Got My Home Back

Got My Home Back

I’m too fucking excited…. Had to celebrate: Speaking of witch ??‍♀️ Imma talk about dat budlight corona ?? coronado island ? virus tomorrow (and Imma talk about how I ‘woked – my new word – ass in the future for what they did to me here – OH I ‘WOKED EM ??‍♀️?? #ChrisCaseChrisCaseMotherfuckerChrisCaseeee): Ohhhh I got em back! Plenty of things done happened since I was gone…. For instance the rednecks and these visions I had of them killing people as per some mk ultra illuminati-sellebrity racket shit and planting the bodies on various properties Oprah bought: – A

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Myself As Proof of Aliens Amongst You

Myself As Proof of Aliens Amongst You

I want you to look at my eyes: That is not normal. Notice they look alot like that panther’s eyes on the right side. They form a diamond like shape as if shapeshifting like the panther’s to the right. Here are some more. Note the strangeness of the shape of the pupils and the sheen and that even in very little light they form pinpoints…  My ear are even pointy as you can see below: Let me tell you some very weird things about my childhood before I start talking about the correlation between me vis a vis ufo’s/ aliens.

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Topless Woman Stalked By A Gay Man on Hauser Blvd

Topless Woman Stalked By A Gay Man on Hauser Blvd

Yes, I can’t believe this! Buy both vids here [purchase_link id=”29067″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] This guy is gay! He gave off the vibe of someone who has been watching my numerous youtube videos for quite some time, waiting for the right time to “talk” and that is why he insisted, I mean, fucking IMPOSED HIMSELF today on me as I was talking to my best friend! Note the fucking rapist justifying comments he says of, “The cops won’t believe you with you being dressed like that,” and other creepily sexual innuendos he throws out there. Just because a guy is

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Black Woman Starts Topless Movement in L.A. And White Woman Gets Credit

Black Woman Starts Topless Movement in L.A. And White Woman Gets Credit

I knew this was gonna happen:   Link to article here:   Here is PROOF I did it first: I felt it in my bones which is why I STOPPED “blogging” about “topless activism” on my site and started focusing on MYSELF on the site that I PAID MONEY FOR AND CREATED. None of these bitches helped me and this is why I say: FUCK WHITE FEMINISM AND FUCK ALL THE PEOPLE WHO APPROVE OF IT! Just as I threw the people with the “prostitution rights” movement under the bus after they threw ME under the bus. Yes, and somehow a

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Possible Identity of the Misogynist Perv Who Stalked Me: Recks Robert

Possible Identity of the Misogynist Perv Who Stalked Me: Recks Robert

::BREAKING:: THIS GUY IS A FUCKING STALKER! His obsession with seeing me “topless” combined with obsessing over telling me that it is not “socially acceptable” for me to be topless COMBINED with him knowing I went to the eyecare place on Monday and Thursday of this week shows he is a STALKER and possible rapist who is obsessed with policing what I do with my own body as well as imposing gender norms on me and has been stalking me so he can figure out one day when is the right time to attack and put my “feminist, string willed”

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Kris Benveniste Calls Me The N Word After Calling Him Out On Possibly Sexually Harassing A Woman

Kris Benveniste Calls Me The N Word After Calling Him Out On Possibly Sexually Harassing A Woman

This nigga thinks he is GOD’S GIFT TO WOMEN: This ugly bitch look like he can pose as “twinses” with this ugly mofo right here, Randall Flagg from that Stephen King film, “The Stand”: See, they’re TWINSES! This crakkka KIKE crypto beast came to my attention when I noticed him staring lecherously at ALL – INDISCRIMINATELY -(NIGGA AIN’T GOT NO PREFERENCE) AT WOMEN WEARING SHORT SHORTS JUST LIKE MOST JEWS – AND NIGGAS – WOULD DO (MOST OF MY CLIENTELE ARE KIKES, SO I SHOULD KNOW 🙂   Anyways, I saw this bitch looking me with a look of disgust,

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This Is Why Black Males Must Die

This Is Why Black Males Must Die

Look at this here: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”28972″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Need I say more? Black males are violent, they are pernicious. They are scary and they tend to work outside the bounds of the law. As you can hear this nigger yard ape say here that: “Well you naked” as if that gives them a right, an invitation to SEXUALLY HARASS ME (I was topless, not nude, so whatever), you can see the animalistic nature of the black male coming out. This is why encourage more cops to kill black males: Black males in general must die out

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We Need More Darren Wilsons and George Zimmermans for Black Men

We Need More Darren Wilsons and George Zimmermans for Black Men

I will not lie to you…black men are fucking animals which is why I almost feel the need to say that we need more George Zimmermans as well as Darren Wilsons for them.   Let me explain. See, as the victim of street harassment, I can not tell you how many times I have been THREATENED by NIGGER MALES for not liking them, with physical violence involved or the threat thereof. I do not get this with Asian, latino even or even white men, but NIGGER MALES and they always look to deflect from their fucked up way of behavior

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The White Man Is Why Female Toplessness Is Illegal

The White Man Is Why Female Toplessness Is Illegal

Watch this video here: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”28937″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] This is why we have rape victim blame, slut shaming and all these patriarchal attitudes in our culture: CAUSE OF THE WHITE MAN! Yeah, that’s right! I said IT! At the end, they are responsible for this, for sexualizing the female body, namely started in the name and pursuit of averting white genetic annihilation by controlling his woman (and her morality and so thus her sexuality) so she won’t procreate out of her race and so thus contribute to their racial demise. Meanwhile white men RAPED everything and

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