UPDATE: I was going though pics and images of “LeaNights” and this is what came up:
LEA NIGHTS OUTING TRICKS AS CAN BE SEEN HERE (after accusing me of being WRONG for doing the same thing):
THIS also reveals “LeaNights” is a lesbian as she says herself and if she really liked her job – which is chockfull of men – why isn’t she with a man instead of a female? It goes to show you the longe term negative effects of being in the sex industry which her acts, lifestyle and life along provesto be contrary to her message to “legalize it,” smdh!
And these are the people CAPING FOR HER (Look at how that guy disrespects her down below in the comment section and that is who she is rooting for when she pushes for “legalization” or “decriminalization):
HOW LEANIGHTS REALLY FEELS ABOUT HER JOB: Nostalgia_sgh “That scene in Princess Bride where Westley can’t stand after getting 50 years of life sucked away, only it’s me getting out of bed everyday. #princessbride#hometime #beingasexworkertaughtme#facesofprostitution “
All this down here shows insecurity:

LeaNights is a fucking reptilian from what I can tell, talking about aliens (the small greys from Zeta Reticuli) after ridiculing ME for doing the same:

I am not sure as to what to do anymore as this troll situation is getting out of hand and my number has been given out by this troll account here: https://twitter.com/YNLoveLockDown
That said, here are some of the awful, evil things he said to me, esp. when I did a youtube video once of myself down on my luck and he came around and said these things here:
Here are some other things said to me after I did this video here:

A while back, I also got this message that possessed much venom in it in which a male stated to me that how dare I choose who I want to be with because – according to him – I was “ugly!”
Here are those messages (he went by the waxx mann as one of his troll accounts which have long since been removed):
Then I realized who he was:
(here is his twitch channel here: http://www.twitch.tv/deshawncool)
Here is his troll account aka “youtube channel”:
Here is one of it’s vids:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtSjWdTnXhpUbIjLYEjmTtg/videos (He lies and as can be heard in this vid here claims I called and made those horrendous statements in an effort to get people to attack me when in fact the person is NOT me as is evident from by my own voice in which you can hear that the caller in this vid is not me.).
aka Charles Brown, aka Charles Brown Jr of Little Rock, Arkansas – a human trafficking PIMP who hates women and esp. anyone who speaks against sex work – who has been behind all of these accounts!
He first came to my attention when he threatened to drop the dox of my parents as can be seen here under the pseudonym, “bipolar vids”:
…after I threatened to confront a pimp known on Youtube as THEYHATELA (I don’t know if he is one for sure but these vids kinda prove it as well as his own words):
and here:
and before that he harassed me from these numbers here: 239-400-0770 and here: 501-379-0178

I received phone calls like this from him:
Threatening to attack me…
In addition, I googled the 239 number and HOOKER ads returned, such as these that are associated with that number:
…which would make him a pimp (since it is a lady and not himself being posted which more than likely connotes to someones engaged in human trafficking) of which can be reported to the fbi at: 888-373-7888
I also have reason to believe that after doing research on the info below:
…he works (perhaps part time as a way to clean his money) at Anheuser Busch beer company in Little Rock, Arkansas and they can be reached at: 314-577-2000(corp. office).
In addition to stalking and creating fake accounts of black women online, he has also created a fake account of transgender female samanthajames215 and used it to attack me which you can see here:
And here are those troll accounts (now they have been deleted)!
That said, he has recently joined forces with an Australian hooker named @LeaNights @Playgirrl84 who attacked me for speaking against sex work and the evils of it (I am slowly transitioning out this industry and the more I do, the more I see how messed up it is). That said, this person, whose sites can be seen here:
(These two accounts serve to advertise her hooking account and so thus run against the use in terms of twitter’s policy of having multiple accounts for the same purpose: https://support.twitter.com/articles/18311-the-twitter-rules).
And here is her periscope account:
*(Her account is in violation of periscope’s terms of service against nudity and using it for illegal services, as can be seen here: https://www.periscope.tv/content)
Here is her youtube in which she has harassed me but is trying to get my channel taken down for fighting back:
Her youtube channel:
She is using it to promote prostitution aka “sex work” as can be attested here:
Instagram: https://instagram.com/nostalgia_sgh/
Here is an example of her using it for her hooking purposes:
*Also, note in one of her ads as can be seen here she states that sshe started when she was 18 years old doing PORN meaning she was prostituting for far longer and so thus makes the case about exploutation of minors which is so prevalent in this industry that I have seen stemming from when I did my copwatching on the streets of Figeuroa and Long Beach Blvds in Los Angeles (her face, actions, words, the way she talks betrays that she “enjoys this” which is the LIE that sex workers such as myself who used to say the same thing say):

Look at her different faces which alludes to possible multiple personality disorder:
There she portrays the “happy frumpy” happy hooker but then you look here and see a totally different side to her:
Here is her boyish side while having a cover photo that shows her FAKE, sensuous “erotic” side PUT on for customers:
Here is her conniving look:
– Looking at those pics I actually feel sorry for her now seeing the degradation and toll it has apparently taken on her face and her youth being in this industry, seeing those different faces and possible mental illnesses manifested from it – namely DID (disassociative personality disorder) OR multiple personality disorder! She basically makes the case AGAINST sex work and her looks confirm it and without her even saying anything!
Now, this hooker came to my attention after I posted a tweet stating WHY PROSTITUTION SHOULD STAY ILLEGAL (you will find many of these women who often have mental health issues make the CASES THEMSELVES for why it should stay illegal). That said, she responded by following me as she is now doing the OKC vigilante: (I will look for the screenshot later) who is an anti-hooker activist. That said, these women, who tend to have borderline personality disorder and other mental health issues, have an uncanny desire to wanna be accepted where they are not wanted, which shows their desire for abuse. That said, after I told her to leave me alone and she continued to follow me – I observed a tweet in which she left stating that basically I shouldn’t have a problem with a latino truck driver fetishizing me for my body (he said to me after I rejected him: “All I wanted was some black pussy”, degrading my race AND my gender) and that is when she defended her own racist, misogynist actions when I did a Youtube video in response to it (many sex workers have NO boundaries and have 0 respect for themselves and feel all other women should think the same way which is resultant from childhood sexual abuse and trauma). You can even see here where she justified the guys actions by saying he did, “Nothing wrong,” when you read deeper down further below.
Here is my telling this hooker to stay the hell away from me, showing how they got borderline ie clingy mentalities:
Here is her tweet defending him:
Here is WHO she is defending:

Here she is, STILL defending him:
And here is Lea and other HOOKERS harassing me after exposing their fucked up way of thinking and after telling them to LEAVE ME ALONE, basically subverting their own cause for “prostitution legalization” here:

wegetnaked_ is an ILLEGAL escort agency allowed to run rampant on instagram: https://instagram.com/wegetnaked_
Chelly Fern aka prettyprincesschelsea (how old does your ass have to be till you stop referring to yourself by childlike names – honestly, I don’t think it ends when you are a hooker as their minds are stationed at when they were first raped and/ or molested hence their child like tendencies and lack of insight and tendency not to have a personality – all aspects of borderline) basically stated that she – a BLACK WOMAN – saw no problems with a white hooker referring to a fellow sister as a “piece of black pussy” by that latino truck driver:
Here is her instagram: https://instagram.com/prettyprincesschelsea/
Here is her youtube chanenl: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN4F1ee5fjlvmlVldM5TPdA
Also, in addition, here are more examples of these unhealthy, mentally unfit hookers attacking me such as @EscortLosAngele (#lapd come get her) in which they basically subvert their own cause behind why sex work could ever be (it is NOT) empowering for women:

Just as she did to me here (referring to my face and eyes and how pretty they are):
…she reverts to child status and resorts to fetishizing women of color – esp. black female bodies – something which these HOOKERS are notorious for doing, as can be seen down below as well:
Also, note Carrie Nation the PROSTITUTE, HOOKER has named herself after an honorable lady of integrity and morals – ie the REAL Carrie Nation who fought to keep ALCOHOL – A DESTRUCTIVE THING LIKE PROSTITUTION – illegal which is opposite of what Carrie Nation, the hooker, wants, as if to say that Carrie Nation, underneath the cheerleading for legalization of hooking, doesn’t really feel that way as her name sake would not want it that way, either!

Here is a male aka TRICK sex worker “advocate” basically justifying rape as can be read here down below:
These are the people who cape for legalization of prostitution. Many tricks and trick types will use the argument as this person did here that legalization will stop rapes as if to say lack of access to women’s bodies and so this women are to blame for WHY RAPES HAPPEN and they wonder why sex work ie PROSTITUTION is viewed as inherently misogynist and unequal to women:
Here is his twitter: https://twitter.com/OntarioScanner
And believe me when I say as many abolitionists and former, ex sex workers who speak against it can attest, these hookers and their trick advocates will attack you like wolves descending onto a pack of sheep out of sheer slight for speaking against their “industry” and calling em out on their SHYTE!
Now, returning back to LeaNights from earlier, as you can see here:
She hooked up with the PIMP, LoveLockDown aka Charles Brown Jr as can be seen up above. Do you still have any questions why sex work is toxic and should never be legal and I am a soon to be EX hooker saying this!
On a side note, doesn’t LeaNights, an “escort” aka HOOKER in Australia, favor the white australian reptilian chick here:
Look at the cold “reptilian” evilness in their eyes. You can’t deny that stare. That said, here is another pic of Lea here:

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