Imma Have To Sue This White Bitch Named Addison Moore For Stealing My Life Story And Selling It In A Book

Imma Have To Sue This White Bitch Named Addison Moore For Stealing My Life Story And Selling It In A Book

More like New York Times Best Stealer aka culture vulture, ole culture vulture ass bitch…. Imma be real: I kept SEEING fucking visions of a white bitch author in NY doing some shit, putting spells to take my blessings…. This my fucking life. I’m fucking homeless, on the street and my name is Raven Masterson. NOTE that this story was written 2 years ago back in 2017: Yes, bitch, you DID do a dirty deed – against ME! She is even stealing black paralance, using “Low Down and Dirty.” HERE where she published that bullshit, making money off my life

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Fruitbat Truck Got ‘Woked and Public ‘Wokes Is Next

Fruitbat Truck Got ‘Woked and Public ‘Wokes Is Next

….cause they still got a dog enslaved in they fucking facility at 18000 Topanga Canyon Blvd in Malibu ??   Here proof of when it happened….. Again, call PETA at 757-622-7382 That said I ‘woked this heaux….   I was wondering why she had that big raggedy ass truck sitting out there ALL NIGHT (she do some ritual shit where she moves it down there then drives it to her usual spot then back down the fucking street again ??‍♀️). Eye ? Sea ? everything….. I saw a public ‘wokes truck cavorting with her, getting coconuts (ya’ll public ‘wokes mugs

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Chilling With Biker Forest Ranger and Two Dudes In A Car

Chilling With Biker Forest Ranger and Two Dudes In A Car

Can’t really complain about my life….   Some of these beach scenes are GORG-EOUS: I was chilling with a biker who is middle eastern (I would NEVER chill with a wetback)….. Here some weird schitt….. Now, I gotta say this: WHY TF is there a navy ship off the coast of Malibu? Someone else been noticing it too! Imma say this – cause it connotes to the next article – it is important to fucking live! We all have that right! Moderation is key ? But I gotta say….. this war with these spirits – with these mofos tampering with

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Amanda From Soft White Underbelly Is A Victim of MK Ultra Gangstalking

Amanda From Soft White Underbelly Is A Victim of MK Ultra Gangstalking

You can’t tell me any different…. At 8:54 YOU CAN SEE – and this has happened to me – a wound on her third eye which is a psychic attack: At 10:43 she speaks on EXACTLY the type of gangstalking I have faced where, to reiterate, dudes who I am not spiritually and physically compatible with seem to develop this obsessive tendency towards me, like they are addicted to my very presence. It is NOT the same as ordinary stalking or have the same reasons. Again, a guy even told me that he did not understand why he was being

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Colton Wood Eye Sea The Dark Spirits Are REALLY Coming For You

Colton Wood Eye Sea The Dark Spirits Are REALLY Coming For You

I’m watching this….. And this (I saw that you got drunk and fucked your neck up – Eye warned ya about those evil spirits coming to fuck you up)….. And this whole episode here…… This young lady here and I warned you…. Eye Sea That The Dark Side Of The Spirit World Is Trying To Reach Out To Docta Canis Aka Colton Wood We are in the Age of Aquarius. The veil between worlds – 3D, 4D, 5D etc – is thinning. You are not like the others. You are gonna have to choose up and awake!  

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Why Folks Gotta Litter

Why Folks Gotta Litter

– I peep some holy free holy wetbucks were doing that donuts shit back here. I woke and saw like a nice new car with a dude in it saying, “Oh shit she up” and they left…. I caught fruit bat the other day dropping her shit……   I swear I hear bottles and shit dropping from her fruit bat truck late at night and KNEW it was her ass….. I also cussed this wetbuck here!   LOL! People gotta learn to respect the Earth that takes care of us! We live on this mofo and depend on it for

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We Embrace After Dude Pulls A Knife On Me

We Embrace After Dude Pulls A Knife On Me

Lordt! PTSD a mofo! I got it too! The way this started – they parked in front – I heard the dude call me Whoopi (if you ain’t known I am kinda like a local celeb so people will pull shit like this to fuck with me hence why I am hyperdefensive). I see some trash they threw on the ground and in my still semi drunk but sobering up state throw the can into the car then this ensues….   He then apologizes and we hug and talk about the shit he been thru, we both been thru!  

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Directly Fighting God The Demiurge: The Top Demon

Directly Fighting God The Demiurge: The Top Demon

I just got thru doing a cleansing on myself after trying to open up two very crucial blocks in my energy body around the crown on my forehead and my neck and back areas and here is what I saw…. A fiery lion and an angel. The lion was the DARKEST LOWEST DEMON that held a clutch on my energy body in my sacral for YEARS….. Who does it remind you of…… See, this is why I LAUGH my black ass off when I hear esp. those hebrew kneegrow israelites trying to sound all spiritual and deep and talk about

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Anorexic Malibu Weirdos Bring Me Mouldy Fucking Bananas Third Time This Shit Done Fucking Happened

Anorexic Malibu Weirdos Bring Me Mouldy Fucking Bananas Third Time This Shit Done Fucking Happened

This a gangstalking tactic cause WHY THE FUCK BRING ME SHIT YOU DON’T FUCKING WANT THAT YOU WOULDN’T FEED TO YOUR OWN FUCKING DOG! DAMN RIGHT I CURSED THEY FUCKING ASSES OUT!   Shit when I had my own apartment – hell even NOW I BUY new food for people like from restaurants – I DON’T GIVE THEM MY FUCKING LEFTOVERS! THAT’S DISRESPECTUL! I don’t know where the fuck that’s been! That banana mighta been they asshole….. They doing this shit to fuck with me! 3rd time this shit done fucking happened….. Nasty Meth Couple Brings Me Brown Paper Bag

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Eye Sea That The Dark Side Of The Spirit World Is Trying To Reach Out To Docta Canis Aka Colton Wood

Eye Sea That The Dark Side Of The Spirit World Is Trying To Reach Out To Docta Canis Aka Colton Wood

The lady here is trying to warn ole boy wassup with warnings about demons attaching to our energy bodies and inducing addictions…. I been noticing that he has been sounding a lil drunk lately and it is because EYE ? recognise that the darker side is coming at him….. – The symbolism on those alkie-hole drinks is the devil and Baron Samedi, the Voodoo Loa of death, on the Voodoo Ranger IPA drinks….. Also notice the colors on the vid he watching looks like flames = hellfire….. The same dark shit that is around me is coming for you….. they

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