Black Woman Starts Topless Movement in L.A. And White Woman Gets Credit

Black Woman Starts Topless Movement in L.A. And White Woman Gets Credit

I knew this was gonna happen:

White Bitch Gets Credit for Starting Topless Movement I Started


Link to article here:


Here is PROOF I did it first:

NOTE when it was filed: June 20, 2014.
NOTE when it was filed: June 20, 2014.

I felt it in my bones which is why I STOPPED “blogging” about “topless activism” on my site and started focusing on MYSELF on the site that I PAID MONEY FOR AND CREATED.

None of these bitches helped me and this is why I say:


Just as I threw the people with the “prostitution rights” movement under the bus after they threw ME under the bus.

Yes, and somehow a bunch of nasty ass BITCHES how cape for other nasty ass hoes who suck dick for a living somehow have credibility and notice how she is talking as if I don’t deserve to be harmed tho. I am CRAZY – hence why I throw hookers AND their movement under the bus!

Look at how this BITCH, Jessie Nicole of the hooker's rights org SWOP throws me under the bus then says I need protection because I am mentally ill! I see what that WHORE did there. Hope LAPD gets her ass!
Look at how this BITCH, Jessie Nicole of the hooker’s rights org SWOP throws me under the bus then says I need protection because I am mentally ill! I see what that WHORE did there. Hope LAPD gets her ass!



As long as the cops ain’t fucking with ME when MY titties are out, we good!! I don’t care what they do to other people!

They can go rape, kill, and murder other bitches for doing it but, just as the hoes learned when I stopped giving a shit about them when they threw ME under the bus as you can read in this Jezebel article: I don’t care what they do to others now; I have learned to be “selfish” ie selfless to self and only focus on me. Cops ain’t fucking with me, so fuck these whores like Jessie Nicole (Cops, LAPD, please write that bitch name down so you can keep tabs on her and her “hooker activism” right here: ) with the HOOKER’S rights movement. Just as the sex worker bitches learned, I will throw the topless rights “advocates” under the bus and make sure their lil movement NEVER GOES ANYWHERE – as I have made sure of with the hooker’s rights movement, too, lol! 

Let me explain:

Iggy Hoe-Zilla the Queen of Hip-Theft
Iggy Hoe-Zilla the Queen of Hip-Theft

See, white people are culture vultures! They take shit that we started and then appropriate for themselves, such as what they are doing RIGHT NOW TO HIP HOP:  The SECOND Australian white BITCH (here is the first) too come here and lile so many of her predecessors ie BLACK CULTURE THIEVES LIKE ELVIS, STEAL OUR SHIT!


….such as what they did to rock and roll: 

Elvis Presley The Reigning King of Stealing Black Music
Elvis Presley, the undisputed KRAKKKA KING of Stealing Black Music


Muddy Waters, one of the many black men who Elvis the KKKulture Vulture stole from!
Muddy Waters, one of the many black men who Elvis the KKKulture Vulture stole from!


They slap a white face on it and say, “They made it!” They are a treacherous race of people which is why I have made all this “topless shit” about ME and no one else!

Taylor Swift, White KKKWEEN of Stealing Black Idioms
Taylor Swift, White KKKWEEN of Stealing Black Idioms

This bitch above is “credited” with stealing black idioms and now trademarking it as her own. Pretty smart tho., I’d say!

I cape for no one.

"I won't be your superman." "Won't be your superman." "Won't be your superman."
“I won’t be your superman.”
“Won’t be your superman.”
“Won’t be your superman.”

I started this because IT GETS HOT! I easily black out in the heat and I work on cars:



Here is my youtube channel, the topless mechanic: 

That being said, I almost NEED TO BE TOPLESS in order to be able to “breathe” as when I wear alot of clothing, I can easily pass out contrary to racist ass stereotypes people may have about dark skin and hot weather.

Now, I reached out to the media as you can see here (I even had an employee from CBS call me on my hoe line MULTIPLE TIMES if you know what I mean and perhaps more info on that, soon!).

Evidence of contact to news stations made in yellow.
Evidence of contact to news stations made in yellow.

At some point, I noticed the prodigious number of cluckerbeast bitches gathering like hogs at the trough, waiting to steal my ideas on my twitter while keeping an eye on what I do, which is why I overtly and aggressively kick them off and run those whores up the street.

I even had bitches famous in the media following me on my twitter at one point but noticed NONE OF TALKING ABOUT WHAT I DO! I couldn’t even make inroads with the media companies, KCAL and others out here when I first started though I have evidence I filed a lawsuit:

LA Weekly Article
….And, it’s TWO white bitches, one a fucking unnatural DYKE, who arrested me! Not white men or black people, WHITE BITCHES! Black women, please take note!

And what do you know, it was a brown man of color – NOT A WHITE BITCH – who did the article above which you can read here: This is why I can’t stand those white whores and block em from my twitter and other things I may have: They ie whites in general are not to be trusted, people of color!

BLACK WOMEN, WOMEN OF COLOR, White feminism is NOT for you: Paul Elam in the article here perfectly put this in perspective: Just as they used black women – no, erase that – STOLE the reproductive rights movement which was started by black women from us (meanwhile, NEVER caping for us as we were forcibly being sterilized by the government), these white whores, sluts, these very same fucking so called female white victims of “male supremacy” use black women and other women of color COPIOUSLY to push their rad fem or in other words – feminazi – agenda. But you must ask yourself, where were the white femibeasts (watch they steal this word as well) when black women were being RAPED BY THEIR MEN DURING AND AFTER SLAVERY:

The white feminists "freeing", oops, I mean,scolding her negro slave woman and child!
The white feminists “freeing”, oops, I mean,scolding her negro slave woman and child!


This is the only time white whores cape for black female toplessness...
This is the only time white whores cape for black female toplessness…
We were they're "help" and never the other way around despite what this white WHORE, SLUT SAYS
We were they’re “help” and never the other way around despite what this white WHORE, SLUT SAYS

WHITE BITCH, PLEASE! I don’t wanna hear “The white BITCHES’ tears!” I don’t feel sorry for you WHORES when you get raped, beaten or murdered! Fuck, I shed a tear of pride when it happens. I see it as payback for all the comforts that came at the expense of black male and female bodies that allowed you – the spoiled white bitch – to enjoy the lap of luxury of your white man taking care of you. Meanwhile, our men were forced to walk off in shame, not being able to take care of their families due to the system of white supremacy.

Where was the white bitch then: nowhere to be found!

These bitches, the white bitch, is FAR WORSE than her white man will ever be. They were doing us a favor keeping those WHITE WHORES in those so called gilded “cages” before the advent of FEMINAZISM in which they used everybody else to push their femi-beast, anti-WHITE male agenda. They are really about themselves at the end of the day. There is no feminism: FUCK FEMINISM! There is only the unscrupulous white BYTCH using her little bit of power she exerts over the black and brown men and women by which to gain power over her white man and that is what the men’s rights movement in some way – tho. I don’t agree with what much they say – have been warning us about.


PS Here am I down below running some CRAKKKA BEAST up the street for thumbs upping me as if I am doing this topless shit for them:

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If you have any comments, anything personal you wanna share, send me an email here: [email protected] Also, feel free to donate here: you like the content.

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