Is This Cop Stalking Me

Is This Cop Stalking Me

HOLY SHIT, BOTH THE VIDS I POSTED OF HIM HERE END IN “33” LIKE THEY BOTH LAST FOR APPROX. 33 MINS: The dude I’m about to talk about in this article looks like 90s singer, Mya (the mouth real similar): Excuse me while I start off writing this in my car… – Always gotta start an article off with some BUSH like I did in the last two articles – lol! Anyways – and I am a GREAT student of observation – I noticed not too long after I wrote THIS article here: Lo and behold this nigga STOPS

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Judge Tacitly Admits The Court AND Cops Are Biased Against Me

Judge Tacitly Admits The Court AND Cops Are Biased Against Me

AFTER ALLL the shit I been through, here: and here: A judge finally in his own way ADMITS that I am being mistreated much in the sane way this 911 supervisor did here: by the courts and cops. In this video here, he states, “How does someone so young get so many charges?” I AM 34. I AM FUCKING RELATIVELY OLD! I could see him saying this if I were 18 or 19 but he’s saying that as a way of saying, “YOU’RE BEING FUCKED OVER BY THE SYSTEM” and he’s right and it’s enough to make

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White Male Cops Want To Beat On Me Cause I Will Not Let Them Hit On Me

White Male Cops Want To Beat On Me Cause I Will Not Let Them Hit On Me

Here the video: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29699″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] After doing this article here: I notice caucazoid KRAKKKA KKKOP MALES stopping, driving reeeeal slooowwww, saying BONK ASS SHIT (in that video, they said, “Hey, crazy!”) all because I said I don’t want their white asses and that white men make Great Tricks (T-shirt coming soon…)!

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Los Angeles Sheriffs STRAIGHT Harassing Me For Searching For Incriminating Documents Regarding Deputy Konrad Thieme

Los Angeles Sheriffs STRAIGHT Harassing Me For Searching For Incriminating Documents Regarding Deputy Konrad Thieme

This some straight BS right here – I am at a LOSS for words… Basically, as you can hear in the tapes, these bastards FOLLOWED ME AROUND the courthouse ALLL yesterday after I left to get a hotdog (I realized I didn’t have enough money so I went back in to use the ATM) after waiting for about an hour I recall to acquire some documents from the City Attorney’s office on the 10th fl at the Van Nuys courthouse… Note here, my Ankh was standing up, letting me know the ancestors (Ra) was around… Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29691″

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Kicked Out Of U Pick A Part On 8103 Alameda St By Racist Sexist Owner Greg

Kicked Out Of U Pick A Part On 8103 Alameda St By Racist Sexist Owner Greg

I  suspect this mofo is a fhegget here:   I shoulda snatched the phone out his hand: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29293″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Here are some Yelp reviews that possibly quite PROVES that this guy is sexist AND racist (the main complainers are female AND people of color): It’s par the course for self hating closet case homosexuals to lash out at other minorities because their asses are suppressed and so pissed off with themselves and thus take it out on others:   That said, this closet case BITCH got on my badside after confronting me for

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Stalked By A Hooker and Pimp For Speaking Out Against Prostitution

Stalked By A Hooker and Pimp For Speaking Out Against Prostitution

UPDATE: I was going though pics and images of “LeaNights” and this is what came up: FIRST ONE FEATURES CHILD PORN AS CAN BE SEEN IN THIS SCREENSHOT HERE (WE KNOW THIS BITCH IS DOING IT FOR SEXUALLY SALACIOUS REASONS AND NOT TO “FREE THE NIPPLE” OR SOME OTHER STUPID ASS CLUCKERBEAST SAYING AS I AM DOING IT FOR) HERE:   LEA NIGHTS OUTING TRICKS AS CAN BE SEEN HERE (after accusing me of being WRONG for doing the same thing): THIS also reveals “LeaNights” is a lesbian as she says herself and if she really liked her

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Watch My New Youtube Channel The Topless Coparazzi

Watch My New Youtube Channel The Topless Coparazzi

  I’m sorry, here is the whole screenshot:   You’ve know me as the The Topless Mechanic (Actually, as HH83 as affectionately known by the cops or TheHappyHooker83 🙂 but that’s a story for another time… But now you will know me as the Topless Coparazzi, going around and exposing police brutality by videotaping them as they do their jobs while I expose myself’, lol! Anyways, here is the intro to The Topless Coparazzi  the UNCENSORED AND UNEDITED VERSION! HURRAHH: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29071″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”]

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Tranny Hooker Sensual Cristyn Who Works For Deletes Rival Sex Workers’ Ads

Tranny Hooker Sensual Cristyn Who Works For Deletes Rival Sex Workers’ Ads

THIS JUST IN: CRISTYN SENSUAL ADMITS THAT SHE GOT FIRED FROM CROWNCAMS FOR ALLOWING A FUCKING DOG TO PERPETRATE BESTIALITY O HER BY BASICALLY LICKING PEANUT BUTTER OFF OF HER PUSSY – HER DOG DID THIS TO HER AND SHE ALLOWED IT! That said, she has a young child as you can read here: A small baby at that! That said, who knows WHAT she is doing to that baby. I got her coordinates ie her ip address so anybody out there can you please track down where she lives and get her and call cps in the L.A.

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We Need More Darren Wilsons and George Zimmermans for Black Men

We Need More Darren Wilsons and George Zimmermans for Black Men

I will not lie to you…black men are fucking animals which is why I almost feel the need to say that we need more George Zimmermans as well as Darren Wilsons for them.   Let me explain. See, as the victim of street harassment, I can not tell you how many times I have been THREATENED by NIGGER MALES for not liking them, with physical violence involved or the threat thereof. I do not get this with Asian, latino even or even white men, but NIGGER MALES and they always look to deflect from their fucked up way of behavior

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