NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio’s Wife Is Still A Dyke Whose Probably Molesting The Daughter

NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio’s Wife Is Still A Dyke Whose Probably Molesting The Daughter

Before I begin, I need you all to see this, here: I can’t get over – just read the emails – HOW PATHETIC some of those TRICKS – NOT CLIENTS – CAN BE! I mean this dude is SO LOW VIBRATORY, SO PREDATORY (In terms of seeking folks’ energies) that he has to boast about having “power” over 30 other mofos with low self esteem and ALL SORTS OF SPIRITUAL STDs in a bid to take energy from someone who is more Powerful – Spirit/Soul wise – then he could ever be! A REAL LOSER WHO I CAN NOT RESPECT!

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Homeless Chic 4: Going Topless In Van Nuys Courthouse

Homeless Chic 4: Going Topless In Van Nuys Courthouse

Alright, right after this I will do serious work… That said, here is a video of how to identify even the most STEALTH undercover cop car and one RAGGEDY ASS DA UNDERCOVER CAR (How they got them driving that is BEYOND ME): Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”31186″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Now, here I am, taking pics of myself – topless – in the Van Nuys County Courthouse: Here some where I got a shirt on… Here I am – doing a sorta “victory dance” after WINNING A CASE – FINALLY! That said, after some of my dealings with the sheriffs

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