Attacked By New Millennium Barbershop Employees In Los Angeles and Selective Enforcement by LAPD

Attacked By New Millennium Barbershop Employees In Los Angeles and Selective Enforcement by LAPD

REMEMBER THIS GUY HERE: Possible Trick Face Pic Red

Who harassed me for being topless in public as you will see further down in the video below:

Trick Possible(Here is a picture the dumbass sent with the email and compare with the above pic and note the similarity in eyes, nose, face and he REFUSED to send a side pic which would really confirm):


Possible Trick Email


So I am good enough to have my breasts be sexually utilized for SEXUAL EXPLOITATION, but the minute my breasts aren’t being used for his sexual pleasure a he feels they exclusively should be then he has a problem when they are NOT under male exploitative control. Personally, guys like this should have their dicks cut off. I better not find him in the greater Los Angeles area. Anybody who knows how this is, please send me an email at [email protected] I personally think he might be on hooker review site,



Stalker Sick Fuck

…FROM JAMAICA, IS NOW HARASSING ME AND HAS BEEN SENDING SICK ONLINE MESSAGES VIA THIS FACEBOOK ACCOUNT HERE: OF DOCTORED PHOTOS OF HOW HE WISHES I WOULD LOOK (I am naturally attracted to WHITE MALES but I don’t worship you all) one of which includes his soliciting me for prostitution. Here are screenshots fromΒ  that account:

Amber Williams aka Dan The Man Stalker 5 Amber Williams aka Dan The Man Stalker Amber Williams aka Dan The Man Stalker 2 Amber Williams aka Dan The Man Stalker 3 Amber Williams aka Dan The Man Stalker 4

Black rose means death!
Black rose means death!

The person as you will read below in the screenshots STATED they were the “black guy sitting on the stole.” That said, this guy here IS bald and is Jamaican so I am guessing it is HIM as “islanders” aka Jamaicans, Haitians, Caribbeans are VERY violent and tricky people – hence why they let the prettier CUBAN in but not those ugly, monkey faced niggers like you will read below and the person – this “Amber Williams” – has a “team jamaica” listed in their sports profile:
Amber Williams Facebook ProfileHere are the nasty and sexually degrading texts sent to me from this New Millennium Barbershop employee who works at 684 S La Brea Blvd:

Amber Messages 3 Amber Messages 4 Amber Messages 5 Amber Messages 6 Amber Messages 7 Amber Messages 8 Amber Messages 9 Amber Messages 1 Amber Messages 2

THIS WHITE GUY CIRCLED IN RED – I ALSO WANT TO ADD – LOOKS LIKE A TRICK I HAVE SEEN! I will try to find out more info in due time!

Possible Trick Face Pic Red

Trick White Kikkke Crakkka Red


This message might be from Lt. Jay Mastick of the LAPD Wilshire Division
This message might be from Lt. Jay Mastick of the LAPD Wilshire Divisio

I have been holding this back for a really long time – holding back from emptying out meaning talk about this case up until now and you can see for yourself what happened and the more I look at this from an overview stance the more I realize how mistreated and railroaded I have been by the LAPD and the Los Angeles City Attorney’s office:

This occurred at the New Millennium Beauty and Barbershop on 5320 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90036 (ph. 323-937-0568). NOTE THEIR NEW LOCATION 684 S. LA BREA BLVD LOS ANGELES CA 90036 PH 323-592-3802. The person who started ALL OF THIS’S name is Tray Vion (wish a George Zimmerman would KILL HIS ASS) aka “Traycutts” (real name is Tray Curtis) who is a fucking Jamaican (I know someone at border patrol πŸ˜‰ You can see some of his homophobic and racist rhetoric down below:

New Millennium Barbershop Endorses Homophobia YellowAt the end of the video you can hear a patron or worker with City Print of 5328 Wilshire Blvd Los Angeles CA 90036 (ph.323-456-7966) harassing me as well.


. Ever since this day they been harassing me such as this person here:

Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29043″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”]

He works at the Barbershop. Here is a close up (I tried to get as much of a maxmized pic as possible but could not):

Nigger From Barbershop Harassing Me
Feel free to download (but attribute all credit to me) for a closer look!

That said, this place – well, this establishment since it has a flagship headquarters in Baldwin Hills – isn’t immune to crime occurring on it’s premises since back in Nov. 1, 2014 there was a shooting at it’s Leimert Park/ Crenshaw location, showing me that there is some very illegal shit going on down there:

(Here is an article on it):

(Here is their facebook connecting the Leimert Park and their Miracle Mile location):

and here is another Facebook about them:


Drugs Is Okay New Millennium 2

I have long suspected…as can be seen in this video here (it is of the new Millennium barbershop operating LATE AT NIGHT):

…to be up to no good. I often don’t see alot of occupants in there using “barbershop or beauty” services. They are always up very late at night which is highly unusual for a barbershop to do. That said, I suspect they are involved in drugs and are in cahoots with many shady people around the area including the LAPD. I recall a guy on meth telling me that the LAPD never bothers him. Now I feel I know why:

Buy vid here
[purchase_link id=”29142″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”]

That said, this is a video taken a while back of some crooked tow truck operators who STILL operate in this area with impunity: their license tow truck operating numbers don’t check out (let that be you and I) and LAPD still let them go and allows them to operate with impunity to this day. Here is the audio tape between me and the Beverly Hills Department of Business conversation in which they confirmed they weren’t registered in Beverly Hills despite their trucks saying they were:

m & L fake Towing Co
Here is one of their many trucks operating ILLEGALLY In L.A. The license plate No. is CA# 179381

That said, look at the vandalism they did to MY car:

20131105_154454 20131105_154458





Business card taken from the two officers – Ofcrs. Noble and Morrow aka Amanda Morrow Flynn whose facebook you can see here and pipl profile here – who showed up:

I will tell you WHY what they are saying here is significant!


…and note that Officers Morrow and Noble – who were both involved in illegally arresting me for being topless in public which you can read and see here – dismissed this off as if it is “no crime” had occurred even though the letter of the law affirmatively states that this is illegal for them to do and falls under vandalism even when done with a magic marker (note Noble showed up for the so called vandalism charge in what I dub the “Barbershop Incident”). Now according to the law, whether you agree with it or not, a mark made by a marker on property other than that person’s does constitute vandalism EVEN IF IT IS TEMPORARY which you can read more about here regarding PC 594 which is the penal code for vandalism:

Vandalism Defacement Marker
Here is a screenshot in case the page disappears off their site!

The implement used in the case of their drawing dicks on my car even though temporary made it very difficult to get off. Thus, that said, this shows selective enforcement on the part of the LAPD and shows that they have been targeting me because I film them in public (or once did) for quite some time hence why Morrow and Noble – who were “coincidentally” involved in my lawsuit for being topless in public – showed up, almost strategically in this case.

As a matter of fact, to buttress this and as can be seen in Thalia Buitron’s (whom I covered here) response to my demurrer to my civil lawsuit against her for harassment, she stated that the cops wanted her to basically get a restraining order against me in part to keep me from filming THEM (Morrow surprisingly showed up for this incident which shows a pattern):

Here is a screenshot of it here:

Note Thalia Buitron lies and says that she called the cops when they were already there as can be seen here:
Note Thalia Buitron lies and says that she called the cops when they were already there as can be seen here:

This is a clear cut case of harassment on the part of the LAPD and the LAPD Wilshire division in particular. They did the same thing to Music Media exec. Brian Mulligan which you can read here (link is in red), causing the man to lose his job, everything after they BEAT THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF HIM IN AN EXTORTION ATTEMPT TO GET MONIES OUT OF HIM! One of the perps aka “cops” involved – James Nichols – was discovered to have rape women while working as a police officer for both the OLYMPIC AND HOLLYWOOD STATIONS FOR THE LAPD, which you can read hereΒ (link in red). This is why they are going after me because they don’t like my filming them so that I can catch them doing crooked things that goes against the greater good. Just to spite me and even to the detriment of the greater public, they even REFUSED to investigate a RAPIST who had attacked me, stole money, whose confession you can hear here:

That said, here is the info I rendered LAPD:

His name is Mickey.

His residence: 818 Sycamore St. Los Angeles, CA 90036

– He is a black male, last wearing cornrows (but now is wearing an afro) about around 5’10 tall and medium build, always drunk (I will try to get a picture next time I see him).

Here is his google plus:Β (His name on “google plus” and his online moniker is “M Royal” and “M1ck3y” as can be seen here)

Here is his number: 323-687-2254

Here is his youtube:

His email here: [email protected]

Detective Tim Schumaker of the LAPD West Division refused to do anything even though I gave him the mofos’ address…

(Here is Det. Schumaker’s info he gave me to throw me off I feel):

4849 W. Venice Blvd., Ste. #244

Los Angeles, CA 90019

[email protected]

Phone: 213-473-0447

Fax: 213-473-0423


– There is the “detective’s” business card up above.

From what I understand, Mickey seems to operate with and has close ties – associates with that barbershop.

…And they wonder why they got shot up (the links are down below along with video)!

(Another story of 2 Wilshire Division LAPD Det. officers getting shot at – again):

(Here is an article I did in which I caught SWAT team trucks and hazmat trucks outside LAPD Wilshire station which was not talked about and interestingly so by the mainstream media):

Now, here is the victim: His name is Michael Frazier. Here is his Facebook:

Here are some highlights from his Facebook before I show you the correlation between him and that barbershop and possible engagement in illegal activities:

Michael Frazier Has Mental Issues Think Guns Should Be Used By KidsMichael Frazier LIED About When He Got Married Here Is Proof 4





NOTE: Mr. Frazier thinks guns in kids hands is better than women baring natural breasts which kills no one but nurtures life such as suckling children! Also, the other above picture of the broken down car makes me wonder as someone posed the question to Mr. Frazier asking him, “Could he have done it?” to paraphrase. That said, here is the big reveal that could tie him to possible illegal activity at that barbershop:

Michael Frazier Wearing a Pro Cocaine T Shirt– Look at what’s written on Michael Frazier’s shirt: “Cocaine and Diamonds.” Now, look at his next posting below:

Michael Frazier Is A HustlerNow, note the posting in that facebook post at the top to the left: “I can’t sleep because money doesn’t sleep or take breaks!” I know all of you basic minded mainstream “law abiding” mofos won’t get what he is saying but if you correlate the t shirt’s message up above with what he is saying to the left, that means he “hustles”, meaning he is more than likely into dealing drugs and has close ties – associations – with that barbershop as evidenced by the city attorney giving a copy of the video to the private investigator working on my case AFTER my private investigator talked to “King Fish” on March 7, 2015. The video the City Attorney turned over fits the description that “Fish” claimed to have had which was of two parts of the incident even though I noted and you can note to HE WAS FILMING THE ENTIRE TIME as can be seen in my video which means his video is edited. When the private investigator working on my behalf asked “King Fish” – an alias more than likely being used to cover up engagement in illegal activities there – for a copy, “King Fish” asked him to pay $500 for it which in respect is a violation of law by not turning over pertinent evidence. Here is the sworn affidavit from the private investigator with regards to that encounter:

Fish IV 2 redacted Fish IV redacted Hurd IV redacted Jones IV redacted Memo 1

– Also, to note, LAPD erased one of my videos which can be seen here (look at the procession of videos and note ONE IS MISSING and I couldn’t have done it and it had to have been done while I was in custody):

LAPD Erased One VideoNow, I want you all to take a look at what is happening in court…

Part 1
Part 1
Part 2
Part 2
Page 3
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This is how the LAPD is ganging up on me… Now you have what they call a Pitchess Motion in which you can request the records of LAPD personnel if you feel that misconduct has taken place. That said, when I read the police report with noted discrepancies such as it saying it is a felony then a misdemeanor (From 594[A] – felony to 594[B]2APC – misdemeanor as can be seen on pages 1 and 8 respectively of the police report) I was accused of AND noted that Officer Noble who is already named and involved in my federal lawsuit of which you can read the third amended version here could lead to probable misconduct amongst other things, the request was denied (You can read the Pitchess Motion request, redacted, here here and here). I want to note when it was denied by the LAPD custodian of racords, he mentioned my toplessness with a sort of disdain so that shows partiality right there.

And yet I was right about the misconduct…

Here is what is going on….

There is something you can file called a Murgia Motion if you feel a City Attorney is practicing what they call “selective enforcement” on a discriminatory basis be it racial, etc. even if it is politically driven. That said, I found a case law that states that I could have been given a fine for this whole fucking thing and she at one point even offered which was months after going into it in court. Here is the case law:

Here is the paragraph being cited below along with screenshot:

Vandalism 594 PC code 640 Code

“(a) (1) Except as provided in Section 640.5, any person who defaces with graffiti or other inscribed material any real or personal property not his or her own, when the amount of the defacement, damage, or destruction is less than two hundred fifty dollars ($250), is guilty of an infraction, punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000). This subdivision does not preclude application of Section 594.” – that last statement is VERY important regarding that IT DOES NOT PRECLUDE SECTION 594, WHICH, ACCORDING TO THE POLICE REPORTS, I AM BEING ACCUSED OF AND HERE IS WHY:

That said, this also applies to the police department as well. Lt. Mastick, this fucking reptilian rat here:

LAPD Jay Mastick Reptilain Lyran Eyes Close Up
Fat ass pos BASTARD!

NOTE – I also think he wrote this message of which you can see why on top I wrote MY message in which I suspect that if written by Lt. Jay Mastick he basically wants me dead. I am not sure who could it of been but I am quite certain IT WAS A COP!

…Could have done the same while I was in the police station. I have heard while at this crooked ass station them tell people who are being victimized by robbers in real time that ROBBERY IS A FUCKING CIVIL MATTER – that is what the LAPD officers will tell people. In conjunction, I have even heard them tell a crime victim while the thief was in her own home that if she were to touch him in her own home while he got HER possessions that she would be the criminal. This is the fucked up ass police department you all are dealing with!

Now, returning back to this, the damage stated on the police report was a “1” diameter by approx. 1/18″ deep depression” which states NO PAINT WAS VISIBLY SCRATCHED OR DAMAGED BY THE KICK on page 4 of the police report up above – that is very important to know.Β  It also states on “Page 5” of the police report that there was “NO EVIDENCE.” That said, Mr. Frazier has an older model BMW:

Michael Frazier With Son And Where He LivesA 2003, just like this one here:







Which was taken from here:

Damage he inferred could be caused by the kick could also come from ordinary wear and tear as this site states on page 4:

Wear and Tear ProofAnd I myself work on cars as you can see here:

Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29148″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”]

Here is another video showing my successfully working on a car:

Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29152″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”]

Also, here is a close accurate representation of the shoes I was wearing that day, actually, beach “shoes”:


Now, he is saying according to these documents here obtained from the prosecution and procured from an auto repair company Mr. Frazier wants to use, he is saying the damage that was “1” diameter by approx. 1/18″ deep depression” according to page 4 of the police report is worth $652 as can be seen here:

Note the place where he got his estimate at is in Anaheim even though he resides in L.A. which makes me curious as to WHY he got it out there?











Now, here is a youtube video with a man with a similar car (BMW) to his and look at how he took out the dent FOR FREE ON HIS OWN, a very similar dent in size and magnitude to his I might add:

– Now, to top that off, he could have gotten a dent remover that even the crime report on page 4 states is less than $100 and as evidenced here with dent removers that could be easily obtained from Autozone that won’t chip the paint (he argued that the paint will have to be removed which is the par the course if you go to an auto repair place since they wanna get the most money out of ya and will include removing the paint and doing an extraneous job than what is necessary):

* To note, that paintless dent remover up above from amazon has 4 STARS and it states it won’t damage your “factory finish” meaning YOUR PAINT!

Here is a list of other dent pullers for less than $100 that deals with the damage he has:

Here is an explanation about paintless do it yourself dent remover and how crooked auto body restoration (repair) places are regarding this and will add in “taking off the paint” just to increase the charge:

I also have to wonder it seems he lives and works around here so why is his estimate coming from a shop all the way out in Anaheim in Orange County which is at BEST a 1 hr. drive from the city of Los Angeles?

Personally I feel the mofo is just trying to get money out of me which I don’t have anyways! But all in all going back to the vandalism charge as taken from here:

“(a) (1) Except as provided in Section 640.5, any person who defaces with graffiti or other inscribed material any real or personal property not his or her own, when the amount of the defacement, damage, or destruction is less than two hundred fifty dollars ($250), is guilty of an infraction, punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000). This subdivision does not preclude application of Section 594.

– Again, if it is less than $250, than it is an INFRACTION and I already served about almost 4 days in jail on this so it shouldn’t of gone any further let alone I should of never served any jail time as this was an INFRACTION “case” to begin with!

Now, here is the most damning…note in the tape with the barbershop that the COPS DID NOT COME UP TO ME AND TALK TO ME BUT INSTEAD MERELY INTERVIEWED BIASED WITNESSES WHO AS THE TAPE SHOWS WAS AGAINST MY TOPLESS ACTIVISM! That goes against this here which states that: “In establishing probable cause, officers may not solely rely on the claim of a citizen witness that he was a victim of a crime, but must independently investigate the basis of the witness’ knowledge or interview other witnesses. See Fuller v. M.G. Jewelry, 950 F.2d 1437, 1444 (9th Cir.1991).”

Here is a screenshot of it:

Officers Did Not Talk to me so thus no grounds to arrest me 2– As you can tell, the witnesses WERE biased and also as further explored here:

“Arpin alleges in her complaint that Officer Stone refused to identify himself, would not inform her of the reason she was being arrested, and did not allow Arpin to explain her side of the story prior to arresting her. These facts raise an inference that Officers Stone and Barnes arrested Arpin based on Ruiz’s unexamined charge. If Officers Stone and Barnes did not independently investigate Ruiz’s claim of battery, they did not have probable cause to arrest Arpin.”

You can read the rest here:

As that states, even with video, etc., they had no probable cause to arrest me cause as the video shows – they never talked to me.

Now, I am no saint and I don’t give two shits of a fuck about whether you agree with me for being topless or not (my body, my choice). That said, YOU ALL NEED TO BE CONCERNED ABOUT THE FACT THAT THE POLICE DEPARTMENT THAT YOU ARE HIRING THAT IS SUPPOSED TO SERVE AND PROTECT YOU IS INSTEAD USING SELECTIVE ENFORCEMENT TO GO AFTER PEOPLE THEY SIMPLY DON’T LIKE FOR THEIR OWN BENEFIT – such as in my case the fact that they didn’t like my filming them when I copwatched them years ago. My case could be ANYONE if they have a vendetta against you. As one of my enemies up above stated, they were trying to set her up to file a restraining order on their behalf by her against me because they don’t like my filming them in public which is my right and have had a long held a vendetta against me. I recall when I was falsely arrested for being topless in public, Vasquez or I believe it was Valasquez – who was the Sgt. in charge at the time – when they were booking me said, “Oh, that bitch!” And I was informed by an officer that they KNEW it was illegal but did it to spite me. That said, I am not one of these people who feel that people should just run buckwild “Mad Max” free: If someone did wrong, arrest them and throw them in jail but at the same time enforce the laws the same equally for EVERYONE and do not hold different people to different standards whatever they may be – which is, unfortunately, as I have proven the case that they are doing to me here. That said, police officers as evidenced here in the Nguyen RAPE case and in the Brian Mulligan, the rape of women by LAPD officers here and countless other sad AND TRUE stories that will never be brought to light are CONSTANTLY BREAKING THEIR OWN LAWS AND RULES IN VIOLATION OF NOT JUST THE SPIRIT OF THE LAW, BUT ALSO OUR TRUST WHICH IS WHY I DON’T BELIEVE IN GOING TO EM ANYMORE, esp. in light of the more I look at this case. But because they enforce rules SELECTIVELY, if I seek my own justice, I will go to jail as I stated earlier like in the case of the lady being threatened with arrest herself if she arrests the culprit in her own home. I am not the only person who notes these things about the LAPD – in particular the LAPD Wilshire division which I have noted numerous, anomalous and fucked up things that goes on underneath the peoples’ radars around here cause you all are TOO TRUSTING, for instance:

This mas here posted a pic of a fucking BIKE CHOP SHOP ON VENICE BLVD, NOT TOO FAR FROM THE WILSHIRE POLICE STATION (here is a link to the actual tweet:

LAPD Bike Chop Shop WilshireLAPD Bike Chop Shop Wilshire 2 LAPD Bike Chop Shop Wilshire 3





…WHICH IS AT: (location of LAPD Wilshire community police station):

4861 Venice Blvd
Los Angeles, CA

Now, note the people’s responses to it such as one naive rather young lady saying, “Call the cops,” while the man rightfully says, why should I when this chop shop is taking place right down the street.

This is scary and unless you people wake up, you can be next if for some reason because they couldn’t rape you as in Nguyen’s case and get away with it or as in the case of the poor, itinerant “informants” for Ofcrs. Nichols and Valenzuela, rape you AND get away with it since the women more than likely worked outside the bounds of the law or extort you as in the case of cookie cutter, white male (yes, white men CAN be victims of violence of police brutality, too) wealthy former exec. Brian Mulligan who was extorted by two LAPD officers and fought back (and lost contrary to what many folks would think happen if two LAPD officers went up against a well heeled white man), you can be a victim of selective enforcement if they have a vendetta against you, too!




If you have any comments, anything personal you wanna share, send me an email here: [email protected] Also, feel free to donate here: @ CashApp @ $RavenWilliams2222$ or at my Zelle at 310-359-5199 if you like the content.


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