Do Not War-Ship Billy Baille aka Baron Samedi and His Higher Self Don Toliver

Do Not War-Ship Billy Baille aka Baron Samedi and His Higher Self Don Toliver

I’m just gonna say this: from what I learned in the spirit world he isn’t the nice, kind kid friendly person you have heard. He sacrificed me when I was 16 for my spiritual powers and kept me under that so he could steal my spiritual powers in the next life by zombifying my consciousness using reptilians – illuminati, hooded level – and roach attachments and blocking me from all opportunities that would take me out of prostitution, which he put on me as a sacrifice curse.

He set the tone for this when I was a baby cause he saw I would be the next Hekate.

He placed an entity named Alex Nacimento, who murdered a poor his Hispanic girl who I later Soul rescued whose account I later recounted here through an astral vision:

To keep me stuck under heavy curses and ensure I don’t know what’s going on.

Funny, I saw a yellow feather similar to what a yellow canary would have whom a Santa Muerte shop owner in MacArthur Park released as I saw in that vision:

His highest self’s name is Don Toliver, I believe his ex slavemaster, as was the case I believe with Mamam Brigette, and his higher self looks like the KFC man:

Here is an account of his higher self having raped me of opportunities when I was 16 (I found out that this astral vision of a past life – I was in my past life’s body – was really showing what happened to me in this one):

Black Woman’s Past Life As A Rich Little Blonde White Girl Who Ran Away From Home With An Old White Man

This is him in the spirit world condemning me to prostitution:

That is an excerpt taken from this article here which from what I understand shows me getting Soul swapped in the future:

Witnessing Alien Etheric Manipulation

While alive he was a rapist and murderer and pedophile who owned a supermarket and would beat up prostitutes, women. I believe he mighta been the ax murderer of New Orleans:

I believe his real name (Billy Baille I believe is for his entity attachment) was Stuart or Edward Benoit, or a Howard Lilliard – I am surrounded by evil spirits constantly taking my third eye in large part due to Billy Baille compromising the integrity of it and allowing parasites to go into my body (I been using 1150 hz, zakaos frequency and this new one here – to get rid of them). I don’t know what it is but I am still trying to find out his real name while he was alive.

What I do know is, from what I learned the truth about him in the spirit world, he will try to destroy you to steal your powers if you have strong spiritual powers. He hates women and will destroy and curse them by forcing them to succumb to prostitution and turning their consciousness into that of a child’s to keep them stuck.

He also killed this young white woman here, Katelyn Restin, cause he does not like white people (my Soul and Soul matrix presents as white):,461983.0.html

White Bitch Gets Christopher Cased After Trying To Summon Papa Legba To Kill Black Lover

To defeat him use quinine or 5000 hz or 53000 hz if he gives you any problems. 1714 hz, 1715 hz and these frequencies here to get your stuff back.

I will just say this he had sacrificed me to a mayate nigger teacher named Ms Preston in high school who – like the other nigger teachers – picked on me for being intelligent – ensuring they had the blessings I was supposed to have while condemning me to a life of Soul loss (he from what I understand from spirit guides was raping the Soul piece – of my 16 year old self – and stealing my spiritual powers everyday), lack of consciousness (I was missing a major part of my right side cause of him fucking up my consciousness) and further humiliation as someone who could never get anywhere and got blocked at every turn for opportunities (I saw esp in the early 00’s he had me in an armored truck and had removed me from a timeline where I no longer heard the “I could” song by an American Idol singer where I woulda been a TV presenter), giving away my spiritual powers on top of it. He kept my consciousness so that I will be dead inside as I was for years and not know what is going on spiritualyl to escape this curse. He set me up for poverty and right before the other curse struck (he set me up to be under heavy curses using the Alex Nacimento whose real name I am trying to find out what it is – I think Alex Bautista – entity here to do it):

Tell Paul Edwards The POS Behind The Gangstalking In Malibu To Quit

He was gonna set me up to do animal porn.

Basically, as he did to me in another timeline where I was half Mexican, half black he set me up for a life of poverty, Soul loss and prostitution and blocked opportunities. And he was giving me a hard time for my spiritual powers while he had me living in the streets, making me schizophrenic. I saw her life and that killed me to see that.

This evil asshole has been working with the white folks – and Alex Nacimento (I got an Ingrid Hibert, Rasmussen, Ocala) to keep me under heavy curses and last night after I contacted God and Hov – who is the direct connect to the ultimate God, demiurge I believe – to resolved everything and set out to get my stuff back – Billy Baille or Benoit started coming in and creating Soul contract after Soul contract without my permission to keep me under heavy curses. You can use 1215 hz, 112 hz and between 221 hz to 229 hz to break em.

In the astral plane certain entities are in charge of the maintenance of your body (which keeps roach attachments which usually cause schizophrenia from entering and you can use 1150 hz, the rife frequency, and 7000 hz and between 614 hz to 619 hz to remove them) and Baron Samedi aka Billy Baille and his highest self, Don Toliver (them and Alex Nacimento are gonna change their names in the astral so use 694 hz to see what’s going on):

In this case he has abused it by removing both entity and roach attachments that are in charge of the maintenance of my body, leaving me down to my subtle body and allowing entities to come in and steal my astral body parts every night.

He put the Dan Arieola entity in me to torment me and tear apart my etheric body, which Baron Samedi aka Billy Baille has control:

Harassed By A Wetback Entity Named Dan Arcienega

He made these evil wetbacks – who wanna steal from me, my higher to highest selves – I saw an entity attachment of Madonna being used to take over my entire Soul consciousness and felt it too.

It has something to do with that August 22, 2022 timeline where from what I heard I got taken out my body and put in – at first a spirit jar – then parallel timeline – where folks who sacrificed me can feed on me while I stay stuck in a circle of poverty and homeless shelters and even mental institutions. I saw he even removed my parents and placed them in hell realms from that timeline and let the people who cursed me torment and even burn their bodies to keep me out that timeline.

From what I understand all my blessings got funneled into there while they feed off my body and he keeps blocking me from getting in there, working with three white people to block me (you can use 1488 hz to get rid of crakkkaz) and an Ashley Hampstead took over my body, someone from Destrehan, La (I got an Ashley Terrell). I recall running one night in Santa Monica and feeling the timelines of someone from Louisiana being slapped on my back (which God and the Ars Goetia – that’s how bad it is – recently put back and had removed by Billy Baille) and before that seeing through my third eye – which used to work – a deal being made between a blonde white woman and a brown haired broad from Louisiana with her ancestors in toe.

I am surrounded by evil spirits with a broken third eye and no one adequate enough or willing – except roach attachments from the curse – to put me back together so I have no way of knowing what is going on and need clarification as I am surrounded by deceiving shit so, I will just say I need help. Part of this curse is is to trap you in your mind but ultimately to kill you in your sleep.

Billy Baille is the cause of all of this.

That and his highest self Don Toliver are both evil mofos and I want them out the spirit world!

Here are articles showing that he wanted to sacrifice me:

Something Tried To Take My Soul Last Night But I Fought It Off

Three Aliens Informed Me That It Is A Black Guy Who Works At Los Alamos Cursing Me

Imma say this: I never respected voodoo or Santeria cause as I said in the past it is filled with ignorant lil nagger gods and goddesses – some of whom died tragic deaths and unwittingly were whisked into godhead by ignorant people who are superstitious wishing them well – and thinking they could get something out of it. I did some articles on this years back:

How To Use Your Energy To Control People’s Behaviors

DNA Activation: What You Worship LITERALLY Becomes A Part of You

Are The Gods and Goddesses of Every Religion and Spiritual System Energy Harvesters For The Archons

That being said the story of Elegua who is Papa Legba is tragic. He was spiritually murdered or sacrificed by a white deviant slavemaster named Elizondo Salazar who condemned the poor black man to hell realms. And the worst: living furniture realms where you can’t think or do anything and your consciousness and physical bodies are suspended. You can use 125 hz, 1185 hz to release folks from help realms, 156 hz for spirit jars and 3517 hz and 3571 hz to revive bodies and 3817 hz to do that and get your timelines back!

That being said reason why you see a young black kid then an old black man is cause like with me – hence why Billy Baille removed my roach attachments and my entity attachments – was because like me – it separates your body, the etheric and subtle – into it’s different aspects allowing for someone to show when you at different points of your life when you were alive in a particular physical vessel.

I have been seeing entity attachments of Selena Quintanilla Perez better known as Selena and these wetbacks bitches’ highest selves, main one involving the one I got a tarot reading from named Maria Yvette Tavarez who is off camera, trying to make my Trump loving ass the new Santa Muerte which requires one to be placed in a hell realm. XXXTentacion warned me in a vision of some wetbacks – I was shown a bitch – trying to pull that off with my MAGA loving ass:

XXXTentacion Told Me In A Vision That I Emit Death

Here are the beaners from what I saw pulling this in the spirit plane:

I Soul rescued her:

The Astral Vision Where I Saw Selena Trapped In A Hellish Astral Version of New Orleans With Mexican Gangs

I am a big believer in the Eastern philosophy of seeing things. In the far East they work with ancestors and demons and call on the most high for things or the primordial darkness of which the ars goetia and the Baphomet represents.

As my mother would say anything outside of that is lagniappe.

That said the truth is that – and it is energy, frequency and vibration that makes not only the material world but the world of light as well, which you can use 7000 hz to get to.

Also for road openers, don’t go to them petty Santeria and voodoo gods, as I said of Elegua many need rescuing themselves, buy Buddhist beads and the wood kind only.

That will open up your roads.

You don’t need that other shit.

If you have any comments, anything personal you wanna share, send me an email here: [email protected] Also, feel free to donate here: @ CashApp @ $RavenWilliams2222$ or at my Zelle at 310-359-5199 if you like the content.

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