Warning About Mind Hijackers Barbara Reina and David Reina and Malibu Dark Witch Shaman Michael O’ Terrance Who Sends Astral Parasites Into Your Mind To Force You Into A Soul Contract

Warning About Mind Hijackers Barbara Reina and David Reina and Malibu Dark Witch Shaman Michael O’ Terrance Who Sends Astral Parasites Into Your Mind To Force You Into A Soul Contract

This how Michael O’ Terrence looks: Here is Gooru aka David Reina looks: Here is “Rosie”: The two people I am talking about are; Barbara Reina and her husband David Reina. They are actual physical people and high level witches who are engaged in child sex trafficking and child porn. They ironically live in Beverly Hills with two kids. They work with another pedophile and high level witch in Malibu named Michael O’ Terry or Michael O’ Terrance, a shaman and high level dark witch who buys kids namely young girls to torture and rape then kill so he can

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Black Eyed Biden Tells CHILD On Tape That He Wants To Use Her In A Porno

Black Eyed Biden Tells CHILD On Tape That He Wants To Use Her In A Porno

To go to show you what type of sick fucks are in office her “dad”, Senator Coons, defends Biden (he ain’t no real man!): Looka that fam’s fake mk ultra smiles…. Here is a full compilation of him touching lil girls AND boys and ANY FUCKING BODY – literally! When Pizzagate came out which was the issue in which emails showed poliTRICKians raping kids in code which I covered here….. Pizzagate Part 1: Proof In The Pictures Pizzagate Illuminati Rape of Children EXPOSED With Proof In Pictures And so did this site (they censored em online)….. https://www.sott.net/article/335512-Pizzagate-Podesta-pedo-perps-and-Clintons-international-child-sex-trafficking-ring-exposed As a matter

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Have You All Seen The Frazzledrip Hillary Clinton Child Pedovore Video

Have You All Seen The Frazzledrip Hillary Clinton Child Pedovore Video

This guy describes it…..   Facebook tries to suppress ANY conversation over it….   This is what they are trying to suppress – these are stills taken from the vids (it was a series of em)….. They essentially skin and tortured alive these kids….. All this came up in discussions I had with a very nice gentleman recently who described seeing one of the vids where lil African baby girls were placed on a dresser drawer and had their faces filleted like fucking fish….. This was one of the scenes described by ole dude above: These mofos are even trying

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I Don’t Fuck With The Lamestream….Don’t Fuck With Me

I Don’t Fuck With The Lamestream….Don’t Fuck With Me

I don’t fuck with ya’ll…… This got sent not too long before this shit happened….. Hippie Crakkka Who Claims He Likes Black Women Fights Me Like I’m A Man And RIGHT AFTER I posted this….. I Got Into A Fight With A White Dude Who Is In The Entertainment Industry People say folks like myself are crazy about calling out these synchronocities but nan we not! That said I REMEMBER when I first started my topless thing they tried to “white wash” it in terms of who they gave it credit: Black Woman Starts Topless Movement in L.A. And White

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A Hit Dog Will Holler: Greedy Jew Wants To Sue

A Hit Dog Will Holler: Greedy Jew Wants To Sue

…A homeless lady living out her car, lol – okay! Look, not too long after posting this article HERE: https://toplessinla.org/2018/05/28/greedy-jew-monique-lukens-trying-to-eat-off-of-mitrice-richardsons-death/ This bitch done sent this ole half dead Steven Spielberg mofo to “jew-stalk” me FOR SHEKELS!!! Bitch, I live in my car: I’M BROKE! Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”31340″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Then not too long after I had ANOTHER JEW – I don’t know if that nigga was trying to pick me up thinking I was a street walker (lol) or whatever – but he drove past me, called me “stupid” then parked his car a lil ways away

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NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio’s Wife Is Still A Dyke Whose Probably Molesting The Daughter

NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio’s Wife Is Still A Dyke Whose Probably Molesting The Daughter

Before I begin, I need you all to see this, here: I can’t get over – just read the emails – HOW PATHETIC some of those TRICKS – NOT CLIENTS – CAN BE! I mean this dude is SO LOW VIBRATORY, SO PREDATORY (In terms of seeking folks’ energies) that he has to boast about having “power” over 30 other mofos with low self esteem and ALL SORTS OF SPIRITUAL STDs in a bid to take energy from someone who is more Powerful – Spirit/Soul wise – then he could ever be! A REAL LOSER WHO I CAN NOT RESPECT!

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I Think Ra Imhotep aka 13signsastrology Was Either Killed Or Imprisoned By The Illuminati

I Think Ra Imhotep aka 13signsastrology Was Either Killed Or Imprisoned By The Illuminati

Thanks to A.O. for making me think about this: I talked about this a couple of months ago, EVEN PREDICTED IT (despite the objections of NAYSAYERS AKA SHILLS): Hell, right after I did THIS video right here: (I realize I mention death TWICE!!!)! I got these messages from a “Michelle Lashay (sound like the last name of the dude from the late 90s boyband, “98 Degrees”, like they just PICKED that name for her cause it is an unusual last name for a black person to have – I would even say it’s made up!) whose channel is here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCripnmfk9x5Xl-pSQMNTa9A/featured?disable_polymer=1

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Pizzagate Part 1: Proof In The Pictures

Pizzagate Part 1: Proof In The Pictures

WATCH THIS so you know #pizzagate is real:   The shit is real. Here are all the pics to prove it: These screenshots were taken DIRECT from Comet Ping Pong’s Majestic Ape video here (the people who run it – including that “Fahjay” John Alefantis guy – ALL ARE MAJESTIC APE “BANDMATES” AND I REFUSE TO CALL THEM MUSICIANS BECAUSE I FEEL THEIR “MUSIC” IS NOTHING MORE THAN ADVERTISEMENT FOR THEIR TORTURE/CHILD RAPE CLANDESTINE “ACTIVITIES”): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oicUO0sz08c This is of a young man getting tortured (being a sensitive I believe it is REAL!!!): HE IS MISSING STRIPS OF FUCKING FLESH!!! Here

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Youtube Using Fake Psyop False Flag Advertiser Boycott To Get Rid of Truther Channels

Youtube Using Fake Psyop False Flag Advertiser Boycott To Get Rid of Truther Channels

To Taurean Reign, Titus Frost and others… Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29671″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] THE WRITING IS ON THE WALL!!!! Take the “advertiser-boycott’s” ADVICE AND GET THE FUCK OFF OF YOUTUBE WHILE YOU CAN! They do NOT want you and find effective ways via which to host your site (Ya’ll got millions of followers – you can DO IT!) by posting up advertisements, patreons, etc. That said, the advertising boycott of truther channels did not come from out of nowhere – they are delibetately removing advertisers from the big channels (while just overtly removing the smaller channels – like

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Is The Illuminati Pushing Transgenderism and Homosexuality To Bring Back Ancient Roman Practice of Human Sacrifice

Is The Illuminati Pushing Transgenderism and Homosexuality To Bring Back Ancient Roman Practice of Human Sacrifice

The sense I get is that allll this push towards homosexuality, transgenderism, etc. is designed as a way to return us back to the days of Ancient Greece where these behaviors along with bestiality, pedophilia and ultimately – HUMAN SACRIFICE – were accepted. Here is why: Okay, what made me write this is because while researching #pizzagate I discovered the story of Antinous who was by all intents and purposes a forced boy “lover” to Greek Emperor, Hadrian! To note, Hadrian later on had Antinous “SACRIFICED” AKA MURDERED WHICH IS THE ELITES OF TODAY’S ULTIMATE GOAL: LEGALIZE ALL THE SEXUAL

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