Liberal White Bitch With Black Lives Matter Written On Back of The Truck Calls The Police On Black Lady For Being Topless

Liberal White Bitch With Black Lives Matter Written On Back of The Truck Calls The Police On Black Lady For Being Topless

Oh the fucking liberal irony… This bitch got a fucking protest message complaining about a black man – who pistol whipped a pregnant woman and robbed homes for crack money – getting “murdered” by the police while calling the police on a black woman who ain’t doing shit other than looking fine ass hell ? She must be one of these white heauxs who love the black cock ?? and hate black women cause she see us aa competition for it. This bitch look like my old friend, Allen: Look, I ain’t trying to push shit – I have no

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Why Christians Are Oppressed and Bullied

Why Christians Are Oppressed and Bullied

In this video I RANT about how Christians have a dumb, linear, tunnel visioned perspective when it comes to TRUE SPIRITUAL SYSTEMS, including how most of their symbolism was appropriated from so called “pagan” traditions why their lil sociopathic narrow minded war against nature: against nudity, people living their lives as homosexuals, transgenders – got their lil social group on the wan and headed towards extinction: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29331″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”]

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Woman Runs Around Naked In MacArthur Park In Westlake Los Angeles LAPD Called

Woman Runs Around Naked In MacArthur Park In Westlake Los Angeles LAPD Called

***Looking back with my topless thing Eye Sea a hispanic siSt⭐r STARTED THIS ISH… She low key served as a foreshadowing of where I went*** ⭐⭐⭐ – I was low key trying to show the Star of David while discussing my spiritual adventures…. I took this a longggg, long time ago, March 23, 2012 to be exact. Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”28951″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] I remember the day like it was yesterday. Now, JUST TO LET YOU KNOW, there are no laws on the books against public nudity, either…but you won’t be seeing me running around MacArthur Park or

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Hypocrisy in How LAPD Treats Nude Males vs Topless Females

Hypocrisy in How LAPD Treats Nude Males vs Topless Females

This video points out the starking contrast, reality between how LAPD treats a suspect accused of nudity in public (which is not illegal by the way) vs someone, a womyn like myself, who is merely topless and is not exposing any private parts – such as a pussy or dick, which is not illegal and boobs do not constitute private parts as they think in which they hit me on 314.1 pc which would require my having to register as a sex offender for the rest of my life if I am convicted a second time; a felony. Meanwhile, that

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The Rapist Mindset

The Rapist Mindset

 See this kinda – “sweet” looking guy right here: He left this message on my youtube yesterday regarding one of my topless videos where he had this to say (you can go ahead and read it and I will paraphrase it below): Anyways, basically what this neanderthal, black neanderthal at that, was saying was: “Because I am a womyn and he is a man he has every right to burst into my body however he wishes cause he can’t help his misogynist urges…so therefore it is up to me to control him for him by wearing or dressing down and

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