Shadow Man Hat Man And Yellow Eyed Entity Spotted IN My Car Plus Gangstalking By Other Homeless People

Shadow Man Hat Man And Yellow Eyed Entity Spotted IN My Car Plus Gangstalking By Other Homeless People

Watch the video (SHIT I JUST GOT STRONG TINNITUS IN MY LEFT EAR – a bad sign – AFTER WRITING THAT JUST NOW):   Here are some screenshots I took…. When you watch the video you will see some eerie yellow eyes blinking…. This happened not too long after I got gangstalked, initially by a white van (with a homeless couple living inside here)….   And that weird perverted mofo I have talked about here (I believe it was him)….   Sexual Predator Still Stalks Me Even Though I Whipped His Ass Reptilian Entities Have Been Attaching To Old Ugly

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