Imma Have To Sue This White Bitch Named Addison Moore For Stealing My Life Story And Selling It In A Book

Imma Have To Sue This White Bitch Named Addison Moore For Stealing My Life Story And Selling It In A Book

More like New York Times Best Stealer aka culture vulture, ole culture vulture ass bitch….

Imma be real: I kept SEEING fucking visions of a white bitch author in NY doing some shit, putting spells to take my blessings….

This my fucking life. I’m fucking homeless, on the street and my name is Raven Masterson. NOTE that this story was written 2 years ago back in 2017:

Yes, bitch, you DID do a dirty deed – against ME!

She is even stealing black paralance, using “Low Down and Dirty.”

HERE where she published that bullshit, making money off my life story:

I feared this shit happening…..

Outta boredom – while I’m healing – I decided to Google my name and this shit pops up!

You can SEE this white deceptive faced devil bitch is an evil fucking bitch:

“….stays up way too late.” – Sound like this bitch on meth and she got kids. Call CPS at (Imma find out where this heaux at)!

This heaux in L.A. I bet:

Here links to her shit:

* Let this bitch know wassup (that I’m coming for her – AND my royalties – here):

Here her fucking email as listed on her site:

[email protected]

I know what to do with this bitch ?? Either way I’m gonna get my fucking money…..

If you have any comments, anything personal you wanna share, send me an email here: [email protected] Also, feel free to donate here: you like the content.

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