I Finally Found Out The Names of The Two People Who Cursed Me: Peter Frank Occala and IIona Occala

I Finally Found Out The Names of The Two People Who Cursed Me: Peter Frank Occala and IIona Occala

This is how they look. This isn’t him but he looks similar with a Mr Peanut head: This could be IIona Occala: It took ALOT of deep meditation and contemplation (apparently these mofos got a TEAM of spirit entities and evil higher selves and entity attachments and entities working for em) to try to get this information. The name of Barbara Reina aka Veronica Edwards is IIona (neè Sodenberg or Steinberg) Occala and the name of “David Reina” aka “Paul Edwards” is Peter Frank (or “Hank” as I heard in jail one time – I heard “Barbara” say “hush” when

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Dealing With An Obsessed Stalker: Brian Tate of Reseda CA

Dealing With An Obsessed Stalker: Brian Tate of Reseda CA

Here are some of the messages I have gotten from this guy here today: He sent me a message in which he wanted to be my boyfriend despite the real type of services I offer. Here it is here: Here is MORE evidence of him soliciting me here down below: I REFUSED of course and you can see the insane, RACIST messages I have been getting from him thus so far:     This guy is SCHIZO and here is even MORE PROOF to affirm this. Notice up above he says he is “white.” Now, down below he states he

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Exposing the Sexual Predators and Possible Closet Case Homophobes Who Work At The Barbershop On 684 La Brea Blvd Los Angeles CA 90036

Exposing the Sexual Predators and Possible Closet Case Homophobes Who Work At The Barbershop On 684 La Brea Blvd Los Angeles CA 90036

That said, look at this shyte: Look at the messages he sent me: I suspect it was either one of the two guys here (more so the one sitting down since he said in the email messages that he was, “sitting down” and that he had a “bald head.”):                     OR…him, her, shim: LOL @ that fucking face of hers(?) Anyways, I suspect it is either #1 or #2 cause #1 seems like he is Jamaican and he says he is Jamaican and as evidenced by the fake Amber (such a

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LAPD Officer Mike Siordia Works With Illegal Tow Truck Drivers At 8306 Wilshire Blvd And LAPD Covers It Up?

LAPD Officer Mike Siordia Works With Illegal Tow Truck Drivers At 8306 Wilshire Blvd And LAPD Covers It Up?

They even VANDALISED my car by drawing DICKS ON IT: I couldn’t make this shit up if I tried. That said, the crookedness of the LAPD Wilshire division station just shows more and more and that is probably why they hated me during my time as a copwatcher because I was capable of exposing something much bigger, something more… Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29142″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] That said, let me give you a backdrop: A while back I got harassed – most notably, sexually – by these group of fiends who illegally tow cars (they got the burger king

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Attacked By New Millennium Barbershop Employees In Los Angeles and Selective Enforcement by LAPD

Attacked By New Millennium Barbershop Employees In Los Angeles and Selective Enforcement by LAPD

REMEMBER THIS GUY HERE: Who harassed me for being topless in public as you will see further down in the video below: (Here is a picture the dumbass sent with the email and compare with the above pic and note the similarity in eyes, nose, face and he REFUSED to send a side pic which would really confirm): Well, HERE HE IS SOLICITING ME FOR PROSTITUTION:   So I am good enough to have my breasts be sexually utilized for SEXUAL EXPLOITATION, but the minute my breasts aren’t being used for his sexual pleasure a he feels they exclusively should

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Stalked And Raped By A “Shushing” Entity That Hangs Outside My Window

Stalked And Raped By A “Shushing” Entity That Hangs Outside My Window

THIS JUST IN THAT FUCKING SHUSHING ENTITY IS A FUCKING REPTILIAN OR NAGA SERPENT BEING (LOOK AT THE PICS BELOW TAKEN AT A NEIGHBOR’S WINDOW AROUND THE TIME I HEARD IT GO UP AGAIN WITH THAT SHUSH SHIT – I ALSO CAN’T HELP BUT NOTE IT SHUT THE FUCK UP WHEN I WENT OUTSIDE):     It looks like this, don’t it: For those of you not familiar with naga serpents, here is some info take from wikipedia. Here is an alternate website’s view on em here: http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sumer_anunnaki/reptiles/reptiles15.htm           I just got a missed fucking call but

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Homeless Bum Miraculously Gets Out of Wheelchair To Threaten Me At The 99 Cents Store At 6121 Wilshire Blvd In Los Angeles

Homeless Bum Miraculously Gets Out of Wheelchair To Threaten Me At The 99 Cents Store At 6121 Wilshire Blvd In Los Angeles

*NOTE: THE 99 CENT STORE DID CALL BACK (CUSTOMER SERVICE) AND THEY SAID THEY ARE TAKING CARE OF IT! Before I begin, I just wanna take the time to state that: Maria at the Burger King on 1250 S. La Brea Blvd in Los Angeles from what I overheard called me a nigger – I know what I heard so I am calling it for what I see it as. I made a complaint and have yet to hear from Burger King itself on this matter. That said, hopefully they resolve it! If I were you all I WOLD NOT SUPPORT

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I Stand Behind the BLACK Women’s Topless Movement

I Stand Behind the BLACK Women’s Topless Movement

The white bitches are already starting….   Now this is the topless rights movement I am getting behind….   Here is the link to the article here: http://fusion.net/story/137976/say-her-name-topless-protesters/ Here is a link to THEIR twitter: https://twitter.com/blackoutcollect   Not the one as profiled here by ole racist ass Vice magazine (whom you can see from this screenshot here featured in one of their video’s in Africa an image of a driving bus with the words – I believe photoshopped – “nigger” scrawled across it). The original video is down below here:       Here is a link I did on the article on

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The Racist and Misogynist Tricks We Sex Workers Have To Put Up With

The Racist and Misogynist Tricks We Sex Workers Have To Put Up With

I am Raven, need I say more:   Example 1 Black Man Harasses Sex Worker for Not Seeing… by ravenmasterson A while back this person who called me from this number here, a 760-443-3455 number, would call me the n word and every other sordid thing under the stars – which you can view in that video there – just because I am a sex worker and he felt ENTITLED TO (simply by stating that by virtue of my posting my number that gives him the “right” to call and harass me which sounds very familiar to the tactic that

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Old Geriatric Dinosaur with the LAPD Harasses Me For Being Topless And I Win

Old Geriatric Dinosaur with the LAPD Harasses Me For Being Topless And I Win

  This bitch was patrolling since the day Jesus Christ walked the Earth, lol! This ole geriatric crakkka beast, who you are about to see in this clip here, harasses me for being topless in public: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29035″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] This old CRAKKKA BEAST shows up and under the guise of supposedly being given flagged down by “a bystander” who was so afraid of breasts cause he was raised on similac, rolls up and harasses me for being topless without saying anything (but I knew what he was there for) because he didn’t want to get

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