Black Eyed Biden Tells CHILD On Tape That He Wants To Use Her In A Porno

Black Eyed Biden Tells CHILD On Tape That He Wants To Use Her In A Porno

To go to show you what type of sick fucks are in office her “dad”, Senator Coons, defends Biden (he ain’t no real man!): Looka that fam’s fake mk ultra smiles…. Here is a full compilation of him touching lil girls AND boys and ANY FUCKING BODY – literally! When Pizzagate came out which was the issue in which emails showed poliTRICKians raping kids in code which I covered here….. Pizzagate Part 1: Proof In The Pictures Pizzagate Illuminati Rape of Children EXPOSED With Proof In Pictures And so did this site (they censored em online)….. As a matter

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Backpage Ain’t Got Nothing On Pizzagate Politrickians Occult Murders of Kids

Backpage Ain’t Got Nothing On Pizzagate Politrickians Occult Murders of Kids

The people who are now using backpage to push an agenda to “protect kids” ARE THE SAME ONES WHO LONG BEEN USING KIDS IN OCCULT RITUAL RAPES AND MURDER: Watch Conspiracy of Silence which reveals ALL THIS SHIT (I remember when this first was ABOUT to come out – in 1993 – and I recall my parents talking about the doc involving politicians raping kids UNTIL it got intercepted by those same poliTRICKians who threatened hellish regulations against cable till it got taken off the air – download a copy cause Google – with the passage of the

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Did Biggie Smalls Predict The 9-11 Disaster 7 Years Before It Happened

Did Biggie Smalls Predict The 9-11 Disaster 7 Years Before It Happened

Listen to this bit here taken from the Hit song, “Juicy”: NOW, listen to the whole song here: HELL,LOOK AT THE FUCKING LYRICS which you can read here: I believe alot of these “artists” aka CONTROLLED PUPPETS on the slick are being used to indicate the next orchestrated attack that will be used against us which will be used to WIPE US OUT or cause further changes that will allow the illuminati to alter – artificially – events in our world for their satisfaction. Many a tune has come out indicating future horrors that turned out TO BE TRUE!

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