looka them pupils…. That’s those reptilian people David Icke and Credo Mutwa talks about. It’s all in the eyez….. That being said, his ass came out of NOWHERE to fuck with me (beforehand he was stalking past my

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I Now Realise That I Had To Go Thru My Satanic Phase To Heal My Soul

I Now Realise That I Had To Go Thru My Satanic Phase To Heal My Soul

….I think! – You can btw see the spirits to the left (our right) coming from the spirit realm as exemplified by the ghostly light while I in the 3D fight them. I think it was designed to do so! Based on what I am knowing, finding out NOW I truly believe that the satanic phase I went thru – at least for me – was designed to, well fuck I said it here: Soul Healing: Reuniting The Higher Chakras With The Lower Chakras and Removing Implants Removing Spider Web Internal Programs And Entities While Healing designed to help me

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