Hallelujah I Done ‘Woked A Coleman’s Portable Stove And Now I Can ‘Woke Food In My Car

Hallelujah I Done ‘Woked A Coleman’s Portable Stove And Now I Can ‘Woke Food In My Car

I can’t tell ya how AWE-SOME it is to be able to eat cooked food again (fuck vegans ??) Looka this weird shit at how a triangle formed while cleaning the pot out: – I told ya’ll I STAY seeing triangles…. The beauty-full ?? thing is I don’t have to eat out at Pizza hut anymore…..   – No moe’ doing dumb shyte (?? sike)   Here I am, first time (deciding to stay fulltime) in the woods…. LOL! No moe’ Sizzlers….   I saw world renowned physicist Michio Kaku in there one time….   Before leaving to get my

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Wetback Pablo Martinez WANTS TO GET ‘WOKED

Wetback Pablo Martinez WANTS TO GET ‘WOKED

Why people do diss to themselves given my track record…. TOPLESS IN LA EXCLUSIVE: I Killed A Man’s Ma Cause He Refused To Give Me A Jump The Museum of Da ‘Woke Given my track record of ‘woke (witch ??‍♀️??) he will be added too….. Telling me not to abort after saying racist shit….. That (anti-abortion stance) is enough alone to earn a ‘wokeing from me:   Well, he about to get aborted AND deported ????????

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I Hate Vegans and Veganism And What It Does To The Kids

I Hate Vegans and Veganism And What It Does To The Kids

Why? Worst of all…. why do this to THE BABIES…. The lil girl at the top (notice vegan babies got cucumber heads) got dark BAGGY circles under her eyes while the lil blonde boy at the bottom standing by the table got a distended belly. This kid here you can TELL hate being forced to eat dat shid….   This adult older lady ADMITS that havibg veganism forced on her as a baby has caused her health problems: Why fuck this kids up with a FUCKED UP LIFESTYLE CHOICE (the fact they STILL gotta take vitamins for shit they are

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Fruitbat Sends Emails EXPOSING That She Is Really In The Biz of Torturing and Killing Homeless Women

Fruitbat Sends Emails EXPOSING That She Is Really In The Biz of Torturing and Killing Homeless Women

Just like I saw via my third eye…. And just as the Cuban shaman saw awhile back…. This is her and perhaps a dude she working with (if this her emails she a sick twisted son of a gun with multiple personalities – I recall one time while talking to her she projected the personality of a wounded child which is consistent of those who were victims of mk ultra). That said, I know it’s her ass cause the first message sent was directly after – at about 11pm when I saw her move her truck – something she usually

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