My lyfe is interesting…. you’ll see ?️?️?️

Breaking Free of The Spell The Reptilians Archons Aliens Have Placed On Me

Breaking Free of The Spell The Reptilians Archons Aliens Have Placed On Me

Here is how that “spirit guide” I spoke of here looks: This diaphragm explains how reptilians look… RIGHT BEFORE WRITING THIS ARTICLE I SAW THREE – THREE – MILITARY BLACK HELICOPTERS FLY PAST ME… [purchase_link id=”31511″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Black helicopters are greatly associated with the ufo phenomenon. This is gonna be ALOT to write about… No wonder Afrodeity – who gave me a reading awhile back – said I might have to leave Cali which is the HEADQUARTERS for reptilians. However, there’s no escaping those mofos really as what I am about to tell you happened in another state:

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Three Malevolent Spirits Around Me And My Fight Against Them

Three Malevolent Spirits Around Me And My Fight Against Them

That is why I have issues with the purple amethyst stone as I found it shows what spirits, entities, “deities” are around you (it puts you in contact with entities)… I believe there comes a time when you gotta put shit on blast… I recall while in jail an Afrikan girl who is REAL GIFTED SPIRITUALLY told me she saw an entity around me who will put me through HELL to prove my loyalty to it… It looked like the one in thed middle: That said, I need to get at the ROOT of the problem of what is causing

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How Spirits Make Themselves Known In the 3D As Shown In My Baby Pictures

How Spirits Make Themselves Known In the 3D As Shown In My Baby Pictures

Here are my baby pictures… – Don’t I look like an alien? Fun fact, when I was a baby, my father, who loved and still does like my mom love me so much, wanted to enter me into a baby beauty pageant. My grandfather said I looked like an alien so my dad didn’t despite him vehemently wanting to since he saw the beauty in me. That said, before I go any deeply, look at this picture: Vs. this one: DON’T THEY LOOK LIKE TWO DIFFERENT BABIES (Peep the features NOT the skin colour). That said, when I was a

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Malibu Lost Hills Sheriffs Called For Fag Trailer Park Affair Gone Wrong

Malibu Lost Hills Sheriffs Called For Fag Trailer Park Affair Gone Wrong

Seeing that shit I kept thinking of the Sly Family Stone, “It’s a fagggooooot affffairrrrrr”: I REMEMBER MY MOM PLAYING THIS SHITT – AND I STILL THINK IT’S SHIT – IN THE CAR and even as a youngin I knew dem niggaz were high and I didn’t understand why my mom liked that pitiful shit??? I got a fan… Anywayz, I saw the boyfriend, I guess MAN in the relationship banging nuttily on the trailer door which you can see here from earlier: [purchase_link id=”31505″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Schitt was crazy. Then I guess cops got called to scene. I

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Demons And Smart Phones

Demons And Smart Phones

EDIT: After sleeping with my cellphone positioned by my crown chakra – I know why folks are becoming sociopaths by these reptilian/archon influenced black scrying mirrors. It is because after having slept with it by my crown chakra, I notice that my mind is now “focused too much” on the frontal lobes which if expresssed too much causes sociopathy. I REALLY had to make this blog here because of a REALLY fucking weird experience I had early this morning. Okay, I decided to do an experiment to aid in astral projection by placing the cellphone above my crown chakra –

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Why Black Folks Like To Sleep and How Alien Technology Works

Why Black Folks Like To Sleep and How Alien Technology Works

– Okay, this will be an important article… As I said before, white folks are organic robotoid agents of the Demiurge, the archons who were designed to specifically keep us focused on the 3D world and not awake to our superior supernatural abilities… That’s why in white societies having visions – which would easily earn you a medicineperson title in people of color societies – causes you to be labeled schizophrenic and thus crazy here (individuality is ruled out in their societies while fake politeness at the expense of the individual is pushed). That said, “Dreamtime,” the idea of interacting

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Los Angeles FAGGOT Ranger Tells Me To Put On A Shirt

Los Angeles FAGGOT Ranger Tells Me To Put On A Shirt

This what his ASS do on the job… Faggot. Or shall I say, fahjay (my word for FAGGOT)! – Bet he ain’t as fine as that dude, too. After calling out some crakkkaroaches from the great state of LOSER-ana (my home state unfortunately) after hearing them talk shit (I have telepathy and I can hear into thd spirit world)… This Los Angeles FAGGOT RANGER drove past reeeal quick like the cowardly ass crakkka he is and told me to put on a shirt which you can hear, here: [purchase_link id=”31500″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] This me just blabbering, here… That said,

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What I Did For My Birthday

What I Did For My Birthday

It was nothing to dance about… – THIS WAS DONE FAR AWAY FROM PEOPLE IN THE FAR BACKWOODS OF MALIBU! Anyways, again, take the time to thank your Lord and Saviour, Antichrist Raven for being born on this day (May 14, 1983) so I can bring you this day: Drinking urine with sage leaves… That said, here the dumb shit I really did (I didn’t do shit): Went to get my mail topless: Asked the LAPD at Wilshire for a hug while topless: [purchase_link id=”31480″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] And bothered the poor lil sheriffs here for I don’t know what

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How Pharmaceutical Drugs Are LEGAL METH

How Pharmaceutical Drugs Are LEGAL METH

Years ago my lil baby brother committed suicide due to pharmaceutical drugs… He didn’t need it. It caused him to hear bad entities do because it is legalized meth. Think about it? When you take shit benadryl or even usd cosmetics which have urine in em (you can just use your own urine), they have all that shit in there like phorosphorus fermeldahyde and all that crazy. THAT’S NO DIFFERENT THAN METH WITH ALL THOSE CHEMICALS! Listen: [purchase_link id=”31474″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Now that I think of it adderall IS legalized meth, MADE BY BIG PHARMA: – Notice on

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Why Spirits Incarnate On This Earth Realm

Why Spirits Incarnate On This Earth Realm

I did some pondering as to WHY would spirits incarnate on this hellhole while having heaven – literally – in the “afterlife” which is literally the astral. See, in the afterlife, you can create whatever you want: houses, mansions, fast cars – anything you wish. That is because in the astral aka “afterlife” EVERYTHING IS THOUGHT! The less dense it is and the more spiritual it is the more you can conjure things up in a split second and – bam – all your material needs are met! No need to work hard and that is the KEY to what

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