LAPD Officer Mike Siordia Works With Illegal Tow Truck Drivers At 8306 Wilshire Blvd And LAPD Covers It Up?

LAPD Officer Mike Siordia Works With Illegal Tow Truck Drivers At 8306 Wilshire Blvd And LAPD Covers It Up?

They even VANDALISED my car by drawing DICKS ON IT:

I couldn’t make this shit up if I tried. That said, the crookedness of the LAPD Wilshire division station just shows more and more and that is probably why they hated me during my time as a copwatcher because I was capable of exposing something much bigger, something more…

Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29142″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”]

That said, let me give you a backdrop:

A while back I got harassed – most notably, sexually – by these group of fiends who illegally tow cars (they got the burger king I believe on Wilshire Blvd in the 90048 zip code shut down since I feel that was one of their bases of operations in the city).

Now, this is where LAPD Wilshire comes into play. I was doing some internet “stalking” aka Google while working on ANOTHER article about this officer here (link to article):

I screenshot thus it is MY CREATION
I screenshot thus it is MY CREATION

…Officer Siordia. He owns Marconi Radio (here is Marconi Radio’s info: 8485 Glenoaks Blvd Suite 8, Sun Valley, California 818-240-1090

. That said, I came up and found out that he may be possibly linked with that tow truck company that tho. they use different name the addresses those DUMMIES write on their illegally possessed tow truck vehicles are the same: 8306 Wilshire Blvd, Beverly Hills, CA 90211

So I did some research and found out the business partner here who he is posing with:

Mike Siordia Biz 2





Looks very similar in the face to the guy you can see in the video up above (here are more screenshots to see who he may be possibly working with):

Mike Siordia Illegal Tow Truck Operator Partner PicAnd here is a side by side comparison between the two:

Note the same salt and black pepper hair along with same features...
Note the same salt and black pepper hair along with same features…






Again, here are more screenshots:

Here is another example of the SCUM Officer Siordia possibly works with, showing PORN on his cellphone to me!
Here is another example of the SCUM Officer Siordia possibly works with, showing PORN on his cellphone to me!


Here are the people HE works with:

Coast National 3 (1) Coast National 6





And they are STILL working to this day as can be seen here in this video taken on:

Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29183″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”]

That is why the LAPD Officer featured in the video above basically LIED and said that they were legal to operate. Not according to the Beverly Hills department of permits when I ran a check on their tow truck license umber which you can hear right here which is CA #179381:

Here is a screenshot of the illegally operating tow trucks showing PROOF of their illegally operating in the City of Los Angeles:

Coast National and M and L Towing 1It is against the LAW for the illegal tow truck operators to be operating in the City of Los Angeles. Just check this out here for proof:

That said, I always suspected that the LAPD at the Wilshire Community Police station were working with in collusion with these crooked tow truck drivers. That is why they defended them. That is why they hate ME because they knew the time would come that I would EXPOSE THEM! I am not done by a long shot!


If you have any comments, anything personal you wanna share, send me an email here: [email protected] Also, feel free to donate here: you like the content.

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