Just Wait…. My Site Will Be Fully Back Up ?

SEA – I got emojis now ⭐???✨?? Anyways, I sea wordpress got a new keyboard panel – which I really don’t like and makes shit ever more complicated! You know why they change this shit, huh!? It’s because their Bored of Directors demand “innovative” changes like every fucking week so that so that they can continue contributing money to said project/site. Yootube, fuck boi book does this! Make a long story short, I’m still doing me – walking around topless, pissing off the residents of satanic, saturnian war-shipping Malibu, same place where they murdered Mitrice Richardson, in part as a

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Why It’s Mostly Men Who Wanna Fight Me Over The Topless Thing I Do

Why It’s Mostly Men Who Wanna Fight Me Over The Topless Thing I Do

Just today I heard this ole cowardly ass Australian crakkkaroach on a bike shout some shit about, “I wish you would leave” while I was feeling HIGH which I discuss here: How Binural Past Life Regressions Got Rid of My Alcohol Addiction UPDATE: I FOUND THE IDENTITY OF HIS ASS AND DISCUSS IT HERE: Identity of Australian Asshole Who Shouted To Me To Get Out REVEALED – Anyways, bitch, I wish you would! I’ll take your ass down under, bitch… into a grave you cowardly ass faggot kangaroo fucking hoe! – Imma stick that rusty ass dumbbell up your ass

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Dude Tries To Attack Me For Being Topless THEN Calms Down

Dude Tries To Attack Me For Being Topless THEN Calms Down

Just looking at this guy’s profile (he was one of the ones involved), he looks like a fucking demon SHOWING WHAT SPIRIT IS IN HIM: Imma say this… I kinda wonder if somebody put some shit on me cause ever since I went toe to toe with another witch it’s just been bad shit happening out the ordinary… I’m protected, mind you (esp. in terms of what you will hear about what happened from yesterday which was ASTOUNDING – HAD TO BE AN ANGEL!) but that said a couple of weeks ago, interestingly AFTER my online skirmish with the three

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My Crazy Day Topless In Malibu Meeting Fans and Foes

My Crazy Day Topless In Malibu Meeting Fans and Foes

My day was CRAZY!!! Never a dull moment! WATCH! This why you couldn’t pay me ANY MONEY TO LIVE ANYWHERE ELSE BUT CALIFORNIA!!! California IS HOME, tho. I was born in LOSER-ana (Louisiana), THIS IS HOME FOR ME, too many aliens here NOT TO SAY THAT!!! Here is what happened AFTER I dyed my hair (looks like a bloodbath, don’t it πŸ˜‰ Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29528″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”]

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Why Christians Are Oppressed and Bullied

Why Christians Are Oppressed and Bullied

In this video I RANT about how Christians have a dumb, linear, tunnel visioned perspective when it comes to TRUE SPIRITUAL SYSTEMS, including how most of their symbolism was appropriated from so called “pagan” traditions why their lil sociopathic narrow minded war against nature: against nudity, people living their lives as homosexuals, transgenders – got their lil social group on the wan and headed towards extinction: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29331″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”]

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LAPD Shows LASD How To Properly Treat A Topless Lady

LAPD Shows LASD How To Properly Treat A Topless Lady

Note how LAPD treated me… Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29314″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] In stark contrast to how the LA County Sheriff’s department treated me ::2020 UPDATE: FUNNY HOW SHIT HAS CHANGED IN MALIBU WITH MALIBU SHERIFFS:: Buy vid here[purchase_link id=”29317″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] That said, according to In Re Gianni and most definitely – Robins vs County of Los Angeles IT IS LEGAL FOR A WOMAN TO GO TOPLESS (The City of LA exploited a loophole and created an ordinance stating that at public beaches we can’t go topless) which you can read here: Female Toplessness in Public is

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Topless at Rampart LAPD Station Day

Topless at Rampart LAPD Station Day

::2020 comment – this was taken in August of 2016 and I’m currently homeless so this was STRAIGHT FORESHADOWING ??:: Alright, I saw a topless man at the Rampart LAPD station a couple of weeks ago:   I decided to be topless there, too.   Here is video… Buy vids here [purchase_link id=”29239″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Now, let me preface this by saying that the one thing you will learn – from the cat’s own mouth – in the video up above is that he is a registered sexual predator (I didn’t have any problems with him. He did touch

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Exposing the Sexual Predators and Possible Closet Case Homophobes Who Work At The Barbershop On 684 La Brea Blvd Los Angeles CA 90036

Exposing the Sexual Predators and Possible Closet Case Homophobes Who Work At The Barbershop On 684 La Brea Blvd Los Angeles CA 90036

That said, look at this shyte: Look at the messages he sent me: I suspect it was either one of the two guys here (more so the one sitting down since he said in the email messages that he was, “sitting down” and that he had a “bald head.”):                     OR…him, her, shim: LOL @ that fucking face of hers(?) Anyways, I suspect it is either #1 or #2 cause #1 seems like he is Jamaican and he says he is Jamaican and as evidenced by the fake Amber (such a

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Attacked By New Millennium Barbershop Employees In Los Angeles and Selective Enforcement by LAPD

Attacked By New Millennium Barbershop Employees In Los Angeles and Selective Enforcement by LAPD

REMEMBER THIS GUY HERE: Who harassed me for being topless in public as you will see further down in the video below: (Here is a picture the dumbass sent with the email and compare with the above pic and note the similarity in eyes, nose, face and he REFUSED to send a side pic which would really confirm): Well, HERE HE IS SOLICITING ME FOR PROSTITUTION:   So I am good enough to have my breasts be sexually utilized for SEXUAL EXPLOITATION, but the minute my breasts aren’t being used for his sexual pleasure a he feels they exclusively should

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Old Geriatric Dinosaur with the LAPD Harasses Me For Being Topless And I Win

Old Geriatric Dinosaur with the LAPD Harasses Me For Being Topless And I Win

  This bitch was patrolling since the day Jesus Christ walked the Earth, lol! This ole geriatric crakkka beast, who you are about to see in this clip here, harasses me for being topless in public: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29035″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] This old CRAKKKA BEAST shows up and under the guise of supposedly being given flagged down by “a bystander” who was so afraid of breasts cause he was raised on similac, rolls up and harasses me for being topless without saying anything (but I knew what he was there for) because he didn’t want to get

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