Black Eyed Biden Tells CHILD On Tape That He Wants To Use Her In A Porno

Black Eyed Biden Tells CHILD On Tape That He Wants To Use Her In A Porno

To go to show you what type of sick fucks are in office her “dad”, Senator Coons, defends Biden (he ain’t no real man!):

Looka that fam’s fake mk ultra smiles….

Here is a full compilation of him touching lil girls AND boys and ANY FUCKING BODY – literally!

When Pizzagate came out which was the issue in which emails showed poliTRICKians raping kids in code which I covered here…..

Pizzagate Part 1: Proof In The Pictures

Pizzagate Illuminati Rape of Children EXPOSED With Proof In Pictures

And so did this site (they censored em online)…..

As a matter pizzagate goes way back….. I remember when this documentary named, “Conspiracy of Silence” was released in which told of child porn of THE WORST kind (in one case as you will hear in the doc below a witness saw a police officer sticking bees in the rectum of a 2 year old as a politrickian played with his nipples) being found in the vault of the Franklin Credit Union helmed by a black man named Larry King which was then found by researchers with the Discovery channel to reach to the highest heights of government.

They took it off of Youtube so I reposted here:

I remember when it was slated to come out in 1993 – the doc. – my parents were talking about it, referring to the doc involving politicians raping kids.

It’s release was halted by the government after threatening harsh control laws being placed on cable if the Discovery channel if said doc was released.

Conspiracy of Silence mainly highlighted republicans doing this while pizzagate revealed democrats doing this meaning they are different sides of the same coin!

Now, in that first video where he tries to recruit the lil girl to star in porn – note Biden says his daughter will film……

Note here in this magazine article the title is “What does Ashley Biden do?”

Them mofos know her ass low key film child porn…..

That’s why Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden all on crack (and meth) and is fucked up!

Here ole black eyed demon possessed Joe calls black kids “roaches” and talks of how he let kids back in the day play with his leg hair…..

A demon is in control of his ass hence why he touches EVERYONE!

Even his friend got black ass eyes……

He even touched this big ugly old ass state trooper captain:

I don’t know if you all notice but even the lamestream is dropping his creepy bullshit like it ain’t nothing cause they think they got us fooled!

Then bikers wanted to bust him up but ole girl saw payday ? in that oooold windbag!

That said as I have said here:

The Covid Destruction of Businesses Is Meant To Set Up For The Great Reset Aka Hunger Games


Ya’ll Dumbasses Are Laughing Yourselves Straight Into George Orwell’s 1984


Just Had Astral Vision Where I Reported On Me As Being The Antichrist

And here:

Astral Vision Shows Biden Will Kick Start A War In Two Years That Will Lead To World War III

They allowed Biden to lit STEAL the election because they wanna #1 let you all know FINALLY and indubitably without a doubt THEY – the illuminati, whatever they call themselves – run the show and #2 because he will offset the plan for the new world order!


They plan to make us wear masks even INDOORS!

It is all part of a grand plan of grooming to get us ready for the Great Reset where we will have no rights and no way to bicker with the government and, as always, we will give up our rights with consent:

This last one is funny…..


– Like someone noted in the comments of this video here on the ig site it was on many of these “viral” folks are actors, making the stamping out of our human rights look like a joke!

It will ultimately be the “Karens” trying to protect us….. but they want you to see em as the enemy:

Trump saw what was up! He was part of em (NO ONE gets elected unless they are part of em….) but saw what was up and didn’t like it and tried to be an insider who would avert it as much as possible.

That’s why they stole the election.

Now they inserted this wholesale demon in a human Edgar suit who will only head us for mass destruction….

Astral Vision Shows Biden Will Kick Start A War In Two Years That Will Lead To World War III

If you have any comments, anything personal you wanna share, send me an email here: [email protected] Also, feel free to donate here: @ CashApp @ $RavenWilliams2222$ or at my Zelle at 310-359-5199 if you like the content.

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