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Psychic Attacks Coming From San Miguel Arcangel At 8704 Broadway by 87th and Broadway In South Central

The ‘Wokemaster Tees


Buy my shid or else get 'woked 🧙🏻‍♀️🐉👹

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The Gooru aka Joel and Barbara Jo Hipps and Michael O’ Terrence Issue

The Demon Seeds of Quetzalcoatl


Here I chronicle my experiences in the astral realm - and my fight for my life and Soul with the Reinas. Astralworld

Let Malibu Burn

Introducing my new portal: Let Malibu Burn

In light of the human trafficking of the homeless, the Mitrice Richardson case and the incessant gangstalking I face being black out here – I decided to introduce this new category cause, when this bitch burns, don’t shed a tear. Take it away, Kid and play:

– Wait, Usher…..

Offering Art Commercial Services

I am a very talented artist. I have been drawing AND painting since the age of three.

Thus I am now offering my artwork for commercial services, which includes commissioned drawings and paintings, self portraits, designs for graphic design, designs for murals as well as executing them, amongst other things.....

My portfolio is down below in the art portal, which has the image of Nick Carter which I drew using mixed media.
You can also see many of my works here which encompasses a wide range of what I've done.


If you want these services please contact me at ravensartwork22@yahoo.com

Thank you and good day!

The Man Problem


I will be calling men "dick demons" from now on.....

I believe it is time to have a serious conversation on men and what we must do with them. Men are a threat to the planet and womynkind and the Divine Feminine and must be eliminated.

Thereby I will be looking to the methods utilised by the late great serial killer, Aileen Wuornos and famed dick cutter Lorena Bobbitt on how to deal with these dick demons....


Offering Spiritual Services

I am now launching services on Etsy for tarot readings, entity attachment elimination removal and other services here:


I have a Youtube tarot channel named Raven's Third Eye Readings which you can watch here:


If you want to know my indepth knowledge of the spirit world, dealing with entities, entity attachment removal and so forth you can see here:


Thank you and good day!

The Portals For Blacks

In these two following portals I break down THE TWO BIGGEST GROUPS of enemies facing us....

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My Brother Kristen’s Twitch Page Confirms That I Got Soul Swapped

My Brother Kristen’s Twitch Page Confirms That I Got Soul Swapped

Powered by youtube embed video generator That being said I was on my Instagram, perusing and I happened to stumble upon some of his IG pages mainly for his twitch back in the day. I noticed that right around the time I got Soul swapped – August 22, 2022 as you can see in the vid – he stopped posting. I looked at his page and he was trying to be like me with the Lucifer, spiritual occult bent. Reading this and despite his age his innocent, very preteen like mind and mannerisms, I could kill myself for not having

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Maria Parafin’s Highest Self Entered My Apartment Physically Last Night To Attack Me

Maria Parafin’s Highest Self Entered My Apartment Physically Last Night To Attack Me

This is getting serious: I talked about it on my YouTube channel: Powered by youtube embed video generator That said, Imma say this. I heard a violent wind then it went stagnantly quiet. I then saw the lights – which ONLY turn on if you physically go into the bathroom – inexplicably come on. I then felt a presence and heard a woman’s voice that brought me to a chilling standstill. That said this shit is getting physical and is getting serious. As I said before this highest self came from here: https://toplessinla.org/category/psychic-attacks-coming-from-san-miguel-archangel-botanica-at-8704-broadway-south-central/ Do NOT Go To The Botanica Named

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Almost Killed In My Sleep Last Night By Maria Parafin

Almost Killed In My Sleep Last Night By Maria Parafin

I talk about it here: Powered by youtube embed video generator As well as here (I posted this vid here so in case my YouTube channel goes down): Last night – and even now as I type – I got badly energy, really astral body harvested by Maria Parafin where she removed my entire Soul consciousness and the entity attachments with them so I could not get my stuff back, including connections to ancestors, God etc so that I could not contact them for help. I have been talking about her for quite some time. She is the highest self

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How Do I Remove Highest Self of A Tarot Reader Maria Parafin Out of My Spirit Energy Body

How Do I Remove Highest Self of A Tarot Reader Maria Parafin Out of My Spirit Energy Body

I believe the name of the reader I went to is Elsa Solano. I talked about this incident more thoroughly here: I express how extreme the attacks are here: I have had my Soul consciousness, which is your blood, your plasma that gives you existence as well as the roadmap of your life and identity, literally taken away as she did to my father in that August 22, 2022 timeline here: She also stole my mothers going back to that timeline. I will just say this without going into detail, going back to that timeline – I won’t say much

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Do NOT Go To The Botanica Named San Miguel Botanica Located At 8704 Broadway By 87th and Broadway In South Central Los Angeles

Do NOT Go To The Botanica Named San Miguel Botanica Located At 8704 Broadway By 87th and Broadway In South Central Los Angeles

That being said, I’m just gonna say this! You all know my struggles with a curse that involves energy harvesting and Soul swapping. A good friend of mines – and them roach spirits warned me beforehand – don’t go there! That said, I wish I didn’t go there. Ever since I went there I have been getting energy harvested, attacked severely, taken over (with her falsely becoming a false – a severely false higher to highest self, parasitically removing the original and doing it by connecting to a child consciousness and spirit guide I had to almost get rid of)

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Problem Is I Am Crowned By Baron Samedi And Alot More

Problem Is I Am Crowned By Baron Samedi And Alot More

Part 1 Part 2 I just got word that Alex Nacimento, the evil sadistic Puerto Rican entity that Baron Samedi – whose real name is Billy Baille – and his highest self whose name is Don Toliver – and he looks like the KFC man – who I saw in an astral vision pull a young Mexican girl into her head and torture her via putting her through sadistic obstacle courses – while watching on some screen in the astral plane – whom I later Soul rescued and whom Santa Muerte showed me here: – I remember Billy Baille and

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Frequencies To Get Rid of False Higher Selves Unclean Spirits Parasites And Evil Spirits

Frequencies To Get Rid of False Higher Selves Unclean Spirits Parasites And Evil Spirits

The first one allows you to get rid of false higher selves, roach attachments, evil spirits and parasites. I noticed that it worked on them roach attachments (it is comprised of 1150 hz which kills them off) and this unclean Spirit named Dan Arieola whom a Mikey Hernandez and three women – esp the highest self of the woman who gave me a tarot reading whose name is Maria Yvette Tavarez – sicc’d on me whose faces you can see in these articles: Harassed By A Wetback Entity Named Dan Arcienega I saw that entity in physical form here: He

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Do Not War-Ship Billy Baille aka Baron Samedi and His Higher Self Don Toliver

Do Not War-Ship Billy Baille aka Baron Samedi and His Higher Self Don Toliver

I’m just gonna say this: from what I learned in the spirit world he isn’t the nice, kind kid friendly person you have heard. He sacrificed me when I was 16 for my spiritual powers and kept me under that so he could steal my spiritual powers in the next life by zombifying my consciousness using reptilians – illuminati, hooded level – and roach attachments and blocking me from all opportunities that would take me out of prostitution, which he put on me as a sacrifice curse. He set the tone for this when I was a baby cause he

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