I don’t mean to make fun of that woman’s situation and I will tell you WHY in a minute! Anyways, before I get on to that, please sit back and enjoy as I have a load of fun at these two skinny jean wearing homo thugs’ expense:
This shit was funny here!
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This is why I no longer copwatch (I just came out to see the excitement and fun and the only time I copwatch now is for myself if I have my titties out in public and the cops start fucking with ME!).

One of the homo thugs said he is a crip – real crips should BEAT HIS ASS (let me get a better pic of him so you can all see him upfront and close and BEAT THAT ASS [Can’t get a better, lighter version of the negroid so you can feel free to download it yourself and go ahead and lighten it so he can get the ass whoopin’])!
I came across these two after going back to my apartment AFTER the excitement abated after they presumably sucked the dicks off the two (possible?) homo cops to get out of being taken to jail for obviously disturbing the good people inhabiting the IHop! That said, I came back out with headphones in but I could still hear them talking to me (I was listening to Art of Noise Quiet Storm Version – hence why I could hear). It was about my being topless and asking why am I doing that – as you can hear on film. I threatened to call the police – again – and send their two FLAMING HOMO THUG ASSES BACK TO..the waiting arms of the officers who showed up whom they sucked their dicks off of in the first place to get out of going to jail! I bet they work at the New Millennium Crackhouse and Illegal Gambling operation front (my words IMO) AND sometimes “beauty and barbershop” HERE:

…which got shot up THREE WHOLE TIMES at their Liemert park area:
Anyways, here is what happened:
Now, this situation is sad here: Another human sister presumably lost to meth (I presume “meth” use based on how she looks with teeth missing and very hallowed facial features) tho. she looks more like a drunkard than anything). Here is why I say this and here is footage of what wen
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Excuse the word,”nigger!” I can feel her pain. She prob. thought in her drunken stupor that I was the black bitch who obviously hassled her and gave her a HARD TIME – which is what most nigs do – and had the lady kicked off the bus just to be presumably a fucking asshole – which is what most nigs are good at.
That said, she is obviously on something. While videotaping the homo thug skinny jean wearing FAGETS above, I happened to have overheard her talking to “someone!”
Now, meth use opens you up to a whole new world where you see things you can not unsee and where you interact with low vibratory, interdimensional beings, as discussed here:
Anyways, this woman was having a convo. with one of em and I interjected in a sense to “see what she can see” cause as of late I have been getting a visitation by one – I presume as one friend of mines elucidated to me is something that has latched on to my family or maybe just from the days of living in NYC – me and harasses me, of which I have the PICS and evidence down below to prove it:

Anyways, I believe when you do meth it opens you up – unlike mushrooms, etc. – to the lower astral realms that shadow beasts like this right here:

…inhabit. that said, I strongly believe that fucking drug was NOT created by truckers as they say but by fucking reptiloids who – as we raise our consciousness levels and go from the fourth to the fifth dimensions – are trying to keep our vibratory levels collectively as a human race DOWN so they can rule over us and continue to do so!

Anyways, there is a real war going on. They know we would obtain spiritual enlightenment but they are trying to control it and keep us down as a human race together so they can feed off of our collective negative energy caused by wars and other such things that THEY manipulate and cause to happen via manipulation of world affairs, etc. so we can be constantly kept in a perpetual state of fear so they can feed off that collective negative energy!

Then woman pictured above Aileen Wuornos name is Sandra Kedwell of Los Angeles, CA! This woman who I mistakenly did an article attacking white females a while back as can be read here I presume is a reptilian host or maybe a shapeshifter herself (look at the face and eyes which are indicative imo of either meth use or a natural born reptilian shapeshifter). She also claimed to be an executive presumably for Ralph’s grocery store – of which you have to be a sociopathic reptilian to rise to the ranks of – which is owned by Kroger and I have called the executive assistant to the ceo of Ralph’s numerous times and always got a sociopathic, reptilian vibe from IT – not her – as people would falsely think if you go by outward appearance along when complaining about issues like sex harassment at their stores – they seem not to want to do anything and I have proof of this. Here is Ms. Sandra Kedwell aka “Sandra Sands dox: (here is her email: [email protected] and here is her IP: They say she resides in the Park La Brea Apartment Complex in Los Angeles, CA. If anyone has any info on her or where she stays at exactly, please let me know. Here is why I am asking:
She attacked me yesterday for being topless in public. I will tell you why. The rabbit hole runs deep. These “people” – REPTILIANS – see ANY SIGNS of independent thought and thinking as being threats to the stranglehold they posses over their tight control of the Earth so they attack ME – as most of these neighborhood watch types, etc. do towards ANYONE DIFFERENT FROM THEM (George Zimmerman is a reptilian as well – I can sense it cause he has no soul – look at the eyes in that vid – and this is NOT about race but us as human versus them – the reptilians – because reptilians are OBSESSED WITH CONFORMITY AND HIERARCHY and putting on airs. That said, I not only invite critical thought and discussion with one I am doing, I AM ALSO EXPOSING THEIR ASSES AS WELL IN THE PROCESS, such as their still harassing me (but the shit won’t get to me – now if you put HANDS, that’s another matter. I WILL beat your ass!).
– This is why they created meth. It is a supposed, alleged “hallucinogen” that allows you to see into another world and alters your mind but it alters your vision and perception to serve the lower hosts of the astral realms and so thus become hosts for them in which they use YOUR bodies as a result!
That said, these things are amongst us and stay away from METH cause that is what they use to control you and keep your vibratory levels to their level where the can feed off of your etheric energy!
The best drug to do is SAGE! Believe me when I say this!
I like you Raven, so don’t get mad at me. But when I watch these videos. Sometimes, it seems as if you’re the one harassing others and not the other way around. You can’t follow people and yell at them. That is harassment in itself. What did these men do to you?
That’s because when the incident first happen it catches me off guard cause it will happen when I am NOT filming. I just wanted to let you know and thanks for the support! Can you see the videos btw?