David Reina aka Gooru aka Joel Hipps Runs The Southern California Psychic Institute aka The Church of The Rose Cult

Here their Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/socalpi?mibextid=ZbWKwL This is them, Joel Hipps aka Gooru and Barbara the ole neo nazi who likes to use black folks’s – and other folks’ – energies in the astral plane: Joel Hipps astral form: Barbara Hipps astral form: I now realize he is sacrificing people to save his mother, which is sick: – I now believe it is an older man and that guy above is one of his minions as based on what I am about to say….. He, Joel Hipps with Barbara Hipps aka Gooru’s real name is, runs the Church of The Rose (sound … Continue reading David Reina aka Gooru aka Joel Hipps Runs The Southern California Psychic Institute aka The Church of The Rose Cult