Please Help Me Get My Van Back Or At Least An RV

Please Help Me Get My Van Back Or At Least An RV

I miss my lil van. I had it decorated bad azz and everything….. To me it was a one of a kind. That said I had it practically stolen by the sheriffs which I talk about here: Certified Proof That The Lost Hills Sheriffs And Sierra Towing Illegally Sold My Van That said I plan to file an internal affairs complaint complete with evidence if I don’t get that shit back. You can put pressure on the two culprits here: The Lost Hills Sheriffs can be contacted here: 27050 Agoura Rd Agoura, CA 91301 818-878-1808 And Sierra Towing, who sold

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Tom Brady Was Used By Giselle Bundchen As An Energy Sacrifice And Kanye West Got Mind Wiped By The Illuminati

Tom Brady Was Used By Giselle Bundchen As An Energy Sacrifice And Kanye West Got Mind Wiped By The Illuminati

He ain’t looking like a crackhead high on meth for nothing poor thing. Here is how he looked when he was married to his first wife: he looked sneaky ass fuck seriously! But he still had light aka a Soul in him. Now look at how Soulless he looks with Giselle: This when they first got married. Notice she had no light in her eyes and his either. This was the start of the energy drain: Looking at the vis a vis comparison….. He went from looking smoking hot to looking like he smoking crack 🚬🔥 She was using this

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Astralworld 7: Breaking Barbara’s Machine

Astralworld 7: Breaking Barbara’s Machine

The most insecure people who are not whole in themselves seek to dominate others for power. That is the case with Barbara. That said, I was journey through the astral plane, traveling when I kept running into those machines I mentioned occupied by people – usually men – with those booming ass voices. Those guys usually had a misogynistic bent about them which I hated and the women I witnessed would acquiesce to that bull. That said, I wanted to destroy them machines to get to the crux of the Gooru issue. I recall trying to bring down one machine

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Astral Parasites Are Now Taking Over My Brain

Astral Parasites Are Now Taking Over My Brain

I tried removing their Soul pieces as advised here to take away their autonomy but with little success and I could feel them – especially Baron Samedi “the roach attachment” (it is really an extension of Michael O’ Terrence’s consciousness as it comes from him and has his Soul piece) – encrouching on my brain, my consciousness and my subconscious mind which is really dangerous. How To Get Rid of The Voices In Your Head aka Astral Parasites And Free Rosie That’s how they look. It is really serious. Does anyone know the number to a professional shaman as when

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Astralworld 6: Coming Across Barbara’s Needy Hypersexual Homosexual Cholita Alter Ego Aspect

Astralworld 6: Coming Across Barbara’s Needy Hypersexual Homosexual Cholita Alter Ego Aspect

After escaping those two evil, nefarious mofos, I shuttled off – flying through the air – to explore more of the astral plane. I decided to visit the astral version of LA – make my visit “light” and enjoy myself – and ended up in the astral version of what felt like Pomona – which I have visited before in “dreams” which I now realize are astral travels. I was in a shopping center where in previous astral travels I saw and visited various stores I am conversant with in the physical, where tornados, hurricanes, flash floods nearly hit. I

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Discovered The Identity of Barbara Reina

Discovered The Identity of Barbara Reina

The voice is exactly how Barbara Reina sounds when I hear her in the ether. She got two kids. Here one of em: It’s the third to the right and I heard he calls blacks “niggers.” I remember while in jail she conveyed to me that she was the one who came up to me offering me $30 to leave practically out of jealousy (she said she wanted me out cause she is jealous). She is married to a billionaire as confirmed on tape and I was told by their very own spirits that her billionaire husband, Richard Reina who

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Astralworld 5: Meeting Barbara And Lionel

Astralworld 5: Meeting Barbara And Lionel

One thing about me is, I don’t like two things: Joining groups and being bullied. Barbara and Lionel represented both. That said, Lionel was able to effectively ward off the punk lil kids – yes these were practically babies that looked to be aged 8, 10 – wearing white t shirts, blue, black sports shorts or blue jeans – away from me. The entire time he was trying to man handle me as I later found out was designed to “groom” me so I could turn into the perfect machine for him and Barbara, which I later found out “Gooru”

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Soul Patches And Astral Parasites

Soul Patches And Astral Parasites

Never negotiate with these things no matter how much they love bomb you as they have done me. They attack the pineal gland, subconscious and conscious areas. Keep them out cause they need negativity to feed, hence why they cause bad smells, etc. These ones I got coming from Barbara abd David Reina are particularly evil cause they know how to make themselves “intranquil” aka doormat when someone tries to remove them as they did the other night. Now they are going over to feed off my dad and other family members and I am trying my best to stop

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Only Weak People Take Their Issues Out With Others On Innocent People

Only Weak People Take Their Issues Out With Others On Innocent People

After a confrontation last night, I know for a fact it is these two who are “Gooru” aka David Reina and Barbara Reina: Ugly looking bug faced Anton La Vey wannabe…. You can hear here it’s him by comparing the voice in the vid to the one in the audio when he called from 408-767-7455 the other night: This one even looks like a witch: I kinda wonder if that is Rosie as just as they do with victims they create characters using themelves and I am coming to this conclusion due to what I witnessed fighting them last night,

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Astralworld 4: Taking Back What’s Mine

Astralworld 4: Taking Back What’s Mine

I want to say before I write what I am gonna write – all throughout this journey I have learned I can only rely on me. Most folks aren’t as powerful as me. I even had a spiritualist recently who I was gonna employ for a cleansing regarding this whole issue say: “You are destined to resolve this. No one can help you.” People talk about the ancestors but all throughout it is the ancestors who have had to rely upon me. While in jail, I took the time to use my third eye as an interactive 3D game console,

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