I Have Completely Healed

I Have Completely Healed

RIGHT BEFORE I WAS GONNA PUBLISH THIS ARTICLE LOOKA THIS BITCH HERE   These nasty ass sacral chakra stealing sexual energy vampires…. I break the shit down in the blog! I’m 37…. pushing 40! Anyways, looka the pic above. I look young, huh!? Finally! I can’t believe this day has come. It took a long time, 19 years to be exact, but I have healed. The healing process ain’t fucking easy either. I can’t tell you all the disruptions I faced like, take a look at this wetback motherfucker here named Raymond: – Don’t he look like Charles Manson? Alright,

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Wetback Cop Gets Caught With His Pants Down Fucking A Dead Corpse

Wetback Cop Gets Caught With His Pants Down Fucking A Dead Corpse

Bet she was black given how thirsty (and racist) those mugs are towards us…. Threw this in for good measures (shit man I didn’t get the tiddays in ?)…. The demon seeds of Quetzalcoatl’s nastay ass dicks never stop huh!? This time one got caught as an LAPD officer molesting a dead fucking corpse ✏??‍♀️?⚰ They talk about blacks being violent yet when you go on best gore all you see are them ?? committing the most heinous acts against humans (cause they are reptilians), stitching baby faces on soccer balls and, now, fucking corpses. Trump said no lie about

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