Keep Saturn in Saturnalia and Other Ways Christianity Is Like Satanism

Keep Saturn in Saturnalia and Other Ways Christianity Is Like Satanism

I remember this move here, one of the most beautiful (and my personal most auspicious) film which uniquely illustrated one of the very Truths of Life: “You can not have light without darkness and darkness without light.” – This is very true today and the very culture AND customs of Christianity show this. Every other SMART religion around the world highlights – and celebrates – the good and the bad in every deity, showing the dichotomy of human nature and acknowledging it in their Gods and Goddesses. Goddess Kali of Hinduism is one such example. That said, xtianity are the

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Tricks Scams and POS’S

Tricks Scams and POS’S

The emails should say enough: He initially contacted me and disrespected my look cause of my perceived race and 50 million emails (on his part) later – well – here are his emails to me… I guess 7 is NOT a lucky number, lol! Read all the BAD reviews left on this number here and here is a screenshot of their bad reviews: Stay away from this racist (his name I believe is “Lee” based on the answering machine’s name stated): He is a white crackhead (maybe meth?) @ 818-457-2302 RACIST who likes to see black women out as

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Photograph of Real Feline Alien Cat Lyran On Earth

Photograph of Real Feline Alien Cat Lyran On Earth

I always said I wasn’t human…   I want you to look at the right eye (or from your perspective, the left) in the picture down below: Note the vertical shape, much like a cat’s pupil, which you can see below: Also, note the image of a cross “glistening” in the eye down below: When I first saw it, I couldn’t believe it, too. When I first took the picture, a feeling of “calmness” overcame me, like I was in “good hands.” I knew instinctively that the image would come out “weird,” and what you see up above is what

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Angel Sighted In The Sky Over Miracle Mile Los Angeles During Total Lunar Eclipse September 28 2015

Angel Sighted In The Sky Over Miracle Mile Los Angeles During Total Lunar Eclipse September 28 2015

Here is the video: Buy vid here ??[purchase_link id=”29201″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”]  Here are the pictures…             This was for real! I don’t know what it was trying to say as I do not believe in the existence of angels in xtian theological sense – I believe that they called angels back then were really aliens since that is what folk with a simple understanding of the world could equate them to at the time and if you look at depictions of the alien race, the Anunnaki – who created ancient Sumer, the first human

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Exposing the Sexual Predators and Possible Closet Case Homophobes Who Work At The Barbershop On 684 La Brea Blvd Los Angeles CA 90036

Exposing the Sexual Predators and Possible Closet Case Homophobes Who Work At The Barbershop On 684 La Brea Blvd Los Angeles CA 90036

That said, look at this shyte: Look at the messages he sent me: I suspect it was either one of the two guys here (more so the one sitting down since he said in the email messages that he was, “sitting down” and that he had a “bald head.”):                     OR…him, her, shim: LOL @ that fucking face of hers(?) Anyways, I suspect it is either #1 or #2 cause #1 seems like he is Jamaican and he says he is Jamaican and as evidenced by the fake Amber (such a

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Michael Hardman of Burbank Who Works At The Asylum Studios That Made Sharknado Is A Possible Pedophile

Michael Hardman of Burbank Who Works At The Asylum Studios That Made Sharknado Is A Possible Pedophile

Look at the dude who he is posing with here who looks like a fucking child with a shit eating grin, grinning from ear to ear…. That said, he came to my attention after he wrote this very vicious and libelous review defaming my name, claiming I let the fucking air out of his friend’s tire simply because of his friends’ sexual orientation: Now, I have never met tho mofo a DAY I MY FUCKING LIFE! I probably saw him in passing but for him to attack me when I HAVE NEVER DONE ANYTHING TO HIM OR HIS FUCKING FRIENDS

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LAPD Officer Dale Wayne Ziesmer Who Harassed Me For Being Topless In Public Is An Accused Woman Beater

LAPD Officer Dale Wayne Ziesmer Who Harassed Me For Being Topless In Public Is An Accused Woman Beater

HERE is a bigger picture! I am not fucking shocked…not by a long shot! – PS the charges were dismissed CAUSE SHE REFUSED TO TESTIFY, probably out of fear due to his power and possible financial (perhaps?) dependency on him as well as a slew of other things. After all, cops get let off for killing unarmed folks, RAPING WOMEN, so when he gets off what is to stop this possible powder keg from getting that gun and attacking her? Here is more info… W 432 Camino Flora Vis San Clemente CA 92673 which was taken from here: That said,

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Harassed By Woman Beating LAPD Officer Billy Bob Ziesmer and Officer Trick Kwon For Being Topless In Public

Harassed By Woman Beating LAPD Officer Billy Bob Ziesmer and Officer Trick Kwon For Being Topless In Public

…I am trademarking that fucking shit: “Trick Kwon™” before a rapper takes it! WOULD YOU BELIEVE THIS BILLY BOB THORNTON SLINGBLADE LOOKING MOFO POSSIBLY BEAT UP ON A WOMAN, as you can read right here: And see right here: I will talk about him MORE in the next article…. Anyways, getting back to the main topic at hand… Buy vids here [purchase_link id=”29193″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] HERE IT IS, YOU WAITED FOR IT… I don’t like bullies..and these mofo bullied me. That said, Officer TRICK KWON™ might of been a trick I have seen back in my day as

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Confrontation With the Shushing Hissing Reptilian Entity and Other Psychic Experiences

Confrontation With the Shushing Hissing Reptilian Entity and Other Psychic Experiences

That said, here is my confrontation with it HERE: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29189″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] I noticed when I walked away, it got LOUDER! When I returned, I heard it from which you can hear in the second film above then it die down again. For a split second, which was NOT caught on tape from what I can tell, I saw a brief glimpse of it in like a translucent, “milky white” form following a strange dream of Michael Jackson in which he was at a press conference and trying to choke the kids there. That said,

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