The Occalas And The Network of Psychic Black Magicians They Work With: Barbara and Joel Hipps and More

The Occalas And The Network of Psychic Black Magicians They Work With: Barbara and Joel Hipps and More

That’s Joel and Barbara Hipps. Ironically she shares the same name as this “Barbara” here who – along with women dressed like this – are dispatched by The Occalas along with the Hipps I believe to do sacrifices of folks in the astral plane.

They are also protecting the girl codenamed “Rosie” aka Ashley Hampstead – the girl who stole my body on August the 22, 2022 and my blessings and spiritual gifts – in the astral plane as well as in the physical from what I understand:

– She look like her.

They are giant roaches occupying human bodies mainly and I think, originally, human.

That said I know the Occalas do.

With that being said I talked about the Hipps before:

David Reina aka Gooru aka Joel Hipps Runs The Southern California Psychic Institute aka The Church of The Rose Cult

They run an organization called “The Church of The Rose” – which sounds like a cult. Their real name is The Southern California Psychic Institute.

From what I am piecing together – they and the occalas along with a coupla – I saw their names in the astral plane was as is:

George Eevie or Ephraim (when I heard him one night I sensed dark haired guy with glasses).

A Theresa Ephraim – also called “Mother Theresa”.

An Eduardo Reina.

I definitely got a Hector and I keep seeing Inez Reina.

I believe I saw them driving past the shelter I stayed at on Pico back in 2022 and a couple of months.

I keep seeing a Stephen and a Chistensen or Christanson.

A Devin Patrick.

A William Mason.

A Christopher.

A black guy named Lionel.

And quite possibly this person here, Alex Macias:

Calling Out Another Sorcerer Who Is Part of The Joel Hipps Cult Named Alex Macias

That said, they are the “customers” of these entities here:

David Reina And Barbara Reina and Michael O’ Terrence Made Deals With Entities Called “E” and “Z” from Mars To Invade People’s Minds and Kill Them In Their Sleep

– As I said before they go around the astral plane – as dispatched by their “customers” – stealing and destroying folks’s consciousnesses, personalities, stealing their spiritual gifts and blessings and then killing them in their sleep as the ultimate sacrifice.

They – along with Michael O’ Terrence whose name I think is Michael Reston – designated me for such:

About Michael O’ Terrence The Malibu Shaman And His Connection To Human Sacrifice And Celebrities

I won’t lie I have been getting closer to death all this week. I have had violent whooping coughs after publishing this article here:

The Identity of Veronica and Paul Edwards Finally Revealed

– Edwards is one of their aliases.

I Finally Found Out The Names of The Two People Who Cursed Me: Peter Frank Occala and IIona Occala

I heard that IIona aka “Barbara” as I used to call her look alot like this woman here:

Like “Barbara” aka IIona as seen in the astral plane she a nurse.

After revealing that that is when the psychic attacks really escalated.

One night I was pissing in my bed – bad – cause an ancestor of “Rosie’s” aka Ashley’s who made an agreement with IIona to attach to my nose chakra (whose name I think is Seamus) jumped into my body and made me attack and rape (I heard he was a pedophile while alive) Higher Self, who nearly died.

He looks like this but with glasses:

“Rosie” from what I understand hails from Destrehan, La.

I saw them come through when the curse first broke back in sometime June 2022.

Right now she has her ancestors and roach attachments protecting her consciousness in my former head.

From what I understand her – The Occalas and perhaps the Hipps (?) – and a couple of their clients as well as Michael Reston made a pact in the astral plane to keep me as close to death as possible and keep me from rebuilding my body, which I am barely down to my Soul consciousness, which I felt them tearing me down to a couple of days ago.

I got nauseous just writing this article as well as posting to Youtube:

That said let me tell you what I learned about this criminal syndicate in the astral plane:

I first connected the dots that the Hipps could be the Reinas when I heard his wife’s accent and when I heard him – speaking in that “Gooru” voice – saying over the phone “Do not see her when I went for a reading” which you can hear here:

When I finally was able to get a reading, he made sure to say, “We don’t talk about anything negative” which I found to be bizarre since you are searching for the truth when you get a reading.

That said when I connected to their third eye – and their heads once – I felt the same hellish energy as I did when fighting “Barbara and David Reina” and even got back my blessings and spiritual gifts. I was attacked by their entity attachments subsequently after.

For the longest time I thought it was them.

That said the most damning was when I was riding in an Uber one night, battling this and I heard Joel Hipps higher self in the astral plane say, “Alright guys that’s a wrap. I don’t think we can go on with our little experiment. Let me see who else I can put in charge.”

I then felt them place a dark haired man with glasses named George Eevie or Ephraim get placed in charge, and subsequently ran the fuck out!

That said I have been putting together the pieces of the puzzle of who is involved in this spiritual attack they put on me in the astral plane.

Remember when I put that Peter Occala runs the Daily Compost on the dark web? Based on what I have seen in the astral plane the TOR to access it (or maybe his private password) is “Texasethanhawke”.

It is on the dark web because he talks about the human sacrifices he does in both ths spiritual and physical in the Malibu area and quite possibly in other areas.

13313 Alhambra or Agoura Way as mentioned in the article may be the house they do that in.

Remember this guy here:

About Michael O’ Terrence The Malibu Shaman And His Connection To Human Sacrifice And Celebrities

Based on what I have seen in the astral plane (one of the stipulations they made with their “roach attachments” was to keep me out the spirit plane) his name might quite possibly be Michael Reston.

His higher self’s name is Patrick Comes or Gomes I believe.

Some other folks involved, including a big ugly middle eastern bitch with frizzy or curly hair I saw on the pch’s name is Exer or Exeter Etrain.

That said there are alot of folks – including big names like Timbaland and an executive at Time Warner named “Navarro” – who are involved who paid the Occalas to sacrifice me – which they already did in 2011 – involved.

I even heard from his “roach attachments” that he goes around assuring people my death – saying I was already made a sacrifice anyways.

They paid him to get my spiritual gifts, blessings, and even physical features.

They compose the “wonoloers” that they put in people’s consciousnesses to eat and further pillage and torment people.

Them and the folks who follow them on the dark web.

They use this entity here named “Pallet Numbre” to act as the brains and conduit of the roach attachment to rape me energetically and astrally:

David Reina And Barbara Reina and Michael O’ Terrence Made Deals With Entities Called “E” and “Z” from Mars To Invade People’s Minds and Kill Them In Their Sleep

As said here we all make deals with “E” and “Z’s” on either Mars or Venus before we are born so we all have “pallet numbres” in the heart chakra.

That said these fuckers attached Pallet Numbre – their Pallet Numbre” to my dad to make him and me a sacrifice by fucking up our consciousness and ultimately take us out of our bodies:

He morphs and takes many different forms but from what I have seen he is composed of shadows.

I have seen the Higher Selves of folks in the astral plane who made a deal with the Occalas to kill me, including officers – who I helped one time in the astral plane – at the Lost Hills sheriffs station:

Malibu Is Gonna Get Another Fire ‘Woke AND I Feel I Am Revenge For What Ya’ll Did To Mitrice Richardson

I heard at the beginning stages of this curse from various entities that they made the deals, physically.

There were plenty of people up that way who made deals with the Occalas to off me spiritually and I will talk about their asses in tomorrow’s blog.

This is not a curse. This is some evil shit from the astral plane that they work with that like to invade people’s consciousnesses and kill them, like something straight from out of a sci fi film like The Bodysnatchers.

That time I thought I was pregnant and got a big chest was when they were – I shit you not – downloading their entity attachments into my sacral chakra and one night I witnessed my crown chakra:

Experiences Being Raven Masterson AND Pregnant

I saw these bitches here:

Being downloaded into me.

As described here they take over your Higher Self and become it:

David Reina And Barbara Reina and Michael O’ Terrence Made Deals With Entities Called “E” and “Z” from Mars To Invade People’s Minds and Kill Them In Their Sleep

I have actually tried rescuing my higher self but these things are tenacious. I have removed them a coupla of times – so have my Spirit Guides – and they don’t stop till they have accomplished their objective.

I have even heard their “customers” get disgusted with their asses at times, letting you know they are autonomous, sentinent beings and not tuplas or regular entity attachments created by people’s minds.

I saw that their base of operations is where the Occalas are: Malibu:

The Roach Realm Rules Malibu

I removed them from there – they were on top of Peter Frank (or is it Hank) Occala’s head – and they came back.

I teach ways to defeat this shit here:

The Key To Defeating The Paul And Veronica Edwards Aka David And Barbara Reina Curse Is To Aim For The Subconscious

You Gotta Kill Paul and Veronica Edwards In Their Sleep To End The Curse

You gotta kill the Occalas – and whoever else works with this shit – cause these things demand to be fed – and they are their host – and won’t stop till they are fed.

Like I said, I have removed them but they keep coming back.

The Pallet Numbre they work with – who is associated with Michael O’ Terrence aka Michael Reston and his higher selves – is an extremely sadistic, no conscience mofo who run alot of hell realms and has achieved great power pillaged off the people sacrificed to him, including my dad in multiple timelines.

I will say this again this is some hard ass shit to remove and it becomes harder the longer they stay.

They get their power from their hell realms – and attaching to you via the subconscious and conscious – which you gotta constantly remove to at least give you some win in this battle. I explain here:

The Key To Defeating The Paul And Veronica Edwards Aka David And Barbara Reina Curse Is To Aim For The Subconscious

That said the goal of these roach attachments- as stipulated by the Occalas – is to keep me homeless – while giving my blessings, especially financial – to the already rich mofos in Malibu, along with driving mr crazy till I end up in a mental hospital (I heard at the onset of this curse that IIona wanted me walking the streets, talking to myself), totally destitute and crazy and broken so that I will commit suicide and end up in one of their ghastly hell realms in their head, their victims’ head or my own.

They also don’t want me doing tarot readings or anything spiritual.

These people will be and need to be taken out!

Imma find out more information on them and their kids as it comes along.

If you have any comments, anything personal you wanna share, send me an email here: [email protected] Also, feel free to donate here: you like the content.

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