Homeless Chic 2: Return of The Raven

Homeless Chic 2: Return of The Raven

I had to present the second part of my series/ fashion line – “Homeless Chic” – in which I show myself in variius poses and various states of undress while homeless via way of living outta my car. I took some nice pics of myself last night. Hell, before I manifest that – let me show an old pic I took awhile back where I looked like a white womban in the face, a pretty one (how I missed this gem is beyond me). Here it is… Now, here the ones taken last night… Anyways, after a long and crazy

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Talking To Dead People In The Astral 4th Dimemsion

Talking To Dead People In The Astral 4th Dimemsion

I wanna go ahead and write this article as opposed to what I was gonna post (which will be later) cause of what I experienced!THIS WAS AN EXPERIENCE – CANT BE A SO CALLED LUCI DREAM – CAUSE OF HOW VIVID IT WAS! Here’s what’s up! Here’s what happened! Okay, last night or better yet – early this morning – I SWEAR I had an experience where, I saw how dead people operate and one of the places where they go when they die: I don’t recall ALLLL the particulars but I recall seeing two black women – both of

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