Black Men Need To Stop Using Black Women’s Bodies As Political Pawns

Black Men Need To Stop Using Black Women’s Bodies As Political Pawns

I’m not your fucking broadmare. I am not gonna act as some stable horse to bare black kids that are only gonna end up abandoned – and on the streets – after getting ran out of foster care after aging out as broken down here (I like white men anyways)….. I wrote this cause of the ignorant, wannabe white supremacist ass comments posted regarding this article here in which Jeff Bezo’s ex decided to donate $275 million to help black women, really all low income women, to get abortions….. Look, let’s be real (I’m not in the business of trying

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Just Because I Go Shirtless Does Not Give You The Right To Sexually Harass

Just Because I Go Shirtless Does Not Give You The Right To Sexually Harass

This a fucking shame how women and girls in their culture are fucking treated. Always pissed me off and saddens me….. I remember when I first started the female shirtless activism they were THE FIRST to get on board cause of how bad they “men” treat them…. That’s why I honest have nothing against them. Their “men” on the other hand….. I remember one dude said he’d beat his sister for walking shirtless as I do….. I stand for the womben and girls. I do what I do for them. – I am good looking handsome mofo. They call me

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How To Use Your Third Eye To Spiritually Induce An Abortion

How To Use Your Third Eye To Spiritually Induce An Abortion

!!!!Update!!!!   ….I was pregnant…. I knew something was wrong when my pussy stank…. When I was getting fatter, I couldn’t shit cause my womb was filling out (even tho. I had to go!)! I had a dream (better yet nightmare) in which I was in a church and I saw a priest who was the priest for my old middle school there with another man telling me to save the “child” aka PARASITE that was growing in me. But the old hag aka baba yaga wasn’t having it! Though she couldn’t take it out</strong> I awoke and used the

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I don’t know if it is this wetback here named Diego Meza who subsequently wrote some bull not too long after this happened (Jav sounds like Javier, a shortened version of a typical wetback name), but as you can see the smarminess, THE ENTITLEMENT to my fucking energy OOZES thru that post…. And you wonder why womyn, womben hate men! No man is getting my mofo womb or even into it…. then I’ll abort ????? That said, I talked about this before: my plans to have a kid with a gay male as a sperm donor and wanting to have

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Exposing the Sexual Predators and Possible Closet Case Homophobes Who Work At The Barbershop On 684 La Brea Blvd Los Angeles CA 90036

Exposing the Sexual Predators and Possible Closet Case Homophobes Who Work At The Barbershop On 684 La Brea Blvd Los Angeles CA 90036

That said, look at this shyte: Look at the messages he sent me: I suspect it was either one of the two guys here (more so the one sitting down since he said in the email messages that he was, “sitting down” and that he had a “bald head.”):                     OR…him, her, shim: LOL @ that fucking face of hers(?) Anyways, I suspect it is either #1 or #2 cause #1 seems like he is Jamaican and he says he is Jamaican and as evidenced by the fake Amber (such a

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Attacked By New Millennium Barbershop Employees In Los Angeles and Selective Enforcement by LAPD

Attacked By New Millennium Barbershop Employees In Los Angeles and Selective Enforcement by LAPD

REMEMBER THIS GUY HERE: Who harassed me for being topless in public as you will see further down in the video below: (Here is a picture the dumbass sent with the email and compare with the above pic and note the similarity in eyes, nose, face and he REFUSED to send a side pic which would really confirm): Well, HERE HE IS SOLICITING ME FOR PROSTITUTION:   So I am good enough to have my breasts be sexually utilized for SEXUAL EXPLOITATION, but the minute my breasts aren’t being used for his sexual pleasure a he feels they exclusively should

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Old Geriatric Dinosaur with the LAPD Harasses Me For Being Topless And I Win

Old Geriatric Dinosaur with the LAPD Harasses Me For Being Topless And I Win

  This bitch was patrolling since the day Jesus Christ walked the Earth, lol! This ole geriatric crakkka beast, who you are about to see in this clip here, harasses me for being topless in public: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29035″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] This old CRAKKKA BEAST shows up and under the guise of supposedly being given flagged down by “a bystander” who was so afraid of breasts cause he was raised on similac, rolls up and harasses me for being topless without saying anything (but I knew what he was there for) because he didn’t want to get

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Possible Identity of the Misogynist Perv Who Stalked Me: Recks Robert

Possible Identity of the Misogynist Perv Who Stalked Me: Recks Robert

::BREAKING:: THIS GUY IS A FUCKING STALKER! His obsession with seeing me “topless” combined with obsessing over telling me that it is not “socially acceptable” for me to be topless COMBINED with him knowing I went to the eyecare place on Monday and Thursday of this week shows he is a STALKER and possible rapist who is obsessed with policing what I do with my own body as well as imposing gender norms on me and has been stalking me so he can figure out one day when is the right time to attack and put my “feminist, string willed”

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5th Incident of Harassment by LAPD for Being Female and Topless In Public In L.A.

5th Incident of Harassment by LAPD for Being Female and Topless In Public In L.A.

Alright, I thought that this shit would NOT persist after I filed my federal lawsuit but it is: Buy all 3 dem vids here [purchase_link id=”29026″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] You can see here where I filed my lawsuit against the LAPD for this SAME, EXACT THING: For being topless in public, which you can read here:   Just today, as I was working out in front of, well, near my home you see, I got approached by a bunch of LAPD officers – MOSTLY MALE and I am noting this as well to note the inherent sexism in this abuse

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