What I Like About Being A Dark Satanic Witch

What I Like About Being A Dark Satanic Witch

Yeah, I know I’m BLACK 😉 But that’s not what I am referring to when I say “dark…”   To make a long story short for the longest time I have always been a “good” person – not a nice person – nice people are living doormats who are always getting stepped on by the more ambitious and biggest users of our world. No, not that… I used to be a “copwatcher” and help people – selfishlessly and free of charge using my own money to drive up and down Figueroa every night and make sure cops didn’t fuck with

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LAPD Officer Dale Wayne Ziesmer Who Harassed Me For Being Topless In Public Is An Accused Woman Beater

LAPD Officer Dale Wayne Ziesmer Who Harassed Me For Being Topless In Public Is An Accused Woman Beater

HERE is a bigger picture! I am not fucking shocked…not by a long shot! – PS the charges were dismissed CAUSE SHE REFUSED TO TESTIFY, probably out of fear due to his power and possible financial (perhaps?) dependency on him as well as a slew of other things. After all, cops get let off for killing unarmed folks, RAPING WOMEN, so when he gets off what is to stop this possible powder keg from getting that gun and attacking her? Here is more info… W 432 Camino Flora Vis San Clemente CA 92673 which was taken from here: That said,

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Just Because A Woman Is Topless Does Not Give A Man The Right To Sexually Harass Her

Just Because A Woman Is Topless Does Not Give A Man The Right To Sexually Harass Her

…or any other woman for that matter. That said, the pic up above (and video down below) are what I am referring to: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29168″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] A couple of weeks ago I got sexually harassed by that driver you see in the featured pic up above as well as in the video, which is above as well. Basically, I was minding my own business when all of a sudden he made some comment, some gesture and next thing I knew it came from that truck. Now, I am not somebody with a flight response: I

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Stalked By A Hooker and Pimp For Speaking Out Against Prostitution

Stalked By A Hooker and Pimp For Speaking Out Against Prostitution

UPDATE: I was going though pics and images of “LeaNights” and this is what came up: FIRST ONE FEATURES CHILD PORN AS CAN BE SEEN IN THIS SCREENSHOT HERE (WE KNOW THIS BITCH IS DOING IT FOR SEXUALLY SALACIOUS REASONS AND NOT TO “FREE THE NIPPLE” OR SOME OTHER STUPID ASS CLUCKERBEAST SAYING AS I AM DOING IT FOR) HERE: https://instagram.com/p/zFCZTeS6BY/?taken-by=nostalgia_sgh   LEA NIGHTS OUTING TRICKS AS CAN BE SEEN HERE (after accusing me of being WRONG for doing the same thing): https://instagram.com/p/y-76IWy6Ms/?taken-by=nostalgia_sgh THIS also reveals “LeaNights” is a lesbian as she says herself and if she really liked her

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Black Woman Starts Topless Movement in L.A. And White Woman Gets Credit

Black Woman Starts Topless Movement in L.A. And White Woman Gets Credit

I knew this was gonna happen:   Link to article here: http://www.vice.com/read/we-spoke-to-the-woman-fighting-to-legalize-toplessness-in-los-angeles-424   Here is PROOF I did it first: http://dockets.justia.com/docket/california/cacdce/2:2014cv04803/593138 I felt it in my bones which is why I STOPPED “blogging” about “topless activism” on my site and started focusing on MYSELF on the site that I PAID MONEY FOR AND CREATED. None of these bitches helped me and this is why I say: FUCK WHITE FEMINISM AND FUCK ALL THE PEOPLE WHO APPROVE OF IT! Just as I threw the people with the “prostitution rights” movement under the bus after they threw ME under the bus. Yes, and somehow a

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Homeless Actor Once Successful Threatens Me

Homeless Actor Once Successful Threatens Me

I was gonna turn this into a “Why you cant help NIGGERS out” segment but I don’t think I am going to: Basically, what happened was, as I explain here: Buy both vids here [purchase_link id=”29039″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] I saw the guy one the street, gave him a dollar – the best I can do as I am not doing so well myself, and he started asking me in an indignant tone: “Do you know who I am?” And something about some 9th ether or something hair or some afrocentric shit! Anyways, I feel sorry for the guy. I

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Scott Leiken of Home Made Simple and Green Harbor Productions Thinks Incest, Rape and Harassing Sex Workers Is Okay With Video Inside

Scott Leiken of Home Made Simple and Green Harbor Productions Thinks Incest, Rape and Harassing Sex Workers Is Okay With Video Inside

This guy is a sick fuck:   Last night he called me and it reminded me of the message which he sent me HERE which you can see down below which he got vanished strangely and mysteriously from my youtube channel when I posted it which is UNDENIABLE PROOF THAT HE IS A SICK ASS, MAKING FUN OF RAPE AND MOLESTATION VICTIMS!           He called me with a very sickening and shocking request which I thus so outright REFUSED cause I was so DISGUSTED WITH WHAT HE SAID – but as you can see above the

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RAADDRR-VAN aka Rondell Darden of Wu-Tang Clan Threatens To Rape A Woman

RAADDRR-VAN aka Rondell Darden of Wu-Tang Clan Threatens To Rape A Woman

This is why people shoot NIGGERS, most predominantly black “men”: Now, I don’t know how many times I have stated on my ads and my websites that I AM NOT ATTRACTED TO BLACK MEN, yet the black hordes keep coming to me, and harassing me and even calling my so called “afrocentric features” ugly while pushing me to like black “men” by saying: “You are an uncle tom and a sell out for not wanting to date your own race” (well, I guess the same can be said for you all since most of you homophobes won’t touch another brother,

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Tranny Hooker Sensual Cristyn Who Works For Backpage.com Deletes Rival Sex Workers’ Ads

Tranny Hooker Sensual Cristyn Who Works For Backpage.com Deletes Rival Sex Workers’ Ads

THIS JUST IN: CRISTYN SENSUAL ADMITS THAT SHE GOT FIRED FROM CROWNCAMS FOR ALLOWING A FUCKING DOG TO PERPETRATE BESTIALITY O HER BY BASICALLY LICKING PEANUT BUTTER OFF OF HER PUSSY – HER DOG DID THIS TO HER AND SHE ALLOWED IT! That said, she has a young child as you can read here: http://crowncamsmodel.blogspot.com/2014_07_01_archive.html A small baby at that! That said, who knows WHAT she is doing to that baby. I got her coordinates ie her ip address so anybody out there can you please track down where she lives and get her and call cps in the L.A.

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We Need More Darren Wilsons and George Zimmermans for Black Men

We Need More Darren Wilsons and George Zimmermans for Black Men

I will not lie to you…black men are fucking animals which is why I almost feel the need to say that we need more George Zimmermans as well as Darren Wilsons for them.   Let me explain. See, as the victim of street harassment, I can not tell you how many times I have been THREATENED by NIGGER MALES for not liking them, with physical violence involved or the threat thereof. I do not get this with Asian, latino even or even white men, but NIGGER MALES and they always look to deflect from their fucked up way of behavior

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