Scott Leiken of Home Made Simple and Green Harbor Productions Thinks Incest, Rape and Harassing Sex Workers Is Okay With Video Inside

Scott Leiken of Home Made Simple and Green Harbor Productions Thinks Incest, Rape and Harassing Sex Workers Is Okay With Video Inside

This guy is a sick fuck:

Bad built body and unibrows don't make the cut, Mr. wannabe HANDSOME JEW KIKE ASS MOFO (My great grandmother was ashkenazi jewish so thus I got some right, well, part, well, 1/16th to say this)!
Bad built body and unibrows don’t make the cut, Mr. wannabe HANDSOME JEW KIKE ASS MOFO (My great grandmother was ashkenazi jewish so thus I got some right, well, part, well, 1/16th to say this)!


Last night he called me and it reminded me of the message which he sent me HERE which you can see down below which he got vanished strangely and mysteriously from my youtube channel when I posted it which is UNDENIABLE PROOF THAT HE IS A SICK ASS, MAKING FUN OF RAPE AND MOLESTATION VICTIMS!






He called me with a very sickening and shocking request which I thus so outright REFUSED cause I was so DISGUSTED WITH WHAT HE SAID – but as you can see above the evidence speaks louder than words!



I presume that he called me from THIS number here: 818-808-2485. He called me again last night as can be seen below:


Scott Leiken Phone Call TODAY Scott Leiken Phone Number

Which mirrors the SAME number that called prior to getting the email message up above (I knew it was him since, after all, the conversation we had matched somewhat what he was saying, qwell, he was saying some sick, fucked up shit) so, here is his info below ie “intel”:

He works for Oprah Winfrey’s “Home Made Simple prouctions, based partly in Chicago and partly out here in L.A. (when I called her studios she said that they were wporking on a project/ series out here!).

He alos works for Green Harbor Productions:

Green Harbor Productions
459 S Sycamore Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90036
                                                                                               (323) 939-0268

Here’s Scott’s Facebook: (Where I got his UGLY ASS PICTURE which was created by someone else, therefore allowing me to circumvent copyright laws):

Scott Leiken Cute Pic
He kinda CUTE right here for a sick mofo!
If you have any comments, anything personal you wanna share, send me an email here: [email protected] Also, feel free to donate here: you like the content.

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