Backpage Ain’t Got Nothing On Pizzagate Politrickians Occult Murders of Kids

Backpage Ain’t Got Nothing On Pizzagate Politrickians Occult Murders of Kids

The people who are now using backpage to push an agenda to “protect kids” ARE THE SAME ONES WHO LONG BEEN USING KIDS IN OCCULT RITUAL RAPES AND MURDER:

Watch Conspiracy of Silence which reveals ALL THIS SHIT (I remember when this first was ABOUT to come out – in 1993 – and I recall my parents talking about the doc involving politicians raping kids UNTIL it got intercepted by those same poliTRICKians who threatened hellish regulations against cable till it got taken off the air – download a copy cause Google – with the passage of the anti-backpage/FOSTA law – will soon become heavily regulated):

Hell, the person pushing it – Senator John McCain’s wife who looks like an evil witch – has a husband who hired a known pedophile, James Bartleson, to be his campaign manager:


Also, you can see here her closet case ass husband (C’mon, this nigga look like he got ready made make up on as if he is ready to hit the gay bars) Ted Cruz hit her ass – supposedly mistakenly (that ain’t no fucking mistake):

I ain’t gonna lie – I ain’t big on the “all SELL-ebs are trannies” thing as I discussed here:


“BISH” – I mean, NIGGA – LOOK LIKE A QUARTERBACK IN THE FACE! Shit she look just like him. I noticed Ted Cruz’s wife looks just like him, too. Maybe there’s something to this whole tranny thing…

– Also, Ted Cruz and his “wife” look like twins. Maybe there is something to the clone centers Donald Marshall talks about:

I want to add: John McCain married his wealthy wife for MONEY (Why would a beautiful “woman” even lower herself down to that level is beyond me) which proves he a gold digging hoe, too!

– That’s a fucking man! Boy, the LIES of a LIE-F THESE PEOPLE LEAD! It’s sickening!

HAVING THE NERVE to moralize about so called kidnapped and trafficked kids, esp. in light of the fact that they have done worse. I remember when pizzagate, Conspiracy of Silence was exposed, they tried in every way to censor it. In many ways that is why there is an assault against Backpage: to use it as a tool to shut down free speech on the net to keep their true crimes from coming to light.

That said, basically, Backpage has been shut down! They shut it down after amending a law which I – like many others – sense will be used to shut down free speech on the internet. The law is called FOSTA which you can read about here:

No wonder people been saying that President Trump was chosen like the rest of em! And to think everybody felt like he was gonna end pizzagate!

That said, I used to use Backpage back in the day when I was a hooker:

I won’t lie: the guy who owns is, Carl Ferrer, well – one of the owners – was a dick who when I would complain about my ghosted ads even though I would be in compliance – would make it worse. That said, he don’t deserve this and neither do the millions of sex workers who make their living off of it (it was becoming WAYYY too congested with low class street hookers and lazy ass pimps alike like this nigger whose rejoicing in it’s shut down so his faggety faggot ass can rejoice in controlling women on the streets – this nigger is complaining about how us sex workers had the gull to dare pick and choose our clientele. This a sick bastard):

– I think he is in L.A., south central, Compton somewhere. Here his channel πŸ˜‰

Anyways, I remember – rather in many ways fondly – being on Backpage, MyRedBook (another site which they shut down) and some others. It’s like peering into another world, literally, another stage of my life in which I quite fondly in a way miss but it was time to move on. I am happy! I wouldn’t change it. Sex work was a big part of my life, even spawning names like HappyHooker, Nappyhoe (LOL) and a bunch of others. I am mad happy. I wouldn’t change it.

But THIS is fucked up!

The same mofos here who are moralizing – okay – the California Attorney General, Kamala Harris – had it shut down. Before I start on the pizzagate affiliation did you know California literally legalized child prostitution:

– The name of that said policy is SB122 (In numerology “1” correlates to beginning of something spiritual and “22” is Master Builder – often used by freemasons. Now do you see WHY these illuminati poliTRICKians use certain numbers! It’s to push the astral influence of things for whatever they want it to be. Here more on 122: )

Yes, that was real! They legalized it under the guise of protecting the child victim. Yet if the law were really about doing that – sense they feel ALL sex workers are victims, why not legalize it for the womben, too. See how they are not doing it for what they are telling you for? Peep the deception?

House of Representatives Whip Tom DeLay said that the FBI is on the way to legalizing the “12 taboos” one of which is pedophilia which you can read down below:

– Notice the emphasis on little boys. That is because all throughout pizzagate – as discussed in pedo rape docs like Conspiracy of Silence involving politrickians and in the Johnny Gosch case – it was stated that little boys were the favoured children to abuse. Hell, old FBI Director James Comey (I can see that nigga gay and his dyke ass wife a butch – DAMN those peoplr are sooo fucking fake it’s mad disgusting) it was conveyed via the “Doctor of Commonsense” on youtube that he found out via an FBI agent that Comey would have little boys tied up to strings, dress them like Howdy Doody – oil them up – then RAPE THEM ANALLY:

– They took his channel down after revealing that. I made a copy of that vid in case they take this one down and posted it in my own files.

Did you know Laura Silsby, who was convicted of HUMAN TRAFFICKING ABOUT 33 HAITIAN KIDS OUT OF HAITI FOR THR CLINTON FOUNDATION (Who interestingly set up in countries where there are no birth certificates – hmmm hmmm makes ypu think!) NOW WORKS AT ALERT SENSE WHICH CREATES APPS THAT ISSUE AMBER ALERTS, another “independent” org which works with THE CENTER FOR MISSING AND EXPLOITED KIDS FOUNDATION – one of the orgs responsible for getting backpage shut down!!!

– Notice she was trying to traffic 33 KIDS. NOTE THE NUMBER, 33! Very significant in the occult. 33 means according to numerology it is only significant when it pertains to your lifepath, etc. and must be a naturally occuring CORE NUMBER. Here is more on it:

In freemasonry, etc. people with the lifepath, life expression number, some significant inborn numerological number of 33 are frequently put into high places. They are the “anointed Ones”, the illuminated Ones. When you are 333, you are meant to be divergent (Mines is 999).

That said, here is evidence she, Laura Silsby now going under Laura Gaylor, works for Alert Sense which is an app created to send out alerts for Amber Alerts (many, including myself, believe it was created to INTERCEPT escaped children from these pedo-politrickian rape rings and haul the poor kids back).

– I highlighted Gaylor in the second so you can see she is connected to them (funny they don’t have a bio – just a generic looking photo – no name, nothing!):

I also want to mention the lawyer used to free Laura Silsby, named Jorge Puello Torres was himself a human trafficker who enslaved girls and women to be used in sex slavery and ritual murder (think about the girls in Tijuana) which I touched on here (Notice he looks ALOT like Seth Rich whom my psychic senses tells me ain’t dead: ):

– That’s the “lawyer”, Jorge Puello to the right. To the left is Seth Rich. Don’t they look alike?

Here is evidence he was involved in a rape ring:

Think about this shit? They are involved in the shutting down of Backpage. This shit runs deep. That said, the California Attorny General, Kamala Harris’s sister – Maya – was caught sending a suspicious email about pizza (might as well be puzza aka puzzy and pizza as a pormenteau combined). For those who don’t know, pizza was a code word used all throughout pizzagate emails to indicate young girls, teens, with “cheese pizza” representing young young girls for occult rape which was in reference to their anatomy since little girls have nothing on their vagina and also pizza denotes the shape of their vaginas.
Hotdog represents the penis (hence the term hot (as in attractive) and dog due to shape of their anatomies with pasta representing a small boy’s penis! You can read more about the codewords here:

That said, here is Kamala Harris’ sister’s email implicating her to this:

That said, I can throw out the lame argument of how they are hypocritical (cops rape sex workers all the time based on what I seen and heard during my time copwatching), how these POLITRICKians see hookers (I saw a judge once and he was the only one to say so) and so forth but… see, as a psychic, I believe in looking at the Heart of a Matter and not just at all the little symptoms that make it up (which complaining about will get you nowhere). You need to see the entire picture behind why things are happening…

– BTW I know this is kinda irrelevant but still is relevant: I had a psychic vision one night that had we stayed in the BerenstEin universe – we woulda had a Civil War, tech woulda been three years behind us and their woulda been restrictions on our rights!

THAT is what they are attempting to accomplish here by going after the easiest and most maligned people – sex workers – knowing no one will help them with this Backpage/ FOSTA thing cause of who they are (many clients got power but with the exception of Pretty Hoe: they don’t want to be outed) and won’t see this legislation for what it is which is the censoring of the net!

See, there was a time – I recall back in the 90s on the early days of the net – you can see just about anything! Then google – a CIA front – came along and just about shut that down by becoming the dominant search engine and now just about the only “road” on the internet to find what you are looking for! Now, many things you coulda found on the internet back then – deep shit – you can’t find now and I have even noticed their censoring shit. That said, FOSTA basically makes it so that website owners can be held liable for what it’s users post – a hallmark which before it’s passing website owners were justifiably not held liable for shit theie users posted! It’s crazy to even police that. I know from experience backpage had protective measures in place to determine what ads were legit vs which ones weren’t. Now that FOSTA has passed, they can censor the net more, such as info like this (THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST BLOGS THAT CORRELATES PIZZAGATE THINGS, ITEMS TOGETHER, AS FAR AS I AM CONCERNED):

Here another blog that exposes what I am about to talk about very well:

Did you know Farmer L aka Tamera Luzzatto of the Pew Trust has emails and weird ass blogs which practically show her ass might be involved in selling kids for rape and murder via the “farm circuit” where kids are FORCED to have sex with animals then killed:

– Okay, what the writing in red is saying basically: “Evie (the baby) WILL BECOME QUEEN OF THE U.S.A. (THE. FUCK?) and you can have her for a limited time, RAW AND UNCUT!”

– There ain’t no getting around what that means. As a former sex worker that uncontrovertibly means using children FOR SEX cause I mean, who the fuck uses words like that in relation to kids? Also, the part about “limited time” – C’mon, man, somebody selling somebody!

Here’s more:

– Basically, she talking about putting kids in the pool for some poliTRICKians, including Hillary’s “entertainment.” C’mon man, what else could that mean aside from RAPE OF BABIES??? Hillary was already implicated – her and Huma – for raping kids here:

– BTW the article up above PROVES the shit is real based on how it’s being reported and how much denial is being pushed – yet, if you read between the lines, you can see their anxious, know it’s real and are mad eager to push the opposite cause they know what’s said in it is true!

Here is that blog which she uses to sell kids for sex:

– I have a feeling she is putting some REAL sick ass shit up there now since she got it set to private!

Here her facebook (I took one look at her pics and I sensed straight evil right off the bat):

– Here is one creepy ass, scheming post she posted about how to use children’s shows on PBS to get conservatives as one way to support them (as a trick):

– That shit sounded creepy. One thing I wanna say is that, look at the bags under “Evie” – the child she selling’s – eyes.

…Note how they correlate to the other “pizzagate” kids eyes taken from the Comet Ping Pong site where they all got them bags:

Look at her eyes (the bags under them). You can see she involved in some mad deep shit! I know of plenty biz folks who ain’t got bags under their eyes like she do. It’s cause she involved in sone soul draining stuff (trauma). They say the eyes are the windows to the Soul…

Here she look like something straight out of “Lord of the Rings” – “something”

This bitch look like a straight up man here:

– Wow, this bitch a real shapeshifter!

Here is more on the rape farms:

In this doc, at some point in the doc it exposes the “farm circuit” in which young kids are sent for rape and torture:

The Robert Pickon case in Canada EXPOSED how police, government were involved in the use of girls and women for snuff films which I drew a link here via the “Behind a Blue Lens” doc

And here are two eyewitness accounts:

And here:

Also, the westbrook FARM in Australia dealt with something similar which included child enslavement, child trauma, rape, which you can read about here:


I HATE these same politrickians who are involved in pizzagate – the BRUTAL occult ritual rape and murder of kids which you can SEE AND READ ABOUT BELOW, esp with regards to the Johnny Gosch case (the first kid to end up on a milk carton) which you can see here:

And learn more about the SICK real truth, here:

THIS REALLY breaks down what happened to Johnny Gosch and the ring he got pulled into:

Ya’ll need a primer on this case to see how deep this shit runs…

Back in the 1980s, it came out that the Franklin Credit Union in Omaha, Nebraska was harboring child porn (the basis for the documentary, “Conspiracy of Silence.”).

That said, it was ran by a dude name Larry King – a big black dude and not the skinny water head jew dude – who it was uncovered was running a child rape ring involving, you thought right, poliTRICKians, celebs and corporate magnates such as Omaha World Herald owner Peter Citrone (who later “committed suicide”). That is why you don’t trust mainstream media. You can see more on it here:

That said, Johnny Gosch was a paper boy who was kidnapped in 1982 (a year before I was born) while doing a paper delivery route (Funny, my dad, a New Orleans cop at the time said that there was an epidemic of child kidnappings)! That said, Johnny Gosch was kidnapped while doing his route one early, early morning. Here is how it gets involved with the local poliTRICKians and pizzagate:

Here’s why Paul did it (that’s the mofos who took him; reeeal sick shit!):

He was being held on a farm after being kidnapped by two men – one of em being Paul Bonnacci who in “Conspiracy of Silence” EXPOSED THE RAPE RING (He himself was a victim and suffers from multiple personality disorder as a result). You can read more about that here:

Just like with “Farmer L” aka Tamera Luzzatto he was being held on a farm, branded like cattle before being sent to wherever he was supposed to go next.

In the mid 90s, he allegedly visited his mom to let her know that he is okay but that he could not stay or reveal to much cause he was under heavy surveillance by the people who kidnapped him and he spoke of all the awful shit they do to those who break away or reveal the shit that they do.

In the early 2000s, a man named Jeff Gannon was outed as a shill reporter at a White House press conference. Turns out he was really a male hooker/ (in this case) REAL sex slave. Many suspect he is in fact Johnny Gosch (the initials kinda allude to it), also his birthmark and facial features.

Here is Jeff Gannon being intimately kissed by George Bush Jr.:

A private investigatorformer NYPD sergeant James Rothstein found out that there were many correlations between Jeff and Johnny Gosch. Here is more on that here:

Fuck, the rabbit hole runs mad deep!

These poliTRICKians man, HAVING THE NERVE to moralize about so called kidnapped and trafficked kids, esp. in light of the fact that they have done worse. I remember when pizzagate, Conspiracy of Silence was exposed, they tried in every way to censor it. In many ways that is why there is an assault against Backpage: to use it as a tool to shut down free speech on the net to keep their true crimes from coming to light.

That shit ain’t about protecting kids… this whole backpage thing ain’t about protecting kids! Basically, in a nutshell, as I pointed out above, your government is run by child murderers and occult rapists who use kids all the time in occult rituals.

THAT is what they are attempting to accomplish here by going after the easiest and most maligned people – sex workers – knowing no one will help them cause of who they are (many clients got power but with the exception of Pretty Hoe: they don’t want to be outed) and won’t see this legislation for what it is which is the censoring of the net!

See, there was a time – I recall back in the 90s on the early days of the net – you can see just about anything! Then google – a CIA front – came along and just about shut that down! Now, many things you coulda found on the internet back then – deep shit – you can’t find now and I have even noticed their censoring shit. That said, FOSTA basically makes it so that website owners can be held liable for what it’s users post – a hallmark which before it’s passing website owners were justifiably not held liable for shit theie users posted! It’s crazy to even police that. I know from experience backpage had protective measures in place to determine what ads were legit vs which ones weren’t. Now that FOSTA has passed, they can censor the net more, such as info I exposed to you all up above!

That said, I rem. when pizzagate came out and there was an uproar against fake newz with these revelations coming out. This is real schitt! Basically, they wanna hide their crimes by throwing fake shit like this made up shit against backpage at the people so that they can pass laws which will ultimately censor the people exposing they ass. They some real demonic motherfuckers. Yeah, that’s why I said I could talk about how hypocrotical they are, blah blah… but we need to talk about the heart behind WHY they did it and not get caught up in albeit relevant but not significant details. You must have a macro and not micro overstanding of what is going on!

That said, here’s more:

Here is a videotape of Hillary Clinton staffer John Podesta in one of his alternate personalities abusing a child …

Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29353″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”]

I peep when I linked to youtube before, said vid got taken down:

I can go deeper!

That said, they are fucking with the internet, trying to shun our rights! These mofos don’t care about our rights as they are more concerned about using trafficked kids – whom they use themselves – to push an agenda, THEIR PERSONAL OCCULT AGENDA FOR POWER IN EXCHANGE FOR THESE BABIES’ SOULS TO THE MOLOCH-SUMERIAN DEMONS THEY WORSHIP! They don’t give a fuck about the kids! As I showed you all – they abuse kids in the worst possible ways! Now they want YOU THE PEOPLE to cosign their EVIL by allowing a law to be signed that will help them to easily cover their tracks when they kidnap your child – as was done to Johnny Gosch – for use in child rape occult rituals!

If you have any comments, anything personal you wanna share, send me an email here: [email protected] Also, feel free to donate here: you like the content.

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