Everyone who follows me knows I am big on spirituality and here is the portal cataloguing my teachings!

Homeless Chic 6: Being Possessed

Homeless Chic 6: Being Possessed

I felt mad weird ALLL a couple of weekends ago. I spoke with a lady about Yemaya (who in turn fucked with my cellphone for a bit after I guess I told the lady to become her own god) and went there to praise her. I just went to take my spiritual bath and cleanse myself of some grimy ass spirits! [purchase_link id=”31818″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Afterwards… look at my face. This is weird! It looks like (when I take cellphone pics in selfie mode) that I got mascera, orange eyeshadow WHEN I DON’T! It looks Afrikan and reminds me

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Man Reveals How Google Manipulates Search Engine Based On WHO Is Searching

Man Reveals How Google Manipulates Search Engine Based On WHO Is Searching

When I’ve heard of fucked up shit happening to me… or just to search on the topless thing – when I would look shit up as evidenced by the screenshots below I WOULD FIND NOTHING!!! Here he is basically confirming this: [purchase_link id=”31813″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] I also noticed a weird ballon anomaly lingering in the air above my car: Here it is… That said – and he is NOT the first person I spoke to who confirmed this… this has been going on FOR YEARS in which they tailor searches based on WHO is searching as can be gleamed

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Why I Don’t Like Wetbacks and Hispanics In General

Why I Don’t Like Wetbacks and Hispanics In General

I am excluding the black hispanics… this does NOT apply to them! I been wanting to say this for a loooong time… Get vids and audios here [purchase_link id=”31765″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] These “people” are worse than what white folks would ever be, could ever be! As I explained here: South Americans And Mexicans Are Organic Robotoids Created By The Draco Reptilians To Be Worker Bees And here… Spiritual Confrontation with Misogynist CalTrans Employees These “people” think the same way white people do except, due to low I.Q.’s and low levels of consciousness (which is why they are OBSESSED with

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Malibu Informant RATS On Himself Blackout and Overall Fuckery

Malibu Informant RATS On Himself Blackout and Overall Fuckery

I just wanna say for the record, if you feel your life SUCKS, READ THIS from Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/comments/7gse46 THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST STORIES I EVER. READ! It’s like a composition of the Mist and like – this guy HAD TO HAVE visited a parallel world like this I sense in his dreams (the writer that is, NOT the character Clint Rockwell) cause it is TOO VIVID, too detailed – a whole lotta shit! Just read it – no matter WHAT you may go through here it makes you appreciate that YOU. ARE. HERE and not that HELLISH ASS

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Identity of Australian Asshole Who Shouted To Me To Get Out REVEALED

Identity of Australian Asshole Who Shouted To Me To Get Out REVEALED

The spirits showed me this for a reason (he appeared on my facebook timeline): https://m.facebook.com/dannnylonglegs?fref=nf Look at these LAME-HOES gassing this faggot up: He even got some sucky ass song out called, “Black Magic”: You gonna get this work playboy. Funny, I saw someone was trying to write Santana (they ended up spelling it “Santaama” or something) on the porta potty commode walls: Ain’t the sun beautiful too! Well, THIS BITCH was the inspiration for my blogpost here: Why It’s Mostly Men Who Wanna Fight Me Over The Topless Thing I Do This BITCH yelled – while riding his motorbike,

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Proof My Curses WORK And People Admiring Me

Proof My Curses WORK And People Admiring Me

Before I get into the cursing part, let me show ya a phrase somebody left on the porta potty wall in Malibu: Notice he used “mexicant”! THAT’S MG PHRASE I’VE USED IN SOME OF MY VIDEOS!!! Means people watching me and I think, fuck it – I KNOW some mugs come out here just to see me! That said, remember this hoe here: Wakanda Trailer Park Resident Starts Some SHIT With Me I FUCKED UP HER SCHITT USING MY WITCHCRAFT OR SHALL I SAY – bitchcraft! Now, my work IN THIS CASE wasn’t as commendable as Jamila who nearly set

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Why It’s Mostly Men Who Wanna Fight Me Over The Topless Thing I Do

Why It’s Mostly Men Who Wanna Fight Me Over The Topless Thing I Do

Just today I heard this ole cowardly ass Australian crakkkaroach on a bike shout some shit about, “I wish you would leave” while I was feeling HIGH which I discuss here: How Binural Past Life Regressions Got Rid of My Alcohol Addiction UPDATE: I FOUND THE IDENTITY OF HIS ASS AND DISCUSS IT HERE: Identity of Australian Asshole Who Shouted To Me To Get Out REVEALED – Anyways, bitch, I wish you would! I’ll take your ass down under, bitch… into a grave you cowardly ass faggot kangaroo fucking hoe! – Imma stick that rusty ass dumbbell up your ass

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I Can Not Believe How Photogenic I Am

I Can Not Believe How Photogenic I Am

I am – naturally – a VERY BEAUTIFUL PERSON, physically – thanks to my mom and dad! – My dad don’t like taking pictures, lol! Looking like “dead man walking”. Just playing, dad. Lol! Anyways, here are some pics that make me think this. I look like a model – no filters, no make up, nothing! Nothing but natural sun kissed skin! I live outta car. Small face – lithe body; very cute if I must say so myself πŸ™‚ BTW thank you for the compliments madam whipass!!!! You got me thinking this! Peep how the light shinning on me!

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Why Souls Choose To Incarnate On This Hellish Ass Earth

Why Souls Choose To Incarnate On This Hellish Ass Earth

Just like this Twilight Zone episode here where the thief got EVERYTHING he “thought” he wanted then found out he was on the “other side” in hell rather than in Heaven where he thought he was originally at: Well, it’s the same in the astral where you can tap your fingers and make shit manifest; there is no challenge so people come to this hellish ass Earth 4 the challenge. [purchase_link id=”31740″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] BTW one thing I forgot to mention in the vid is that Earth is like a UNIVERSE-ITY (Like UNITY-VERSE) for souls so that they face

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